TID Board Of Directors
- Feb 3, 2011
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Firstly PLEASE I ment NO disrespect!!
Okay what my point was is that "noobs" need to learn disipline and patients ,When a person makes the decision to use gear we all know that it is a choice not to be taken lightly.We need to really think about this,Do our research read research some more.........Than more thought.
I am just pointing out that a newbie is in a rush to go like hell and just get juicen "come on let me take more,This isnt happening fast enough!"
This is where your points come into play to help with quicker gains to pasify the new user..........I believe most of us that have been around anabolics at on time or another were taken under someones wing and schooled on the proper way todo things.
If research was done and "home work" studies,Then the educated user would realize "shit nothings happening!! Oh yeah its gonna take almost 3 weeks before I take off! Well Ill just work my ass till than!"
Im just saying I beleive we should educate more,To bring a smarter athelete to maturity.Whom no doubt would have an incredible body nurtured from his/her hard work and education !
Now as far as adex goes I misunderstood,I am saying on cycle adex is the shit.......I have run ARIMIDEX into PCT but by than I am using a quater tab every 4 days for 2 weeks after the cycle ends,Than I begin the clomid blast with support supps.
Nolvadex does not really do much at all for me.So normally I do not use it.
So Guys I believe that we have come to a mid point with both of us making valid points!
So again no disrespect,Just my opion.......Thanx
I wasn't trying to defend Get Some, because I didn't feel like you were disrespecting him or his ideas. I was just clarifying and giving my point of view. I agree with everything ^^^ above, and I also meant no disrespect.
No worries greatgunz.... thats just how SAD communicates he's really a good guy and pretty knowledgable.
Do I always come off as an asshole?