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Bobby Cole

Bobby Cole

Jul 31, 2023
Um, two things, and a little weed history for younger people here.
1. You're old. But then again, so am I, because I used that term (lid) when buying an ounce in my teens.
2. You had no money when you were young.

Anybody paying that price meant you were buying dirt weed, but until the mid-late seventies, that was mostly all you could buy. Leaves, shake, seeds, stems, and a few pieces of bud mixed in. Literally dried in bulk in a clothes dryer. I don't think most people today realize just how nasty it was if you inadvertently left a seed in the bowl. Back then, though, weed was mostly coming from Mexico, they didn't know how to grow and process properly and they would tightly pack it for transport. You could solo an entire joint of the stuff and still function. I was in California and very quickly found sources for Cali bud at around $35 for 1/4 ounce for what was at the time top notch (but nothing like the stuff now). I was a total pothead between about 18-19, then quit until quite recently because I realized that it totally robbed me of all ambition. A very occasional thing now, and I don't like to get wrecked on it. For me, I wouldn't even attempt to lift on it, because my lifts would suck and these days I would never drive while high as I don't have a home gym. Also...marijuana *does* raise blood pressure while active in your system and is technically classified as a stimulant, so those with blood pressure issues should probably not bake and lift.
Yup, I’m old in age but not in ability. 74 going on 75 and still a natty bodybuilder.

I started smoking the stuff in Nam and paid $1.00 for 20 pre-rolled, in a Marlboro or Winston pack, mixed bud and shake w/ no seeds.
Straight shake ran for about 50 cents and wasn’t pre-rolled.

When I ETS’d and went back home to New Orleans, after a bit I found that I preferred spending my money on 100 year old Ballantine Scotch and the ladies over spending anything at all to get stoned.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
It is fat soluble so lower by the better.
Found this interesting I always thought 30days ish.
  • For someone smoking cannabis for the first time, tests may detect it for about 3 days.
  • In someone who smokes cannabis three or four times per week, the detection window is 5–7 days.
  • For people who smoke cannabis once a day or more, tests may detect it in their system for 30 days or longer.
Don't work out before drug test!


Exercise will not significantly change the rate at which the body metabolizes THC. Exercising before a drug test, however, might.

A small study of 14 regular cannabis usersTrusted Source assesses the effects of 35 minutes of exercise on a stationary bike. The results conclude that THC concentrations increased by a statistically significant amount, suggesting that exercise right before a drug test may increase the likelihood of a positive test result.

The researchers believe that exercise may cause fat cells to release THC. In their results, people with higher BMI had more significant increases in THC levels.

@genetic freak your t3 theory holds water


For a drug test to be negative, the body must eliminate THC from the system, as well as metabolic chemicals that have links to THC. People with faster metabolisms typically eliminate THC more quickly than those with slower metabolisms.
I always went with the 30 day detection time as the standard, as well. It held up pretty true when I had to take people to get tested. I think those detection times you found are for the quick panel tests with a positive indicator at 50 ng/ml. I would do a quick panel on guys who claimed they only smoked once and it would come back negative in as little as a week later. However, when I would take them to get tested at a lab with a positive indicator at 15 ng/ml and they were still positive 3-4 weeks later.


VIP Member
Dec 11, 2022
Um, two things, and a little weed history for younger people here.
1. You're old. But then again, so am I, because I used that term (lid) when buying an ounce in my teens.
2. You had no money when you were young.

Anybody paying that price meant you were buying dirt weed, but until the mid-late seventies, that was mostly all you could buy. Leaves, shake, seeds, stems, and a few pieces of bud mixed in. Literally dried in bulk in a clothes dryer. I don't think most people today realize just how nasty it was if you inadvertently left a seed in the bowl. Back then, though, weed was mostly coming from Mexico, they didn't know how to grow and process properly and they would tightly pack it for transport. You could solo an entire joint of the stuff and still function. I was in California and very quickly found sources for Cali bud at around $35 for 1/4 ounce for what was at the time top notch (but nothing like the stuff now). I was a total pothead between about 18-19, then quit until quite recently because I realized that it totally robbed me of all ambition. A very occasional thing now, and I don't like to get wrecked on it. For me, I wouldn't even attempt to lift on it, because my lifts would suck and these days I would never drive while high as I don't have a home gym. Also...marijuana *does* raise blood pressure while active in your system and is technically classified as a stimulant, so those with blood pressure issues should probably not bake and lift.
I also grew up in CA 1974-1990 and you described the times perfectly.
I had the exact same experience as you back then.
It was tough to find and always full of seeds and compressed crap from Mexico unless you knew someone who lived up in the golden triangle who could hook you up.
As for use of marijuana and lifting, of course, it’s an individual preference.
Myself, I get hyped when using THC so it been a motivating substance for me.
As for mental focus during workouts, I meditate during my workouts and I don’t socialize in the gym at all so I find that use of MMJ actually helps me in meditation which results in greater focus and the mind body/separation I can achieve allows me to do sets without feeling any physical pain.
I’ve practiced meditation for mental focus and its ability to block pain for the past two decades.
Also, I listen to music on my headphones while working out and it all just sounds better.
I can empathize with people who suffer anxiety issues on weed. It’s not for everyone.
Just the same as alcohol is not for me. It’s much worse for one’s health and wellbeing.
I consider cannabis to be a much healthier alternative to just about every other substance people utilize for both mental and physical relief.
I’m rated 100% disabled for combat related ptsd and cannabis has been a life changer for me.
I also stopped using it for about 25 years because I had other priorities such as family and military career that weren’t compatible with marijuana use.
But my kids are all grown and out of the house doing well and I’m retired so my circumstances are much more favorable these days.
I much prefer that the industry is licensed and regulated rigidly than the way it used be 20-30 years ago when you really had no idea what you were getting but it was almost always guaranteed to be low quality and full of pesticides.
I’ve actually embraced the regulated industry and even gone so far as to get wholesalers license.
You’d be shocked how little dispensaries pay growers for what they charge retail customers.
The markups can be in the thousand percentile at times but are typically around 10X the wholesale price.
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VIP Member
Dec 11, 2022
Yup, I’m old in age but not in ability. 74 going on 75 and still a natty bodybuilder.

I started smoking the stuff in Nam and paid $1.00 for 20 pre-rolled, in a Marlboro or Winston pack, mixed bud and shake w/ no seeds.
Straight shake ran for about 50 cents and wasn’t pre-rolled.

When I ETS’d and went back home to New Orleans, after a bit I found that I preferred spending my money on 100 year old Ballantine Scotch and the ladies over spending anything at all to get stoned.
I lived in Thailand during the early 90’s and you could go just about anywhere and buy a pack or a carton of Marlboros all sealed up just like the real thing and they would be marijuana cigarettes instead of tobacco.
You could also walk into a pharmacy and buy anything you want OTC for pennies on the dollar.


VIP Member
Dec 11, 2022
I always went with the 30 day detection time as the standard, as well. It held up pretty true when I had to take people to get tested. I think those detection times you found are for the quick panel tests with a positive indicator at 50 ng/ml. I would do a quick panel on guys who claimed they only smoked once and it would come back negative in as little as a week later. However, when I would take them to get tested at a lab with a positive indicator at 15 ng/ml and they were still positive 3-4 weeks later.
At a time when I was a daily cannabis user I did test positive as far out as 45 days.
Amount of consumption, THC % and overall metabolism are three main factors.
I have also passed the same test just four days after smoking just one time and only staying well hydrated with water.
These days, marijuana tests don’t just test for active THC-19 but all of its metabolites, so the residual components of metabolized THC can also trigger a positive result well after the THC itself has dissipated.
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VIP Member
Dec 11, 2022
As far as exercising and how it may affect a test.
My experience has been that it really depends on your bf%.
If you’re relatively lean, doing cardio along with water is helpful for flushing your system and may produce a beneficial outcome.
On the other hand, if you’re more in the mid to upper bf% range, like most Americans, I believe that exercising before a drug test may actually burn fat and cause a releasing of THC metabolites into your urine resulting in an ever higher concentration and greater chance of failing a drug screen.
In my state, they just passed a law that protects workers from being fired if they fail a drug test while possessing a valid MMJ card.
It’s hypocritical for a state government to legislatively validate medical use of cannabis but not provide legal protections for patients at the same time.


Jun 8, 2023
Marijuana use and its impact on muscle building can vary from person to person. While it's true that THC can cause anxiety in some individuals, which may lead to increased cortisol levels, it's not the same for everyone.


VIP Member
Jun 16, 2020
Yup, I’m old in age but not in ability. 74 going on 75 and still a natty bodybuilder.

I started smoking the stuff in Nam and paid $1.00 for 20 pre-rolled, in a Marlboro or Winston pack, mixed bud and shake w/ no seeds.
Straight shake ran for about 50 cents and wasn’t pre-rolled.

When I ETS’d and went back home to New Orleans, after a bit I found that I preferred spending my money on 100 year old Ballantine Scotch and the ladies over spending anything at all to get stoned.
I was going to say, you must be older than me (62 soon to be 63, Feb.) because it was a "lid" for me too and Colombian and Acapulco Gold was $35 a lid in 78-79 in the midwest. When I got stationed in California in '79 (Travis AFB), it was $35/quarter oz out there. I was ready to go home and buy some and take it back to sell but I was way to scared. LOL


VIP Member
Jan 28, 2011
Can't stand it. Gives me anxiety and makes me paranoid as fuck.
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