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  1. PillarofBalance

    Wrecked on Treehouse

    Holy shit LK, the Haze, Julius and Super Typhoon so far. Met up with a friend for breakfast in the People's Republic of Cambridge and he had a fridge stocked with it. Gave me a variety pack for the road. Oh and if you are in the area, Sofra in Cambridge was amazing. Turkish coffee, pastries...
  2. PillarofBalance

    Lizard King

    I want you inside me for Christmas
  3. PillarofBalance

    Official Strength First Announcement

    New policy for clients. If you wind up on this instagram page we are thru...
  4. PillarofBalance

    Gre info

    I am in my final semester for my undergrad. Once that's done I am scheduling my GRE for the summer. I have applications for my Masters ready to go out to Harvard, BU and George Washington. I have asked all the schools how much weight they give the GRE and they basically all said the same...
  5. PillarofBalance

    Mobility Work for Powerlifting - How much, when, should you?

    When to supple, when not to supple and how much should I supple? Mobility is all the rage. Has been for a while now. Why is that though? You don’t hear Ed Coan talk about his mobility work he did prior to training do you? No, you don’t. Does that mean it’s all hipster crap? Maybe a little bit...
  6. PillarofBalance

    Usp labs auction for relentless

    USP Labs was kind enough to donate a box of goodies for me to auction off as part of my fundraising efforts for Relentless... So here is what's up for auction: 1 bottle (90 caps) of epiburn pro. This stuff is fire when stacked with ephedrine 6.6 ounce tub of modern creatine - instantized...
  7. PillarofBalance

    Relentless Detroit Fundraiser

    If you don't know what Relentless is... Check out this video This is a huge charity powerlifting event that supports many families with children who are facing issues greater than anything you or I have likely dealt with. These are true life and death matters, not just some stressful thing...
  8. PillarofBalance

    The disgruntled uncooperative ankle

    Simply look at a human being as they stand, walk, squat or perform anything in motion or athletic and you will see one commonality among it all. Their entire base of support is the foot. Because of the laws of gravity, that foot is what makes contact with the ground. Yet look at how we neglect...
  9. PillarofBalance

    RPE System of Training

    Let’s talk about RPE, its benefits and how to program or at least how to transition into an RPE controlled program. What is it? Getting stronger requires two things; high intensity levels in training, meaning go heavy as well as management of fatigue levels. Some of us have experienced this...
  10. PillarofBalance

    Footwear for sumo deads

    Unlike conventional deadlifting, sumo requires you to push out in the sides of your feet... so you need appropriate footwear. I use these
  11. PillarofBalance

    Hip Impingement / FAI / AIS: Mobilization and Strengthening of the Medial Rotators

    Over the last month I have had four experienced powerlifters complaining of a burning or stabbing pain in their anterior hip. Each one has found squatting to be painful; sometimes almost too painful to perform, particularly at the point they break parallel. One of the four actually included...
  12. PillarofBalance

    Meadows V. Loyd

    I seriously almost peed myself when I saw this... How in Earth does this know nothing think he can stack up against Meadows?
  13. PillarofBalance

    Cutting Weight for the Meet

    The easiest advice I can give to someone who is considering cutting weight to compete in a lower weight class is simply this: Don’t Here at Strength First, we don’t typically provide nutrition plans because frankly there are people that are much better at it then I. I won’t pretend to be an...
  14. PillarofBalance

    Powerlifting Meet Cycles

    First, I of course must state that I don’t condone the use of illegal drugs of any kind, nor do I condone cheating. If your federation is drug free then you should not be using anabolic/androgenic steroids at all. Additionally, there is much to learn about these drugs. This is not asprin where...
  15. PillarofBalance

    Chronic Elbow Pain and the Olympic Barbell

    I can confidently state that at least 80% of the people I train with are complaining about chronic elbow pain. And no matter how much they floss their elbows, stretch the biceps and triceps nothing seems to alleviate this pain. It seems to ache the worst on squat days and will often times...
  16. PillarofBalance

    Single Lift Programming: Deadlift

    We’ve all seen plenty of articles titled pretty much the same – “5 things you are doing wrong when deadlifting” “7 things to improve your deadlift” and on and on they are published. I have found many of those “things” they reference to be detrimental to some of the men and women I have coached...
  17. PillarofBalance

    Considering Your First Meet?

    From time to time, I am either approached or meet someone who is training hard in the gym and they have that voice in the back of their head to compete. Nobody really knows where it comes from, but one day it sneaks up on you and there are they whispers in your sub-conscious – “Hey… Do it. Do...
  18. PillarofBalance

    Postural Concerns in Lifters

    Yeah ok, a lesson in physiology is pretty uninteresting to most. Is the ability to hold a plank really going to do anything for your squat? If you can squat 500lbs obviously the trunk muscles are pretty strong right? Well yeah, if you can support heavy loads on your back then yes. Your trunk...
  19. PillarofBalance

    Throwback cocktails

    There is a resurgence in the Boston bar scene of "throwback" cocktails and frankly I am a fan. I never really used to drink much liquor outside of scotches. Lately I have been trying out all sorts of tequilas. Then gin. It's opened some doors... I got married on Saturdat and we stayed at a...
  20. PillarofBalance

    Whole grains and protein making you fat?

    So I have been studying nutrition heavily the last few months. A lot of really great information is out there and I put it to work right away. I cut my weight down about 20 pounds with easy and my strength went up. But I am left with two questions... First, why are whole grains stressed so...