Does your program call for max effort singles or are you continuing to exercise your ego? Or both?
It was actually because I was told my squat wasn’t deep enough. So I figure I’d double check it . And if I go to that comp in the spring I needed to know if I could actually get low enough to get a competition worthy 315. And 315 went really well. So I figured since the last time I was stupor and just jumped from 315 to 335 I’d try but not such a big jump .
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You can practice your depth with a weight you can move. 225 and 315 is no different (you could even use 135).
It’s actually better to get the feeling (depth) on a manageable weight.
You don’t learn form with weights you can only rep once.
The sooner you learn to ignore your ego, the sooner you’ll be bigger and stronger.
Keep up the good work bud! I am impressed with how hard you are working. Just don't burn yourself out. It is good to have weeks with light weights and high reps and little rest, and weeks where you are focusing on low reps and high weights with plenty of rest. Save the 1 rep maxes for competition.
I have been questioning my 225lbs bench thinking it might have been assisted by the spotter . But I got a good clean 225lbs. I thought I’d try more but didn’t feel safe enough on the flat bench so I headed to the new smith machine for safety reasons. Being in a empty gym I managed to get up to two reps with 255lbs . 260lbs was a fail . Now I know that doesn’t mean I can go to the flat bench and press 255lbs . But it’s a start to the process. Now the 20 more pounds till I reach my goal
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I enjoy beating dead horses the same as everyone else but.....
Put your ego aside and work your muscles. Testing your 1RM does nothing but open you up to injury.
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