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3rd Cycle Log 750mgs Test E/50mgs Anadrol



Sep 10, 2010
Today i trained legs. Strength and endurance were up although I was tired. I had a ridiculous pump as well. I have never seen my quads big like this ever before!!! I think am falling in love with the drol!!!

Tomorrow i am going to inject again. I will probably do quads or delts. We'll see. Since i am using test e i might just start injecting 1,5ml 2x per week instead of 1ml x 3 times per week. I am looking forward to train delts and traps tomorrow!!!

So far the only sides i am getting is a bit more acne than usual and some minor headaches from time to time. My bp has increased but thankfully it isn't causing any bad side effects like nose bleeds.


Dec 13, 2010
The only reason i am not taking more than 3 grams is because i eat a lot of fish on a weekly basis and i consume a lot of extra virgin olive oil. Regarding Deca, i want to leave some free-play for later cycles. My next cycle is most likely going to be Test/Deca or Eq and a mix of drol and d-bol.

thats EVACTLY what in running right now and when i drop the deca ill add in primo or mast. i also loved the dbol/drol combo both ran at 50mg. keep up the good work with the log bro!


Sep 10, 2010
thats EVACTLY what in running right now and when i drop the deca ill add in primo or mast. i also loved the dbol/drol combo both ran at 50mg. keep up the good work with the log bro!

How did you like this cycle bro? Did you get good gains?


Sep 10, 2010
I pinned again today, on my left delt this time. I trained shoulders and traps and the pumps were unbelievable as usually. I didn't weight my self but i am sure i have gained weight. My muscles feel bigger and more lubricated but are getting kinda soft. It has to be the water retention from drol. My clothes also feel tighter.

No notable strength gains as of yet, just faster recovery and somewhat elevated aggression. I am seriously thinking of upping the drol dosage another 50mgs but i am kinda hesitant. It probably hasn't fully kicked in yet, hence why i haven't experienced these dramatic gains everyone is speaking about.

Both my diet and my training are in check!


Feb 19, 2011
I prefer EQ over deca. EQ bloats less or none at all, and ups hunger big time, where deca can kill your appetite and add even more water with drol. The downside of drol and eq is the BP goes way up, due to the massively increased RBC, but that is also a benefit if you can handle it.

EQ for eating might be the biggest benefit.


Sep 10, 2010
I prefer EQ over deca. EQ bloats less or none at all, and ups hunger big time, where deca can kill your appetite and add even more water with drol. The downside of drol and eq is the BP goes way up, due to the massively increased RBC, but that is also a benefit if you can handle it.

EQ for eating might be the biggest benefit.

Yeah, i am probably going to go with EQ and see what it does for me but as you said yourself, the massively increased RBC can be a problem, especially for someone that has naturally a high number of RBC's. I am tempted by the lean mass gains from EQ but on the other hand i believe that the massive fluid retention from test/deca and d-bol/drol are going to take me to the next level. I might even do test/deca and winnie to balance the fluid retention a little bit. I don't know. There are so many damn options out there...!


Sep 10, 2010
I am almost 10lbs up!!! Not only i look a lot bigger but it also makes me extremely horny, like nothing else! It could be the test but i think it's kinda early for the test to manifest it's effects. I am getting insane pumps and my vascularity has increased! I am totally in love with anadrol!


Sep 10, 2010
It's official, Anadrol is my new favorite drug. I have gained a shitload of mass and I am hornier than i was when i were 15. No major strength gains, just a lot of mass. I am getting comments all the time, no matter what i wear. I have also gotten very vascular!!!

Tomorrow i am going to up the dosage to 100mgs and see how that goes. No side effects to report except for little acne that I mostly attribute to HCG.

I am seriously thinking of training 4 days instead of 5 to get advantage of that extra day off.


Dec 13, 2010
The only reason i am not taking more than 3 grams is because i eat a lot of fish on a weekly basis and i consume a lot of extra virgin olive oil. Regarding Deca, i want to leave some free-play for later cycles. My next cycle is most likely going to be Test/Deca or Eq and a mix of drol and d-bol.

you are going to love your next cycle. thats the one om on right now.

oops quoted this already:)
Last edited:


Dec 13, 2010
I prefer EQ over deca. EQ bloats less or none at all, and ups hunger big time, where deca can kill your appetite and add even more water with drol. The downside of drol and eq is the BP goes way up, due to the massively increased RBC, but that is also a benefit if you can handle it.

EQ for eating might be the biggest benefit.

i dissagree here about the EQ. over the long run it can add some nice quality muscle.


TID Board Of Directors
Feb 3, 2011
It's official, Anadrol is my new favorite drug. I have gained a shitload of mass and I am hornier than i was when i were 15. No major strength gains, just a lot of mass. I am getting comments all the time, no matter what i wear. I have also gotten very vascular!!!

Tomorrow i am going to up the dosage to 100mgs and see how that goes. No side effects to report except for little acne that I mostly attribute to HCG.

I am seriously thinking of training 4 days instead of 5 to get advantage of that extra day off.

I would guess that you'll lose some vascularity on 100mgs/day, but your strength should start increasing and the gains should just keep coming. As far as the 4 days per week vs. 5, I feel that if you go hard enough, you will need that 3rd day, regardless of having faster recovery. You know the old axiom, "You don't grow when you workout, you grow when you eat and rest."
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