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US military veterans heed Occupy rallying cry



Sep 29, 2010
That's a lot of work Marx and it is appreciated. LOVE your sources! I would suggest using the IRS or the Congressional Budget Office. That way you get balanced BS.

The interesting part of this is that you rail against corporations and financial institutions that the "occupiers" purportedly despise.....but these morons (if they even vote) will most likely vote for the other morons that FORCED THROUGH the bailouts. They should be occupying the WHITE HOUSE AND CONGRESS. Follow the leads back to Washington. But they won't do that. Because the funds paying for their occupation also come from Washington as does the moral support of President Obama.

The Tea Party and the occupiers are ultimately protesting the same things - bailouts going to the people that caused the problems. However, the Tea Party is directing their ire properly (in my opinion) and the occupiers have no clue.

Thanks brother- I like and understand the balanced BS part, LOL`

The roots of the problem, overall, in large terms is the repeal of Glass-Steagall act keeping banking, insurance and security institutions apart. That and lack of regulation. Some folks, sadly, tend to enrich themselves when the cookie jar is open to them. Think of the Enron execs making their employees buy Enron stock for their retirement funds when they themselves were dumping it.

I truly care CC, that is why I take the time. I know folks actually standing up for what the believe in a couple cities. They do it to honor the promise that is our country- we went from shining light upon the hill to corrupt place where money trumps votes.

Fuck- late for work! Peace!


TID Board Of Directors
Oct 17, 2010
Thanks brother- I like and understand the balanced BS part, LOL`

The roots of the problem, overall, in large terms is the repeal of Glass-Steagall act keeping banking, insurance and security institutions apart. That and lack of regulation. Some folks, sadly, tend to enrich themselves when the cookie jar is open to them. Think of the Enron execs making their employees buy Enron stock for their retirement funds when they themselves were dumping it.

I truly care CC, that is why I take the time. I know folks actually standing up for what the believe in a couple cities. They do it to honor the promise that is our country- we went from shining light upon the hill to corrupt place where money trumps votes.

Fuck- late for work! Peace!

This repealed Glass-Steagall

This is the make-up of the House and Senate during the 106th Congress. (Majority Republican)
HOWEVER, the Great Bill Clinton, Surplus Creator, (and soon to be President of the World), SIGNED the legislation.
106th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So the financial meltdown was created by BOTH PARTIES.

AIG - 77% owned by the US Government. Getting back into lending.
Fannie/Freddie - Handing out bonuses and asking/begging for more taxpayer money.
The list goes on and on....but these are not being occupied. Why not?

Tea Party and the Occupiers need to get together and go to Washington. The Tea Party can provide permits and port-o-potties.....the Occupiers can, well, protest the money being wasted by our government. (Common goal, I think)

Don't cuss at me you bastid! LOL

Have a good one brother sir!!!
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TID Board Of Directors
Oct 17, 2010

I am so happy Jesus was used in this thread. However, I believe the cartoonist was making a point USING Jesus that Jesus would not himself make.

One must read the story of the "Money changers" and attempt to understand "Why" Jesus threw them out of the Temple. Jesus Chases the Moneychangers Out of the Temple

Secondly, when Jesus is used it is usually in one of two ways: (1) The person citing Jesus is a believer, or (2) the person citing Jesus is making fun of believers. THERE IS NO IN BETWEEN.

If we have any Bible scholars here:
(1) please post some passages (from the Bible) where Jesus advocated TAKING from one person or group and GIVING to another person or group.
(2) Please post some passages where Jesus says we should hate rich people or be jealous of what they have.
(3) Please post a passage where Jesus stages a protest advocating/opposing a political position.

Christianity (Christ's way) is the only PROACTIVE religion on the earth. DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE DONE UNTO YOU. "DO!" He does not say, "sit and wait" or "go take what is yours" or "You should be jealous and covet that which is not yours."

Most religions and philosophies are based on doing nothing to others. That is why life is not valued in other countries as it is (or once was) in here in America.
Chinese girl run over by a car dies - Telegraph

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

I really can't believe that the guy in the cartoon is the same Jesus I know. LOL

Thank you again brother Marx for bringing Jesus into the thread. I LOVE YOU BRO!



VIP Member
Oct 11, 2011
Nowhere in my post did I say I didn't have sympathy for a Vet did I? However, they choose to go fight in the war, and yes it is horrible when one is killed or injured in the war, never once did I say it wasn't? So the Vet who was picked over me was a lazy slob and didn't do the job, I on the otherhand was hired somewhere else and ran circles around this person until I went on a disability. Just because your a Vet you shouldn't get extra points, prove you deserve them.


Sep 24, 2011
I believe that if we did away with the current tax system and if everyone one and every business paid a flat tax on income ex. 10% of all money collected then not only would the tax loop holes close but all would pay their fair share and none would be discriminated against. Plus we could do away with 80% of the IRS (just a wild guess) save that money. Not trying to cause a argument just my very humble two cents. I look forward to your replies.

Great reply PP.No cause for argument from me.Im no better or worse than you and I appreciate your input.I also think there may be something to a flat tax rate.Don't think it could be worse than it is now.


Sep 24, 2011
Amazing posts Marx.Great input and statistics.


Sep 24, 2011
With you Irish serving 27 years and I am not down with the bongo and shitting in the street. I'm further not impressed with a small number of disenfranchised former service members acting like they represent the rest of us who are currently serving or are veterans. They don't hold a ton of water in my books.

Halo,its not about beating a bongo,its about fighting for whats right man.You say you're not about that.Well thats not something to be proud of its something to be shameful for brother.Keeping quiet about the failing economy and gov't is not a good thing.As for the Vets there who says they are speaking for all Vets? Or anyone for that matter.They are speaking for themselves who have first hand experience with getting screwed over.What seems to be overlooked by many here is that you,or me or anyone else is no better than any other person.These guys are war Vets getting their skulls fractured for holding a non-violent protest?? You're ok with this because you don't agree with their cause?You being a 27 yr Vet as you claim and calling these war Vets losers is quite surprising! What they do represent is the many many people that are joining these protests worldwide! So as the number of these people protesting grows,the people against it are fast becoming a minority.

Speaking up and fighting for whats right is part of America brother.Thats what the constitution was written for.You may want to look over it again and realize it was meant for the people against the wrongs of their govt oppression,not the other way around.So these citizens are speaking up? God for them.Freedom of speech is part of whats made America great.


Sep 24, 2011
Do you want to be part of the 1% in terms of wealth and job creation?
Am I evil if I am part of the 1% or if I am busting my ass daily to get there?

"Hating America and most of what made her great." The Occupiers

The problem is most of these elite in no way busted their asses to get where they are.They played the game at misuse of the system and in doing so hurt everyday working class which did and still does bust their asses everyday.

Hating America is not the issue.Hating the corruption that Americas leaders have used and abused is the issue.


Sep 24, 2011
Nowhere in my post did I say I didn't have sympathy for a Vet did I? However, they choose to go fight in the war, and yes it is horrible when one is killed or injured in the war, never once did I say it wasn't? So the Vet who was picked over me was a lazy slob and didn't do the job, I on the otherhand was hired somewhere else and ran circles around this person until I went on a disability. Just because your a Vet you shouldn't get extra points, prove you deserve them.

And that's why I said "if that's what you're saying.

Guys,lets all try and be civil here.Things are getting too heated amongst each other as we all know they can get when it involves Politics and religion.That just means that everyone is passionate about these topics and let their emotions get the better of them.We can all discuss things without getting insulting.We're all adults,lets try and act like it and post your opinions but treat each other respectfully.



TID Official Lab Rat
Jul 22, 2011
Halo,its not about beating a bongo,its about fighting for whats right man.You say you're not about that.Well thats not something to be proud of its something to be shameful for brother.Keeping quiet about the failing economy and gov't is not a good thing.As for the Vets there who says they are speaking for all Vets? Or anyone for that matter.They are speaking for themselves who have first hand experience with getting screwed over.What seems to be overlooked by many here is that you,or me or anyone else is no better than any other person.These guys are war Vets getting their skulls fractured for holding a non-violent protest?? You're ok with this because you don't agree with their cause?You being a 27 yr Vet as you claim and calling these war Vets losers is quite surprising! What they do represent is the many many people that are joining these protests worldwide! So as the number of these people protesting grows,the people against it are fast becoming a minority.

Speaking up and fighting for whats right is part of America brother.Thats what the constitution was written for.You may want to look over it again and realize it was meant for the people against the wrongs of their govt oppression,not the other way around.So these citizens are speaking up? God for them.Freedom of speech is part of whats made America great.
You said you have served so you should know that any time you are in uniform, especially when dealing with the media, you represent all of the military.
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