Been 40 yrs for me. Made me feel like I was part of the floor the next day and unmotivated. Fucked with my memory. Now old age is doing all of that wo pot so little need for assistance. I am prone to alot of PACs so anything that increases HR is out except exercise and sex. Still like expensive bourbon, wine and stout, but on a fixed income so that keeps it healthy. Love coffee, interesting it has zero effect on heart palpitations or BP, same with alcohol in moderation. However coffee, makes my essential tremor worse. Missouri skunk weed was our favorite, couple hits of that and people would find me standing against a door frame staring at some picture on the wall, totally fascinated. My buddy and I used to get stoned and then do Rorschach ink blots, he was an artist so lots of colors to use. We'd write down what we saw when we were stoned. The next day try to figure it out, pretty much told me it wasn't good for me. Our favorite (70's) was to take a piece of foil with lots of tiny holes in it, put it over the color tube TV (state of the art then), crank up some Zeppelin in a dark room and watch some TV show through the foil. Color lights dancing around. Yup, good to be young back then. Drugs of choice now, HRT and occassional VAR to keep my ass glued together.