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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Upper
2200 cals
208.7 body weight
30 min cardio morning / 30 min night
500T/300M/200T Bumped
Assorted snacks , treats and tasty beverages

Not a bad day all in all , humid n hot as balls down there even with the fans going. Lower back is still a bit tweaked from pulling max's saturday lower left on the hip girdle and a bit into the erector. Not a game changer for now , I'll pack in some extra protein today and tonight for the recovery and see how it feels tomorrow. If I have to take a day to deload it wont kill me I need to be fresh and ready for meet prep being i'm cutting myself short a couple of weeks to get in some more time pulling heavy.

Flat Bench - 5x5 - 60% + 25% dynamic - 210 + 88 - 2 bands looped 40# chains -
Warm ups - ebx10 135x5 135/2x5 135/2x5 185/2/40x5
Work - 210/2/40x5x5x5x5x5

Incline Bench - 3x20 - these were just embarrassing - 135x20 140x15x5 145x10x10

JM Press - 4x12 - 115x12 125x12 135x12 145x12

Pendlay Rows - backs still tweaked - 4x12 - 135x12 140x12 145x12 150x12

Delt Raises - 4x12 - 15x12 20x12 25x8x4 30x6x6

Abs - 2x30 rev crunches 2x30 leg lifts


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Max Upper
2200 cals
208.4 body weight
30 min cardio morning / 30 min at night
Various and assorted tasty treats n things

Today was a good day all in all , good focus good drive , didnt quite hit the numbers I was looking for on the main but I gota keep reminding myself the protocol's changed for a few weeks so thats to be expected. No complaints , back is still a lil odd , I'm starting to think its more about how i'm sleeping flatter now and in a different bed more than i pulled something. See how it feels for max lower on saturday.

Bench to 1rm - ebx10 135x3 185x3 225x3 275x3 295x1 305x1 315x1 320x1

Incline Bench - gotta hit these more n more - 5x5 - 185x5 195x5 205x5 215x5 225x5

Close Grip - 4x12 - 135x12 145x12 150x12 155x12

DB Press - lack of micros , unilateral - 4x8 - 50x8 60x8 65x8 70x8

Delts - 3x15 - 15x15 20x15 25x12x3

Abs - 2x30 leg lifts 2x30 rev crunches


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Max Lowerish - Deloady type thing
2200 cals
208 body weight
30 min cardio morning / 30 min at night
Various and assorted this that and so forth

First day pulling since I tweaked my back last max effort day , felt good and strong got in some ok work , some good warm ups and stretches , hit a decent top weight before I felt it start to get a little stiff and called it.

All in all not a bad day at all for a short one. Lets me know where I stand on my recovery , with 8 weeks to go til the meet , I don't wanna blow it being stupid.

Hit main mover , the abs and called it.

Warm ups
Bird Dogs 2 x 10
Dead Bugs 2 x 10
Kneeling Goblets 2 x 10
Glute Bridges 2 x 10

Deads to 1rm - ebx10 135x5 225x5 315x3 405x2 455x1 495x1 505x1 515x1
- the 515 is where I felt my back n hip on the left side give me the , hey man we gonna keep going ? .. so I called it there instead of pushing and fucking something up.

Abs - 2x30 bent leg lifts 2x30 reverse crunches


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
8 weeks out
Dynamic Upper
2000 cals
207.5 body weight
30 min cardio morning / 30 min night
Assorted things and so forth

So it officially starts , the 50% and 55% weeks lined up with my normal training and with the deload for my back , we are 8 weeks from the meet and its 60% for upper.

Today felt real good , main mover went well , nice to have a shorter days work and still get in some good stuff. Bench feels like its in a good place for this year , see how it goes as the meet gets closer.

Bench 9x3 - 60% (213) rounded up to 215 + 1 red mini per side roughly 30 to 40lbs each - for 275 - 295 at the top
Warm ups - ebx10 135x3 135/2x3 185/2x3
Work - 215/2x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3

DB Press - 4x12 - unilateral for lack of micros - 40x12 50x12 60x12 65x12

Incline Press - 4x12 - 135x12 140x12 145x12 150x12

Close Grip - 4x12 - 140x12 145x12 150x12 155x12


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
8 weeks out

Dynamic Lower
2000 cals
208.2 body weight
30 min cardio morning / 30 min night
Whitmans sampler of tasty treats

Today went well good focus good energy , back felt good through main movers , added in one accessory today and that went well, felt strong so next lower i'll add back in the last accessory and be back on program.

Lower left hip girdle n erector is still stiff , like its got a constant pump but its not hampering the pulls , just feels odd.

Low Box Skwatz - 6x2 - 60% + 2 red minis each side - 300 on the bar and roughly 100 to 120 in bands hard to judge and get a good measure on -
warm ups - ebx10 eb/4x2 150/5x2 240/4x2 290/4x2
work - 300/4x2x2x2x2x2x2 - 400 to 420 at the top of the movement
extra credit - hit a few heavy singles - 330/4x1 380/4x1 420/4x1- 520 to 540 at the top

Deadz - 6x2 - 60% + 2 red mini's per side - 330 [335 easy plating] on the bar 150 in bands -
warm ups - 135x2 135/2x2 135/4x4 225/4x2 315/4x2
work - 335/4x2x2x2x2x2x2 - 485 at the top
extra credit - some deficits standing on plates working down - 335/4x2 315/4x2 225/4x2 135/4x2

RDL with bands - 5x5 - 1 red mini each side +75 - 185/2x5 225/2x5 315/2x5 365/2x5 385/2x5


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Max Upper Week 8
2000 cals
206.2 body weight
30 min cardio morning / 30 min night
Assorted snacks and tasty beverages

Today went well , good day all around not to hot or humid down there , got the laundry done early and the air goin so it wasnt too bad at all.

Good energy and good focus pushed the accessories for some volume to 12 rep sets , not a bad day work out at all really , solid work , puffed up like a balloon , feels good.

Bastardized Floor Press - to 1 rm - basement floor on that side is just plain nasty from all the rain , the dogs goin in and out and all that so .. what I do for floor presses is set up 6x6 on either side of the bench to simulate the floor stopping my arms , then set the hooks in the rack low right at hand height and start pressing. Same movement just not laying on dirty ass moist cement.
ebx10 135x5 185x5 225x5 245x4 265x3 275x2 285x1 295x1 300x1

Flat Bench - 4x12 - 155x12 165x12 185x12 190x12

Incline Bench - 4x12 - 135x12 140x12 145x12 150x12

Seated DB Press - 4x12 - 40x12 45x12 50x12 55x12

Abs - 2x30 leg lifts 2x30 rev crunches


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Max Lower Week 8
2000 cals
206.2 body weight
30 min cardio morning / 30 night
Assorted and varied snacks n treats

Damn good day today all around , good focus , good energy , got in some carbs before the work out with a bowl of rice krispies , everything felt snappy.

No hip or back issues so I pushed a bit got in some extra singles here and there and an extra set or two thats what the *'s are on some things, felt real fine.

Fuck I gota stop being cheap and get safeties for my rack.

Skwat from low pins - to 1rm - bottom of my squat just past depth - ebx10 150x3 200x3 240x3 290x3 330x2 350x1 360x1 365x1 370x1

Deficit Deads - 5x5 - standing on 35# plates - 135x5 185x5 225x5 315x5 405x5 *455x2 *475x1

Box Squats - at depth - 3x10 - 150x10 200x10 240x10 *290x10

Front Squats - 4xamrap - 150x16 200x13 240x10 290x6 *330x1x1

Abs - 2x30 rev crunches 2x30 leg lifts


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Upper - 7 weeks out
2000 cals
206 body weight
30 min cardio morning / 30 min night
T/M/T Assorted snacks n things

"Live Bravely Do Right Fear Nothing"​

Good solid day , good pop , good focus and strength was there. Zoomed right along in and out in an hour with some work in.

Flat Bench - 55% 1rm w chains - 9x3 - 205 on the bar , 40 in chains for easy math -
Warm ups - ebx10 135x3 185x3 205x3
Work 205/40x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3

Incline Bench - 4x12 - 155x12 165x12 175x12 185x12

Seated DB Press - 4x12 - 35x12 40x12 45x12 50x12

Bent Rows - 4x8 - 155x8 165x8 175x8 185x8

Abs - 2x30 bent leg lifts 2x30 rev crunches


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Lower 7 weeks out
2000 cals
207.2 body weight
30 min cardio morning / 30 min night
Various and assorted tasty treats n beverages

Damn good day , bar had good speed , focus was there head was clear. Got no complaints. Back n hips are tired but not sore or too stiff for the work put in. Everything seems right on the money.

Free Squats - 60% 1rm - 300 on the bar - 4 bands - 90 lbs - 8x2
Warm ups - ebx10 eb/4x2 150/4x2 200/4x2 240/4x2 290/4x2
Work - 300/4x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2

Deadz - 55% 1rm - 305 on the bar - 4 bands 150 - 8x2
Warm ups - 135/2x2 135/4x2 225/4x2 275/4x2
Work - 305/4x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2

Front Squats - 5x5 - 200x5 240x5 290x5 310x5 330x5

Stiff Leg Good Mornings - 3x10 - 150x10 170x10 190x10

Abs - 2x30 reverse crunches 2x30 bent leg lifts


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Max Upper - 7 weeks out
2000 cals
206.8 body weight
30 min cardio morning / 30 min night
Assorted meals n beverages

Today went well , good speed on the bar , good focus , anger level was there. WOOOOOOOOOO!! carbed up a bit before the work out with a bowl of rice krispies and a peach. I got nothing bad to say.

Bench to 1rm and back down - Soviet style for @Snake who requested no singles til top set work (y)
ebx10 135x7 185x6 225x5 275x3 295x1 305x1 315x1 - 320x1* top for the day and back down to amrap it out - 315x1 305x1 295x1 275x2x1 225x5 285x10 135x16

Incline Bench - 4x12 - 140x12 145x12 150x12 155x12

Close Grip - 4x12 - 140x12 145x12 150x12 155x12

Seated DB Press - 3x20 - 25x20 30x20 35x20

Abs - 2x30 leg lifts 2x30 rev crunches


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Max Lower 7 weeks out
2000 cals
206 body weight
30 min cardio morning / 30 at night
Assorted this that and so forth

Today went really good. Plenty of hate in the tank , good focus. Carbed up a bit extra this morning and it carried through well, all hail the power of Rice Krispies and peaches.

Pushed for some volume today , back and hips took it well I got no complaints.

High box skwatz - straight bar - soviet style - 205x8 250x6 295x5 340x4 385x3 410x2 430x2 - 340 amrap x9

Deadz - 235x8 285x6 340x5 390x4 440x3

Good Mornings - 3x10 - 170x10 200x10 220x10

Front Skwatz - 4x amrap - 170x14 200x10 240x8 260x6

Abs - 2x30 bent leg lifts 2x30 reverse crunches


Bundy Lover
Nov 11, 2022
Nothing better than seeing others' warmup as my 1RM's. I'm in the wrong thread.
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