Bobby Cole
- Jul 31, 2023
- 90
- 109
Yup, I’m old in age but not in ability. 74 going on 75 and still a natty bodybuilder.Um, two things, and a little weed history for younger people here.
1. You're old. But then again, so am I, because I used that term (lid) when buying an ounce in my teens.
2. You had no money when you were young.
Anybody paying that price meant you were buying dirt weed, but until the mid-late seventies, that was mostly all you could buy. Leaves, shake, seeds, stems, and a few pieces of bud mixed in. Literally dried in bulk in a clothes dryer. I don't think most people today realize just how nasty it was if you inadvertently left a seed in the bowl. Back then, though, weed was mostly coming from Mexico, they didn't know how to grow and process properly and they would tightly pack it for transport. You could solo an entire joint of the stuff and still function. I was in California and very quickly found sources for Cali bud at around $35 for 1/4 ounce for what was at the time top notch (but nothing like the stuff now). I was a total pothead between about 18-19, then quit until quite recently because I realized that it totally robbed me of all ambition. A very occasional thing now, and I don't like to get wrecked on it. For me, I wouldn't even attempt to lift on it, because my lifts would suck and these days I would never drive while high as I don't have a home gym. Also...marijuana *does* raise blood pressure while active in your system and is technically classified as a stimulant, so those with blood pressure issues should probably not bake and lift.
I started smoking the stuff in Nam and paid $1.00 for 20 pre-rolled, in a Marlboro or Winston pack, mixed bud and shake w/ no seeds.
Straight shake ran for about 50 cents and wasn’t pre-rolled.
When I ETS’d and went back home to New Orleans, after a bit I found that I preferred spending my money on 100 year old Ballantine Scotch and the ladies over spending anything at all to get stoned.