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More riots & looting coming?

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National Breast Implant Awareness Month Squeezer
Mar 18, 2012
@1bigun11 joined up during peace time. Got out just in time to avoid Granada. Conveniently avoided Gulf and Desert Storm wars. What a fucking pussy!


National Breast Implant Awareness Month Squeezer
Mar 18, 2012
@1bigturd00 better suits you.


National Breast Implant Awareness Month Squeezer
Mar 18, 2012
I like how the ad hominem attacks on both sides don’t do anything to convince anyone of their side of the debate. Divide & conquer has surely taken over here .

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I gave the punk a 'like' for bragging about joining the Marines, yet he continues to attack. I have since retracted the "like" Fuck him and his mother.


National Breast Implant Awareness Month Squeezer
Mar 18, 2012
You support a draft dodging piece of shit! When did veteran status become important to you, loser boy??

I voted against Democrats, not for Trump. You hate Trump and I don't blame anyone that does. Hating me for voting against riots, looting, punching old guys............

My neighbor is a combat vet, he voted Trump. I'll let him know some bench warming cunt says he's a piece of shit AKA according to some Liberal-tarian.
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Tomas Payne

Tomas Payne

VIP Member
Jul 29, 2014
I voted against Democrats, not for Trump. You hate Trump and I don't blame anyone that does. Hating me for voting against riots, looting, punching old guys............

My neighbor is a combat vet, he voted Trump. I'll let him know some bench warming cunt says he's a piece of shit AKA according to some Liberal-tarian.

I agree. As much as I think President Trump is stupid for what he says; I’d rather have have a president that doesn’t mince words than have someone that doesn’t have an original idea in his head. I’ve learned that liberals vote by mob mentality.

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TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
I already posted the first two, just keeping it together.

You will want to watch the entire videos, some are long as shit but good stuff towards the end of a lot of these. There are hearings hours long with testimony. Hundreds signed affidavits but yet no fraud.


The full hearings are good but long I cave one or two. They go up to 12 hours. If this stuff doesn't keep you busy...



TID Board Of Directors
Oct 17, 2010
There is so much to this....I hate to see the discussion devolve into name calling. But, that is where it usually goes.

Summary...and I may be out after this for a while. Good and busy at work.
Dominion/Democrats are fighting having to turn over source code or any info at all. They have wiped as much as they could....but, pretty sure DIA/305th has a copy of all their data. So, when anyone says, "Present evidence!" Well, other than affidavits (thousands of sworn affidavits by witnesses), there has been no discovery allowed by the defendants. AGAIN, NONE HAS BEEN ALLOWED by friendly judges and purchased legislatures. So, how can anyone have seen any evidence if none has been turned over? How can Bill Barr say he has seen evidence? He can't. But, if you read the affidavits and come away with anything other than this is a big scam, you are lost in a fog and likely will never come out.

But, in any event, I will make this real simple for you that think this is all a conspiracy theory.

Let's assume I am or was a criminal defense lawyer...I may have handled cases for people that made DUI's, resisting arrest, assault, etc. Law enforcement has all the evidence. The body cam footage, the breath-alizer tests, the blood tests, everything. My client has nothing but his word (and maybe affidavits by witnesses) against the evidence they are holding. So, to get their evidence, I file a motion for DISCOVERY. Theoretically, LE would then turn over (or are supposed to turn over) everything they have that they will use to prosecute my client. On just about every occasion, the prosecution will file a motion to deny and say "We did everything by the book. It was perfect. Our officers were perfect. It was noon on a sunny day and it was 67 degrees. Our equipment functions perfectly in those conditions. We request the judge deny counsel's motion and move towards a plea deal to save this court a lot of time and money. Their request for discovery is a fishing expedition. Trust us. He is guilty."

Ok. That is with a criminal case. THIS IS WITH THE VOTING PROCESS OF THE USA. And, Dominion and democrats want to deny the voters requests to see source code and actual ballots? But, let's back up. The judges are throwing the cases out before the plaintiffs can even ask for discovery. Going back to my case above concerning the DUI, as counsel, am I to believe LE did everything by the book?...especially if I have affidavits to the contrary by people willing to go to prison if they lie in court? But, we can't even get there because the judge is crooked and the legislatures are bought and paid for.

IMPORTANT QUESTIONS FOR ALL OF YOU THAT READ THIS. R, D, L, matter what you say you are. If you vote, this should matter!
Do you believe a voter should have the right at any time to examine a voting machine?
Do you believe thousands of Americans (that have written affidavits and have sworn under penalty of perjury) should be denied an opportunity to see their own ballots?
Do you believe the eyewitnesses to fraud should be denied the opportunity to look at whatever they want to look at?
Good God, they work for us. The machines are our machines. The code is ours. The ballots are ours. The most sacred and important parts of our system of government - but Dominion and democrats do not want anyone to ever have the opportunity to forensically review the ballots and software. They are hiding something. If you do not see that, you never will see anything.

ONE really funny part of this is that if Trump is re-elected, you may never see it on CNN or Fox. Remember, impeachment proceeding began before Trump took office and he was never recognized as President by some Americans and many members of Congress. So, if "we" (the Trumpers or whatever your name of the day is, it bothers me not) win, what difference will it make to never-Trumpers? Just a few more years of saying he's not your President. Hang in there. You may get your chance. I just hope the price is not too high.

Post quota met and maybe exceeded.
Good day.
Much respect.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
1biggun11 is a good dude! Nothing wrong with having an opinion here. Trump rubs plenty of people the wrong way. And I won't knock anybody's service. You don't choose when the Prez chooses to deploy, so no matter what, all military gets my respect. (except for the Air Force, of course... LOL)


National Breast Implant Awareness Month Squeezer
Mar 18, 2012
Something a guy did (DJT avoiding the draft) when 1bigun11 was 4-5 years old continues to control his emotions.

I'd like some dirt on our jar head hero so I can hate him from 1968 to 2020 and beyond.



VIP Member
Jan 7, 2014
If you think Trump is a fiscal conservative you have not been paying attention AT ALL. If you think Trump believes that balanced budgets are important you are a fool. He financed the economic boom with debt. He financed his trade war with debt, paying off the farmers it hurt when China stopped buying. Socialist debt. Nothing conservative about that. He financed his tax cut to the super wealthy with debt. He financed his socialist "stimulus" checks with debt. Trumpsters hate all socialism unless they are the ones getting the payout, then all of a sudden they are jumping up and down for it. He financed his idiotic wall with debt. Debt that will have to be repaid by our children, and grandchildren for generations.

The difference between the way Trump ran the government and the way he ran all of his failed businesses is that the USA doesn't have the luxury to declare itself rich and then file bankruptcy and fuck over all of it's creditors when the party ends. And you are right, taxes will have to be raised to pay off the debt caused by his reckless spending sprees.

Your right that the porn star president is not likeable as a person or an executive. You're wrong if you think he's a fiscal conservative. And there is a huge difference between celebrating a Trump loss, and celebrating a Biden win. I don't like Biden in the least. But I'm still glad Trump lost. Perhaps whoever comes next can restore some sanity to the Republican party. If not, we can all look forward to them taking another ass kicking in 2024.

Biguns-"im glad trump lost....he was annoying and brought insanity to the Republican party. He had no morals and dodged a draft"
Meanwhile an even more annoying kamala harris is his president. A woman who sucked dick to get her way into politics and eventually into the white house. Want proof that more people thought kamala was unlikable than trump can ever be? Her numbers in the primary didnt even break 5% in her own home state of California. Everyone hates her here including SF where she was a DA. Oh but sanity in politics. Lmao. Dont even get me started about how the Democrat party and their socialist/marxist ideologies that once were relegated only to a fringe few are now going to be pulling strings. Oh the irony. But i digresss.....nothing really makes sense with you. Oh whats that? Harris isnt president....she will be sooner than you think and tveres a lot of proof its gonna be within months


VIP Member
Jan 7, 2014
And ill go on record to say i dont respect every police officer or military personnel based on their serving. The ones that ahdere to the constitution and their oath despite orders i respect. The others can go fuck themselves. Case in point. The police that barricaded maxis restaurant in staten and dragged him to jail can eat a bag lf dicks.
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National Breast Implant Awareness Month Squeezer
Mar 18, 2012
I for one am glad we train our soldiers to think they are superior in every way. 30 years later they should have humbled themselves.

Some cops are dirty filthy cocksuckers, as are some military present and past.
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