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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Max Lower 5 weeks out
1077 cals at work out - heading to 1500
206 body weight
90 min cardio / 3x30 min
Various and assorted this and that

Today went well , not a ton of energy but the drive n focus were on , managed to get some rage fired up , all in all not so bad.

Moved a few things around today to get in the last of some heavier volume , nothing super I didnt get too crazy with the cheez whiz at least , added in a 3rd "main" dropped an accessory.

Cleaned up the sets n reps a bit more getting ready for the last 4 week mesocycle. Feel real good about where I am right now.

Deads - soviet - warm up - ebx10 135x5 225x5
Work - 240x8 295x6 350x5 400x3 430x3 455x2

Squats - to 1 rm - middle box - comp height with ssb
150x3 240x3 330x3 380x2 420x1 445x1 470x1* best single this cycle since the hip

Good Mornings - 5x5 - went heavy - 200x5 240x5 290x5 330x5 350x5

Abs - 2x30 Bent Leglifts 2x30 Reverse Crunches


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Upper 4 weeks out
1018 cals at work out
205.8 body weight
90 min cardio / 3
This that and so forth

Good solid day , good focus , a lot of thinking and introspection coming into the last mesocycle. Ride the wave n see where it takes us.

Strength was there , focus was there , not a ton of gas in the tank but adding in the 2 cups of rice this morning with some maple sugar and cinnamon made a world of difference.

Worked basically 2 mains today , soviet and my conjugate program. Soviet block first then the conjugate like an after set the way you would do amraps but not to failure I kept my rep n set scheme to the 9x3.

Comp Bench - soviet - warm up - ebx10 135x8
Work - 160x8 195x6 230x5 265x3 285x2 285x2

Conjugate - 60% 1rm + chains - 245 at the top - 9x3 - 205/40x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3

JM Press - 4x8 - 155x8 165x8 170x8 175x8

Standing ohp db press - 30x15 35x15 40x15

Abs - 2x30 rev crunch 2x30 bent leg lifts


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Lower 4 weeks out
1014 cals at work out headed to 1500
206 body weight
90 min cardio /3
Assorted snacks n tasty beverages

Damn good day today , good drive , good focus , energy was there. God Bless white rice and an apple fritter.

Worked Soviet block as mains today , and the Conjugate as the accessories. Last week I can get any good volume so I went for it. Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead !!!

Squats - Soviet - Warm ups ebx10 150x8
Work - 205x8 250x6 295x5 340x3 365x2 365x2

Squat Accessory - Conjugate - free squat 65% 1rm 2 bands per side - 6x2
305 + 90 in bands = 395 at the top - 305/4x2x2x2x2x2x2

Deads - Soviet - Warm ups - 135x8
Work - 240x8 295x8 350x5 400x3 430x2 430x2

Dead Accessory - Conjugate - 60% 1rm 2 bands per side - 6x2
330 on the bar - 150 in bands = 480 at the top - 330/4x2x2x2x2x2x2

Band Facepulls - no way to gauge the tension really - 3x15

Abs - 2x30 reverse crunches 2x30 bent leg lifts


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Saturdays workout

Max Lower 4 weeks out
204.6 body weight
1025 cals at work out headed to 1500
90 min cardio / 3
Varied and assorted snacks and beverages

Today went real good , God Bless the anabolic power of the Pop Tart.

Good focus , plenty of energy , anger level was up where it should of been , intensity on the pulls. Worked both mains heavy today oops , one accessory and called it to stay some what on plan. Should of just maxed out squats today but ,, ya know. Still managed to cycle volume down so ill take that as a mental win.

I got no complaints. Weights coming down strength is still good. To quote a wise man I once met , " Fuck yeah dude !! "

Deads - Soviet - warm ups - ebx10 135x8
Work - 240x8 295x6 350x5 400x3 455x2 480x1 510x1 535x1 545x1* video - strength is still holding by my math , the way the pull felt , if I can a better hook up and drive off the bottom I can pull 560 out of the hole.

Squats - Conjugate to 1rm low box ssb - 150x2 240x2 330x2 380x2 420x1 440x1 460x1 470x1

Bent Rows - 4x8 - 155x8 165x8 175x8 185x8

Abs - 2x30 bent leg lifts 2x30 rev crunches


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
Max Upper - 7 weeks out
2000 cals
206.8 body weight
30 min cardio morning / 30 min night
Assorted meals n beverages

Today went well , good speed on the bar , good focus , anger level was there. WOOOOOOOOOO!! carbed up a bit before the work out with a bowl of rice krispies and a peach. I got nothing bad to say.

Bench to 1rm and back down - Soviet style for @Snake who requested no singles til top set work (y)
ebx10 135x7 185x6 225x5 275x3 295x1 305x1 315x1 - 320x1* top for the day and back down to amrap it out - 315x1 305x1 295x1 275x2x1 225x5 285x10 135x16

Incline Bench - 4x12 - 140x12 145x12 150x12 155x12

Close Grip - 4x12 - 140x12 145x12 150x12 155x12

Seated DB Press - 3x20 - 25x20 30x20 35x20

Abs - 2x30 leg lifts 2x30 rev crunches
Love me some cinnamon Rice Krispies before my workouts. Lol


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Upper 3 weeks out
205 body weight
860 cals at work out headed to 1500
90 min cardio / 3
Assorted treats n beverages

Today went real good with the shorter work load. Good energy good focus , intensity was up. All in all a damn fine day even if it was a shorty.

Hardest thing for me to do mentally in this last mesocycle is keep the weight n volume on a downward curve. I just want to keep pushing heavy.

Worked Soviet Block as the main today again and Conjugate as an accessory. Seems to work well for me.

Soviet - Light day - warm up ebx10 135x8
Work - 150x8 185x6 220x5 250x3 270x2

Conjugate - 9x3 - 60% 1rm + 40# chains
210+40=250 at the top
no warm up right to work - 210/40x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3

JM Press - 4x8 - 155x8 165x8 175x8 185x8

Band push downs - 3x20 - them things for triceps - looped mini band around a j cup with a towel for the sharp edges

Abs - 2x30 bent leg lifts 2x30 rev crunches


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Tuesdays work out , forgot to post it up.

Dynamic Lower 3 weeks out
205.2 body weight
608 cals at work out heading to 1500
90 min cardio / 3
Various tasty snacks

Today went good , lower work load is paying off energy and recovery wise. Finish for the day and I'm looking around like what's next ...

Combined Soviet blocks and Conjugate today as mains and accessories with the set n rep scheme , keeps the volume and work load down but lets me feel like I got something done physically and mentally.

Worked up to my openers and I feel good about them. Squats going to be 405 , Deads will be 495

Free squats straight bar 65% 1 rm 2 bands side - 315+90=405 at the top
---Soviet Warm up for some volume - ebx10 135/2x8 225/2x6 275/2x5 295/2x4
---Conjugate work - 6x2 - 315/2x2x2x2x2x2x2

Squats - few heavy singles to opener - no bands - 335x1 355x1 385x1 405x1

Deads - 60% 1rm 2 bands per side - 330+150=480 at the top
---Soviet warm up - 135/2x8 135/4x6 225/4x5 275/4x4 315/4x3
---Conjugate work - 6x2 - 330/4x2x2x2x2x2x2

Deads - Few singles up to opener no bands - 380x1 405x1 455x1 495x1

Abs 2x30 leg lifts 2x30 rev crunches


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Max Upper 3 weeks out
204.8 body weight
785 cals at work out headed to 1500
90 min cardio / 3
Coffee , Chicken , Lettuce , Yogurt , Blueberries , water

Today was good , work loads reduced so no worries on gassing out. Focus and drive where there.

Room for the meet is booked n paid for , lil extra in the bank for meet day food n fuel. WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! God Bless Family is all I'm saying especially my brothers from other mothers that make this all possible for me , the training help , the coaching , advice , helping me quiet the demons in my head.

Truly Love you.

Openers have to be in by the end of the week so I worked light soviet block for some volume and then a few singles up to opener and possible second. Every thing felt real good , nice n solid.

Bench - Soviet - warm up - ebx10 135x10
Work - 160x8 195x6 230x5 265x4
Singles - 275x1 285x1 295x1 300x1 310x1*ass lifted up still have to get better at using leg drive properly

Band DB Press - 3 x failure - looped band under the bench n held in my hands with the dbs - no way to gauge band tension really - 1x30 1x27 1x25

Lat Raises - 3 x failure - 25x20 30x14 35x10

Band Press downs - looped min around j-cup - no way to gauge tension from the feel of it , 50 to 60 lbs
3 x failure 1x 28 1x 25 1x 20

Abs - 2x30 bent leg lifts 2x 30 rev crunches


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Max Lower 3 weeks out
204.6 body weight
845 cals at work out headed to 1500
90 min cardio / 3
Various snacks n tasty treats

Today went real good , fast with the lower work load. Real simple today , worked up to openers , hit some accessories and called it. Good focus n drive , every thing feels on point.

Squats - doubles to opener - ebx10 150x2 200x2 250x2 290x2 330x2 380x2 405x1

Deads - doubles to opener - 135x2 185x2 225x2 275x2 315x2 365x2 405x2 455x2 495x1

Band face pulls - looped red mini on the cage upright - 3x15

Reverse curls - ez bar - 4x8 - 55x8 60x8 65x8 70x8

Abs - rev crunches 2x30 bent leg lifts 2x30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Upper 2 weeks out
204 body weight
592 cals at work out headed to 1300
90 min cardio / 3
Various snacks n treats

Dropped volume weight n reps again this week , not going to get any stronger at this point but I can get hurt soooo time to step it down , accept that what's done is done and enjoy the ride from here until meet day.

Good focus and energy , with such a short work load it was over before I felt like I got started.

Paused Bench - 50% 1rm - 9x3 - rounded up to 185 for easy plating -
Warm up - ebx10 135x8
Work - 185x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3

Incline DB Press with band - band looped under the bench - 30lb dbs - no progression on weight just used the resistance from the band - 4x20

Tricep Pressdown - loop red mini around jcup action - 4x20

Abs - 2x30 rev crunches 2x30 bent leg lifts


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Mini meet day - Dynamic Lower - 2 weeks out
203.5 body weight
659 cals at work out headed to 1300
90 min cardio / 3
Coffee , Water , Chicken , Lettuce , Yogurt , Applesauce

Today was mini meet day at Uncle Yano's nothing special just bumped singles up to openers , hit abs and called it. Trying to keep my head clear the work load down and my confidence up.

Bench - to opener - warm up - ebx10
Work - 135x1 185x1 225x1 275x1

Squat - to opener - warm up - ebx10
Work - 135x1 185x1 225x1 275x1 315x1 365x1 405x1

Dead - to opener - warm up - kettle bell swings x 10
Work - 135x1 185x1 225x1 275x1 315x1 365x1 405x1 455x1 495x1

Abs - 2x30 rev crunches 2x30 bent leg lifts
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