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TightGlutes Log/Pics Prep For Figure



TID VIP Lady Member
May 1, 2012
i was prepping for my 2nd year competing in figure still not fully healed in my shoulders and knees. I had to stop i could not go one workout without hurting something. I have been out of the gym for 2 months. recovering and taking care of other health issues. Have lost my shoulders still have some back definition and biceps and tris. and still have my lovely legs. thats genetics. I was out the other day and i was talking to my boyfriend saying the waitress had nice breast implants and i wish i had the balls to complaint her lol and when we were leaving she came up to me and said my legs were amazing and she wishes she had legs like that LOL no I did not mention her bobbies but if there was a time to do it that would have been then LOL . Any new girls competing or new to AAS that have questions you can PM me.


TID VIP Lady Member
May 1, 2012
So i just started back up after 4 months off. I feel like a complete newbie but has all the knowledge. Weak as shit and sore as shit after and during my workouts. I am taking it very slow this time. I have also been off of all supps even caffeine for the 4 months also. I still take all my joint supps, MTV, and fish oil. I have been during lots of stretching and want to start doing yoga every 2 weeks. I feel like i need to get a game plan down on paper because at the moment i am all over the place with my training doing back every day because that's the only thing that does not bother my shoulders as much. I want to start my old split again doing weights one day and cardio the next till i start felling fit again. THIS TIME I DON'T WANT TO LOOK FIT I WANT TO BE FIT TO.
QUESTION: any stretching exercises you can recommend pre-intro-post work out??? i already do all the rotator cuff ones at the moment.
Injures (still): Ankle tendinitis, Knee pain, Hip adductor problems. Lower back pain, shoulder issues, bicep tendinitis, elbow issues as well as wrist problems both arms. Still a hot mess but working on fixing it and getting better. Any input would be helpful.


TID VIP Lady Member
May 1, 2012
plx bear with my criticism... not trying to be a prick. I've had/still have all of your injury you have and I can help you. first i must address that there's no reason for you to be struggling with those issues. you already mentioned that its from going too heavy but its not like you're squatting 405lbs.. either you were taking wrong advice and/or you weren't warmed up enough(will get to this in a bit).

looking from the pic, i can tell you have some structural issues like tight hip flexors and lack hamstring development(explains the knee issue) and your traps need more direct work(explains shoulder issue and prob bicep as well on shoulder joint). It also seem like you need direct internal rotator work judging from your ability to expand your scapula(lat spread). neglecting any muscle group(even chest) IMO is a mistake, you just need to make sure all muscles are in balance in terms of balance to ensure you stay injury free.

why your joints hurt...
1. tight hip flexors basically shut down your glutes from firing. squatting/leg pressing require actions all 3(quads/glutes/hams) thats 3 muscles VS 2 or 1 muscles doing al the work. knees are taking a beating every time you squat.

2. lagging hamstrings. aside from visual imablance, lack of hamstring makes knee cap track froward when the knee bears weight like when you're squatting, torn patella can result from this. hamstring track the knee back in place and allows fro safe squatting.

3. lagging trap. traps are major stabilizer for every upper body exercise. some trainers recommend against direct trap work but I disagree. all the injuries surrounding wrist, elbows, and shoulder stem from neck issues and having enough muscles(balanced) in trap/neck is very important!

4. internal rotators. they assist in stabilizing shoulder joint and keeps the humerous in AC joint(keep from dislocating). ever do chest press and seem like one shoulder appears wider while doing a set? thats the symptoms of underactive subscapularis(an internal rotator). keep in mind front delt, pecs, and lats are all internal rotators as well.

1. knee issue: start every leg session with foam rolling(work on quads, IT, piriformis, calves, hams, and spine in that order)then do intense leg curls. I prefer seated leg curl for this. 3 warm up sets x 15 alternating then do 4th set for heavy all out 15 reps followed by 2 drop sets of 10 reps(25% less weight each drop), then go back to the heaviest weight and do 20 1/4 reps in stretch portion of the exercise. alternate every sets of leg curls with stretch drill explained below.
stretch drill: take a long step froward like a deep walking lunge and place both hands on each side of leading foot. push your hips down and forward so you feel stretch on front knee, front upper hamstring/groin, and hip flexor in hind leg. now keep the hands where they are and attempt to straighten up front leg by lifting your butt up and back. you'll feel intense stretch on entire hamstring and calf on your front leg and feel the quad fire up. keep both feet and hands where they are and repeat 5 more times. then repeat other leg.

2. lagging hams: partially solved by leg curls... but now you must use them on squats and leg press. with hamstrings and hips loose, you'll notice getting deep on squat no longer seem difficult. keep the sqaut to parallel for few weeks then attempt to increase depth as your knees get better(they will). follow squats with leg press pushing on heels for more qlute recruitment. finish leg session with light stiff legged deadlifts to stretch hams out. calves can be done on leg day or separate days if your legs are shot.

3. lagging trap: hit all 3 region, upper/mid/lower. do your deadlifts and face pulls. also start every reps of lat pulldown with shrugging yopur shouler down first, then pull with elbows. i also recommend YTWL on incline bench facing down. many youtube videos on this...

4. internal rotators: simply start every upper body workout with a set of internal/external rotators, 20 reps each. then activate the target muscle with an isolation movement before doing compound(flyes for chest, pullovers for lats, laterals for delts)

how to keep muscles in balance, visually and strength wise?once your joints heal up, start ground level up, just like any hardcore BB's. that means building your legs, back, then shoulder girdle. strong legs will aid in strong back, which then aid in strong shoulders. consider low bar squats to keep chest open and neck/trap loose. deads and bb rows for proper shoulder alignment(think scapula) through trap/upper back development, which will support your pressing strength.

hope you can find these info helpful. you do have beautiful natural shape and you can do well in shows.

This is good and will follow this now i have no stress of a comp over my head.


VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
TG, I'd recommend you read "Becoming a Supple Lepoard" by Kelly Starett. It will help you with joint mobility which in turn will help with stability and having healthy joints which mean less or even no pain. Many of us have read that book and it's been a huge help for us.


TID VIP Lady Member
May 1, 2012
TG, I'd recommend you read "Becoming a Supple Lepoard" by Kelly Starett. It will help you with joint mobility which in turn will help with stability and having healthy joints which mean less or even no pain. Many of us have read that book and it's been a huge help for us.

I will look into it thank you BI


TID Lady Member
Aug 16, 2011
^^ Also just bought this book & working w/ my chiro/pt on dealing w/ a variety of push/pull imbalances. The biggest shoulder issue I have right now is overstretched ligaments - propagates to all my other issues including elbow /wrist tendonitis, should gets tired quickly, the other side is locking up to compensate for the slackness in the right side - it goes on & on. Ligaments take 36 months to regenerate so I'm working w/ my chiro on a 36 month program of cycles of intense rehab and 6-8 weeks of settle in / maintenance and repeat to give the new ligaments a correct structure to grow into. Its long, slow and cyclically intense. I agree w/ all of the stuff myosaurus posted at the beginning of this thread and I'm doing most of it as well. Flexibility / mobility and push/pull balance / functiionally correct activities are you saviour!

Also Kelly Starrett has a great selection of videos on youtube that help as well. Lots of good basic knowledge.

Also a huge fan of Joe DeFranco's, now updated Agile 8 --> Limber 11

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TID VIP Lady Member
May 1, 2012
so i went to a rheumatologist regarding all my joint pain. He told me my jonits are fine and that i have fibromyalgia. I was thinking that might be the problem because i do have CRPS from my jaw issues. So all the pain i am feeling is nerve related. I have a go see a pain/ neuro specialist to get me on the right medications to help my problem. I have not been to the gym in 2 weeks do to a shoulder injury possibly RC. I go see the orthopedic in a week to see if its a tear. If not i'm going back again and give it another run. Anyone have fibromyalgia and lift and if so how do to deal with the pain? I am thinking about starting a low dose of DECA just for joint support 25mg week. i am also on prescription meds Klonopin .5mg QID ( 4 times a day) and lyrica 25mg every day sometimes 2 times a day. The Lyrica gives he facial twitches so i can't go on a high dose of that. I just started elavil at a low dose also. The rheumatologist said that might help if i don't get sides. We will see. Will let you guys know what the ortho doc says next week. Wish me luck :-*


Dec 17, 2013
my grandma's sister born 1910(?) and died in the end of last century ... I think she had a little Psoriasis -
her Dermatologist advised her to go to the Dead Sea in Israel for holiday


TID VIP Lady Member
May 1, 2012
my grandma's sister born 1910(?) and died in the end of last century ... I think she had a little Psoriasis -
her Dermatologist advised her to go to the Dead Sea in Israel for holiday

don't have the funds for that right now. I wish


VIP Member
Jan 27, 2013
What does Psoriasis have to do with it?
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