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Quick belly loss



Senior Member
May 11, 2014
Oh I'm not doubting you at all, but rather emphasizing a few simple facts.

First generic GH is BUNK no exceptions! Second no serum test currently available can determine the CONCENTRATION, EFFICACY or QUALITY of a GH product, that my friend may ONLY be done by analyzing the product itself.

And that is exactly what pharm grade manufacturers MUST do to sell "PH grade" rHGH!

I agree with your points except the statement that anything but pharm grade gh is bunk. U have valid points in regards to knowing quality or potency I can't argue that one bit.

I'm curious to see what the test results yield just the same. I'll post back when I find out.
dr jim

dr jim

Apr 7, 2014
I agree with your points except the statement that anything but pharm grade gh is bunk. U have valid points in regards to knowing quality or potency I can't argue that one bit.

I'm curious to see what the test results yield just the same. I'll post back when I find out.

Fair enough. But bear this in mind. Since NO rHGG facility produces a "generic" product just where are generics manufactured, using what technology.

I mean we are not talking about some new UG AAS lab mate, because the startup costs for rHGH lab approximate A MILLION BUCKS and that's something these generic crooks will never fund!



Senior Member
May 11, 2014
Fair enough. But bear this in mind. Since NO rHGG facility produces a "generic" product just where are generics manufactured, using what technology.

I mean we are not talking about some new UG AAS lab mate, because the startup costs for rHGH lab approximate A MILLION BUCKS and that's something these generic crooks will never fund!


I get what u are laying down I do. Fwiw I told him no way it's real gh at those prices! He is best friends with the supplier and said well I thought it was bull shit too and told him I'm getting labs. He said if it's fake u can have your money back as I eat at his place daily for lunch. I said ok fair enough !
dr jim

dr jim

Apr 7, 2014
I get what u are laying down I do. Fwiw I told him no way it's real gh at those prices! He is best friends with the supplier and said well I thought it was bull shit too and told him I'm getting labs. He said if it's fake u can have your money back as I eat at his place daily for lunch. I said ok fair enough !

Sounds like a plan to me, but considering my earlier comments about GH testing how will you KNOW if this GH product is GTG?

Good luck regardless.
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Senior Member
May 11, 2014
Because my friend is testing it on himself remember? I'm not sure the confusion? Are u speculation maybe he got the one good box ? Lol


Sep 10, 2011
I made the best gains of my life using generic hgh. Again bodybuilding is something you learn by doing - not reading or researching . While past year many Chinese hgh has been found to be bunk . Making it difficult but to say all is bunk is overboard . Hey when the internet was born only couple boards how did we know ? Trial and error . Know and trust your supplier because they have been around for years not months. Ya can say the same about AAS but after while ya know who is gtg- the beauty if the community . At the same time and this happens more often then bunk anything : knoobs having no idea how to lift, eat or take anything then blame it. On gear , when it's really their own lack of exoerience .


Senior Member
May 11, 2014
I made the best gains of my life using generic hgh. Again bodybuilding is something you learn by doing - not reading or researching . While past year many Chinese hgh has been found to be bunk . Making it difficult but to say all is bunk is overboard . Hey when the internet was born only couple boards how did we know ? Trial and error . Know and trust your supplier because they have been around for years not months. Ya can say the same about AAS but after while ya know who is gtg- the beauty if the community . At the same time and this happens more often then bunk anything : knoobs having no idea how to lift, eat or take anything then blame it. On gear , when it's really their own lack of exoerience .

Well said! I know exactly what u mean! Got a few young bucks at work. 1 is strong as hell but his diet is shit. He always asks why he doesn't grow when he lifts more then me. I keep trying to explain it's all about the food! U can not run a nitro methane dragster on 85 octane! Gotta feed it nitro!
As u said trail and error! I had all the motivation in the world when I was younger but my diet sucked then.
dr jim

dr jim

Apr 7, 2014
I made the best gains of my life using generic hgh. Again bodybuilding is something you learn by doing - not reading or researching . While past year many Chinese hgh has been found to be bunk . Making it difficult but to say all is bunk is overboard . Hey when the internet was born only couple boards how did we know ? Trial and error . Know and trust your supplier because they have been around for years not months. Ya can say the same about AAS but after while ya know who is gtg- the beauty if the community . At the same time and this happens more often then bunk anything : knoobs having no idea how to lift, eat or take anything then blame it. On gear , when it's really their own lack of exoerience .

Yep and I've heard similar support from MANY who have used generic GH now and in the past. However how do people KNOW their GH is responsible for gains achieved when the are also cycling 3-4 AAS, peptides, AIs, and protein supplements? They don't know and anything else is conjecture.

People believe what they want to believe and no one wants to believe they were a victim of some scammer or God forbid a placebo effect.

This I KNOW, of the several I've tested in the remote past all were concocted BUNK!

Why oh why are mates surprised when I say this? Probably because most have no idea what exactly is required to manufacture rHGH. Try ONE MILLION BUCKS, two to the PhD scientists familiar with recombinant technology, and a means of testing it's purity, and that's just a few of the requirements.


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dr jim

dr jim

Apr 7, 2014
Yep and I've heard similar support from MANY who have used generic GH now and in the past. However how do people KNOW their GH is responsible for gains achieved when the are also cycling 3-4 AAS, peptides, AIs, and protein supplements? They don't know and anything else is conjecture.

People believe what they want to believe and no one wants to believe they were a victim of some scammer or God forbid a placebo effect.

This I KNOW, of the several I've tested in the remote past all were concocted BUNK!

Why oh why are mates surprised when I say this? Probably because most have no idea what exactly is required to manufacture rHGH. Try ONE MILLION BUCKS, two to the PhD scientists familiar with recombinant technology, and a means of testing it's purity, and that's just a few of the requirements.



I will also add it's my understanding some of the "first" Jins were GTG because they were literally stolen or black market re-sales of the WHO approved rHGH product "Jintropins".

This was indeed the exception but "Jins" were NOT produced by an UGL but by a facility in China, operated by the PhD scientist "Jin"..

Eventually however Jin lost his production rights and the patent was transferred to another China based manufacturer.
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New Member
Jul 9, 2014
more physical activity is very necessary to get rid from belly fat.


Sep 11, 2014
For two weeks I would say try intermittent fasting. I wrote this in another post but ill give you the details here.

you can burn more fat in just 14 hours than most people do in a week of regular dieting.
When you do intermittent fasting…

You're going to fast meaning you eat nothing or eat no calories for 14-to-20 hours followed by a shorter 4-to-10 hour period where you eat all the calories you need to eat to lose weight or build muscle (choose the right number of calories based on your diet plan) and…

You keep repeating that 24 hour cycle of fasting for 14-to-20 hours followed by 4-to-10 hours of feasting over & over until you've reached your fat loss goal
1. Intermittent fasting forces your body to burn more fat

2. Intermittent Fasting increases your energy & metabolism because…
As your blood sugar/energy levels gets lower & lower as you fast…

Your body is going respond to this by re-energizing you by releasing more adrenaline (or norepinephrine) which will cause you to have more energy, be more alert and be more focused but more importantly…
As your body release adrenaline it forces your body to burn fat in order for you to get that much needed energy after your blood sugar drops

3. Intermittent Fasting naturally increases HGH -HGH is a fat burning hormone that will also help you maintain your muscle mass while fasting so…

4. Intermittent Fasting eventually eliminates your hunger & cravings so…
This will absolutely cause you to lose weight faster because you'll end up eating less due to less hunger & cravings and when you first start intermittent fasting…

The cravings & hunger will still be there but as YOU & YOUR body get used to fasting…

Your hunger levels will go down and your cravings will eventually go away.
Don't worry about losing any muscle while fasting unless you fast for over 72 hours which you won't be with Intermittent Fasting.

here's an example intermittent fasting schedule over a 24 hour period where you fast for 16 hours and eat over an 8 hour period…

Sunday night at 8pm: You finish eating your last meal.
Sunday night at 11pm: You go to bed (so far you fasted for 3 hours)
Monday morning at 7am: You wake up (so far you fasted for 11 hours)
Monday 7am-to-12pm: You only spend 5 hours awake fasting
Monday at 12pm (noon): You've fasted a full 16 hours
Monday from 12pm-to-8pm: You eat 2+ meals at anytime during this period eating an exact amount of calories as laid out by your current diet plan.
Monday night at 8pm: Begin 16 hour fast

But you can schedule your intermittent fasting anyway you want as long as you're fasting 14-to-20 hours and feasting 4-to-10 hours per day.

As you fast or not eat anything for long periods of time your blood sugar gets lower & lower and when this happens…
Your body has no choice but to start burning your body fat for energy to keep you alive, functioning properly and to do all your daily activities and technically…
Your body fat is just the accumulation of all the excess calories you overate so every time you eat too much…

Your body takes those excess calories, stores it as body fat and uses it as a backup source of energy when you create a calorie or energy deficit from exercising more and/or eating less (like in any normal weight loss plan) but…
Your body is also forced to mostly only burn body fat as your blood sugar energy levels get low when you fast for 14+ hours


Sep 11, 2014
How to work out while fasting

You'll burn a lot more fat working out while fasting than if you workout during your feasting (eating) period but...
You want to save your more intense workouts (like intervals or muscle building workouts) right before your first meal when you're almost at the end of your fast because surprisingly…

Your energy levels will be higher (because of more adrenaline being released) so you'll be able to workout much longer, harder and lift heavier also helping you burn fast faster and if possible…

You could also do a lot of shorter 15-to-45 minute low-to-moderate intensity workouts like walking in the park or riding a bike to burn more fat before your 4-to-10 hour feasting period but if working out fasted scares you…

Then simply break-your-fast with a small meal and then workout
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