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3rd Cycle Log 750mgs Test E/50mgs Anadrol



Sep 10, 2010
I started my cycle today. I injected 1cc of pharm grade Testoviron in my right ventroglute . I used a 27g-0,5" needle and there was no pain at all. It took me a while to inject for some reason though. Next time i am going to try the z-track method.

I am also using Pro.Chem.Laboratories Oxybol 50.

I will workout 4-5 times per week and eat around 4000kcals as clean as possible.

My goal for this cycle is to gain as much size as possible.

Supps: Liv52DS, 3 grams of fish oil, multivitamin complex, b-12 complex, protein and bcaa's.

I may use nolva (20mgs 2-3x per week) and 50-100mgs Proviron to keep estrogen and thus blood pressure under control.


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Dec 25, 2010
I'm guessing it took a long time to inject because you were using a 27g needle. Not a problem, but that's likely the reason. Doesn't have anything to do with the oil viscosity of the gear.

I'm surprised you're pinning with a 0.5" needle in the glutes. I use a 1.5" for the glutes.

4000 cals is likely enough for a bulk, as long as you're not already 250lbs.

Don't think you need to run nolva and proviron to keep estrogen down. Run the proviron and see how you do, and use an AI only as needed. Take hawthorne berry for the BP.


Sep 10, 2010
I'm guessing it took a long time to inject because you were using a 27g needle. Not a problem, but that's likely the reason. Doesn't have anything to do with the oil viscosity of the gear.

I'm surprised you're pinning with a 0.5" needle in the glutes. I use a 1.5" for the glutes.

4000 cals is likely enough for a bulk, as long as you're not already 250lbs.

Don't think you need to run nolva and proviron to keep estrogen down. Run the proviron and see how you do, and use an AI only as needed. Take hawthorne berry for the BP.

I have used small needles in the past for spot injections and the oil would come out of the needle fast, i don't know why this happened now. I injected in my ventroglutes, not my glutes. I have very little fat there so it's the sweet spot for small sized needles.

I am 190 at 5-10/5-11 (around 14-15% bf) so I need around 3700-3800kcal.

I have run proviron in the past at 100mgs ed along with 30mgs d-bol and 600mgs test e and i wasn't really impressed. Nolva may cut it. Besides, i would use it anyway because i am prone to psychological side effects caused by estrogen and they literally destroy my mood. It's not drol that's causing them, i always get these, even when i am on d-bol. When test kicks in, i am all good.


Sep 10, 2010
I trained chest and triceps today after 9 days of rest. My strength was down quite a bit but the pumps i got were out of this world. I am really beginning to like anadrol a lot! It makes me feel good and it gets me wired. I definitely looked a lot bigger on the mirror and everyone noticed and told me so (we all pretty much know each other in the gym).

Something tells me to up the dosage to 100mgs but i think it's best to wait a few days


Sep 10, 2010
Yesterday i trained back and biceps. It wasn't really a good workout because i felt like shit. It wasn't because of the Anadrol for sure because today i took it first thing in the morning and felt absolutely great. The only downside from drol is that it can cause some really annoying headaches.

Gains wise, i already look bigger. Granted it's mostly due to water retention but i like it and it makes me feel good! The drol is holding a shitload of water indeed.

Today my appetite was increased to the point I just can't get enough food down!

I also injected another 250mgs of test e on my left ventroglute and it didn't go well at all... The first time i hit a nerve so I pulled the needle and out and tried after a while again because of the intense pain. When i tried for the second time i hit a nerve again but this time i took the pain and injected anyway. I feel like i have been beated with a crowbar though...


Feb 19, 2011
Ventroglutes are my fav spot to pin, followed by glutes, and lastly the top center of the quad. Although I do use a thin needle, 27g is great for me IMO, I don't use a .5" pin. The 1.25" is preferred.

Love the cycle plan. Just enough of everything you're taking, but not throwing the pharmacy at it. If you are eating right you really should grow quickly. I love the early fake gains drol gives, but the end result is that you grow for real, and that's what it's all about.


Sep 10, 2010
Ventroglutes are my fav spot to pin, followed by glutes, and lastly the top center of the quad. Although I do use a thin needle, 27g is great for me IMO, I don't use a .5" pin. The 1.25" is preferred.

Love the cycle plan. Just enough of everything you're taking, but not throwing the pharmacy at it. If you are eating right you really should grow quickly. I love the early fake gains drol gives, but the end result is that you grow for real, and that's what it's all about.

Yeah, ventroglutes are painless as long as you're sure to hit the right spot. Apparently, i didn't... I haven't tried glutes but quad injections hurt like a bitch. I have injected 3-4 times on my quads and I really didn't feel comfortable at all. My personal favorite spot are the delts. I can stick a 23g x 1" with no pain at all.

Regarding this cycle, i have very high expectations indeed! I am trying to eat as clean as possible and as much as I can! It should put a shitload of mass on me. '

For my last cycle, i did 500mgs test e and I wasn't all that impressed to be honest, hence the bump to 750mgs. I don't know, it could have been my diet but I hardly think so. I don't think i will every use anything less than 750mgs unless i am stacking with other injectable compounds.


Sep 11, 2010
Keep it up bro, I'll be following for sure, were going to be straight up animals haha!


Dec 13, 2010
i would up your fish oils to 6gm if i were you and perhaps up your calls if you can as well. where is the deca?


Sep 10, 2010
i would up your fish oils to 6gm if i were you and perhaps up your calls if you can as well. where is the deca?

The only reason i am not taking more than 3 grams is because i eat a lot of fish on a weekly basis and i consume a lot of extra virgin olive oil. Regarding Deca, i want to leave some free-play for later cycles. My next cycle is most likely going to be Test/Deca or Eq and a mix of drol and d-bol.
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