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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
"Then out spake brave Horatius Captain of the gate,
"To every man upon this Earth death cometh soon or late ,, and how can man die better than facing fearful odd , for ashes of his fathers or the Temples of his Gods.""

Oct 3rd '23 - Yanopertrophy - Upper
201.3 Bodyweight
1596 cals headed to 3k
45 min cardio - 15 morning - 15 after workout - 15 night

Today was great , good energy , good intensity , good focus. Everything moved and went well and we got in some solid work. I got no complaints , we got to move up a few lifts so all in all fucking stellar day.

Bench - 230# - 4x5 - 1xamrap
Warm ups - ebx 10 135x10 185x5
Work - 230x5 230x5 230x5 230x5 230x8+2 - add in a drop set next session just like before

JM Press - these took a big jump not sure why but i'm happy with it - 130# 2xamrap - 10 - 7+1 - 6+2

Incline DB Press - Unilateral - yes one arm cus im sucking for micros - 60# 2xamrap - 8+1 6+1

Kroc Rows - 60# 2xamrap - kept the 60# on from the DB Press n rocked it
10+2 - 8+2

Shrugs - 275# x amrap - back felt good at 225 last session so I added on the quarters today and went for that , felt good but it was work this is the opener here - 7 - 6

Band Pulldowns - red mini double looped - holy crap these were work today with the double wrap , had fun though love the pull back n shake you get from the bands
20 - 14 - 10+2

Abs - 2x30 - 30 Rev Crunches - 30 Bent Leg Lifts


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Oct 4th '23 - Yanopertrophy - Back Rehab
201 body weight
1168 cals headed to 3k
45 min cardio - 15 morning after work out night

Pelvic tilts - 3x10
Pelvic lifts - 3x10
Knees to chest - 3x 20 count hold
Lower back rotation - 3x10 - 5 count hold
Knee rotation - 3x10 - 5 count hold
Piriformis stretch - 3x10 - 5 count hold

Bird Dogs - 3x10
Dead Bugs - 3x10

Cat Cow - 3x10
Childs Pose 3x 20 count hold

Work n Weights

Today felt good physically , mentally it was a cluster fuck , too much going on in my head with everything. Decent energy and intensity , focus was a bit fucked. Got r done and in the books

In the Rack

Box Squats ssb - 230# 4x5 1x amrap - set up the box for comp height - just wanted the box for extra safety really.
Warm ups - eb x10 - 110x10 150x10
Work - 230x5 230x5 230x5 230x5 - amrap - 230x8

Accessories were bumped up 50# in weight but I kept to 2 sets of 10.

Good Mornings ssb - 2x10 - #185 - 10 - 10

Front Squats ssb - 2x10 - #185 - 10 - 10

On the platform - bumped up 50# from last session

Deadlifts - 4x5 - 1x10 - #185 - 185x5 185x5 185x5 185x5 185x10

RDL - 2x10 - #185 - 10 - 10

SDL - 2x10 #185 - 10 - 10

Abs - 2x30 - 30 rev crunch - 30 bent leg lifts


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Oct 5th '23 - Yanopertrophy - Upper
201.1 body weight
1225 cals headed to 3k
45 min cardio - 15/15/15 morning / after workout / night

Today was a good solid day , got the noise in my head to quiet down a bit. Things are a bit calmer around here ol lady is baby sitting for a while over at the daughters so I got the house to myself for a bit at least. No ones hovering around me like i got my own gravity.

Good focus , intensity was there , got some good work in , bumped up weight on just about every thing but delts. Solid day all around. Most will get repeated next session at the same weight.

Comp Bench - 4x5 - 1xamrap - 1xdropset - Kept on plan with these same as last time we moved up in weight , get the sets n reps , hit the drop set , next session is up 5# slow n steady.
Warm ups - ebx10 90x10 135x8 185x5
Work - 230x5 230x5 230x5 230x5
Amrap - 230x10
Drop set - at #190 x 10+1+1 * move up next session

Incline Bench - 160# 2xamrap - 8+1+1 - 6+1+1

Close grip bench - 185# - 2xamrap - 8 - 7+1

Delt raise - 30# - 2xamrap - 9 - 6+2 - 4+1

Curls - curl bar - 70# - 2xamrap - 10 - 8+1 - 6+2*this will bump up

Band pull downs/aparts - looped red mini - 2 bands was way too much tensin so i choked up and cut the loop down a couple of inches , worked like a charm - 15 - 15 - 12

Abs - 1x30 rev crunches - 1x30 bent leg lifts


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Oct 6 '23 - Yanopertrophy - Back rehab - shit day

Well like the song says ,,, my shits fucked up.

Back is sore and i'm gimpy as fuck on the left side , legs are heavy. Just not a good day all around. Slept like shit couldn't get comfortable , still goin back n forth with the ol lady.

Anyway , issue is getting weight to transfer through the left leg today , back gets tight , shit shoots down the inside of my leg to my knee and it feels like the knee is going to explode ,,

I know its just nerves telling me bullshit , but I cant get weight to transfer proper today.

Hit stretches , main mover squats , set up for deads and realized i was just being stupid ,, hit abs and came up stairs before I fucked up something for good.

You can play hurt but you can't play injured.

Stretches --
Pelvic Tilts - 3x10
Pelvic Lifts - 3x10
Knees to chest - 3x 20 count hold
Lower Back rotation - 3x10 5 count hold
Knee rotation - 3x10 5 count hold
Piriformis Stretch - 3x10 5 count hold
Childs Pose - 3x 20 count hold

Movements --
Cat Cows - 3x10
Dead Bugs - 3x10
Bird Dogs - 3x10

Main mover never felt right , pushed as far as I dared to.
--Warm ups - eb x10 110x10 150x8 200x5* this is where I noticed that weight wasnt really transfering properly moved the box under me for a little peace of mind at comp height.
-- Work - added the chains for 240# no touch swingers -
4x5 - 4x5 - 4x5 - 4x5 - 1x6+1+1*all right leg by this point

Deads - set up, was going with #135 as a light opener , back , hip n left leg lit up like a christmas tree so that was it ..

Abs - 1x 30 leg lifts - 1x30 rev crunches

Called it and came upstairs .. Momma had a couple stupid babies , I just don't happen to be one of them


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Oct 19 '23 Yanopertrophy
198.4 bodyweight , no really haahaha no typos today
1037 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - 15 morning - 15 night

Today was a good one. Good intensity good drive , focus was on point.

Back feels solid working upper , no issues at all. At some point i'll get brave enough to add in some over head stuff again see how that goes.

We get to add another set to quite a few lifts next session , no complaints at all.

Bench - #245 - 4x5 - 1xamrap - put the chains on today for these , no special reason I just miss my rattle n clank.
Warm ups - ebx10 bar/chains - 85x5 135x5 175x5 225x5
Work - 245x5 245x5 245x5 245x5 - 245x8 - 30 sec pause - +4 - repeat

Incline Bench - #175 - 10 - 9+1 - add set next session

Spoto Press - #185 - 10 - 9+1 - add set next session

Bent Rows - #145 - 10 - 9+2 - add set next session

Curls - ez bar - #70 - 10 - 9+1 - add set next session

Shortened Band Pull down/apart - 20 - 18 - 14

Abs - 3x30 - 30 bent leg lifts - 30 rev crunch - 30 alternating ll/rc


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Oct 20 '23 Yanopertrophy
Back Rehab
197.4 body weight - i'm officially small
1300 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - 15 min morning - 15 min night

Today was good , got in the stretches and movements , got in some empty bar sets just to get some blood in there and shake off some stiffness.

Back felt good no aches or pains today just wasn't going to push it and make some.

Stretches -
Knees to chest - 20 count hold
Pelvic raise - 3x10
Pelvic tilt - 3x10

Movements -
Knee rotation 3x10
Lower back rotation 3x10

Dead Bugs 3x10
Bird Dogs 3x10
Cat Cows 3x10

Empty Bar -

Squats SSB - 3x10

Good Morning SSB - 3x10

1" Deficit Deadlift - 3x10

RDL - 3x10

Red mini band pull throughs - set up a red band on the platform and ran it under a loaded bar so I could do these , it worked well - 3x10

Abs - added an extra 10 reps to each set - 3x40 - 40 bent leg lifts - 40 reverse crunches - 40 bent leg lifts


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Oct 23 '23 Yanopertrophy
Back Rehab
197 body weight
1150 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - 15 morning - 15 night

Today everything feels great and I just want it to stay that way so on with the rehab.

Simple day stretches , movements , empty bar work and abs. Added an extra set here n there. No aches no pains no issues. Smooth as rich creamery buttah.

Knees to chest - 20 count hold
Pelvic Raise - 4x10
Pelvic Tilt - 4x10

Knee Rotation - 4x10
Lower Back Rotation - 4x10

Dead Bugs - 4x10
Bird Dogs - 4x10
Cat Cows - 4x10

Lifts all empty bar -

Squats SSB - 4x10
Good Mornings SSB - 4x10

Pull Throughs - short looped red mini - 4x10

Deadlifts 1" deficit - 4x10
RDL - 4x10
SDL - 4x10

Abs - 4x 30 - rev crunches - bent leg lifts - alternating - alternating
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
"Bird Dogs - 4x10
Cat Cows - 4x10"

What are these bro?


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
"Bird Dogs - 4x10
Cat Cows - 4x10"

What are these bro?
Bird Dog is a movement I do for my rehab .. Cat Cows are simpler but still a stretch and release for lower back and hips.

I fucked up my L5-s1



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Oct 24 '23 Yanopertrophy
196.8 body weight
1360 cals headed to 2500
30 min cardio - 15 morning - 15 night

One of those days that all the cylinders were firing in proper order. Focus was there , intensity was up , all around great session for a change.

Big money no whammies !!

Bench - 245# 4x5 1xamrap added 40lbs of no touch chains - reason - I miss my rattle n clank ⛓️
Warm ups - ebx10 135x5 - added the chains - 175x5 225x5
Work - 4x5 - 245x5 245x5 245x5 245x5
Work - 1xamrap - 245x10x10 - add drop set next session

Incline Bench - #175 - 10 - 8+1 - 6 - repeat

Spoto Press - #185 - 10 - 10 - 8+2 - add 5#

Bent Rows - #145 - back took these well -10 - 10 - 10 - add 5

Ez Bar Curls - #70 - 10 - 10 - 5 - repeat

Red Mini Band Pulldowns/Apart - 4xamrap - full hand wrap and moved up a hole on the rack - 20 - 20 - 18 - 14

Abs - 4x30 - Bent Leg Lifts - Alt LL/RC - Reverse Crunches - Alt LL/RC
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Bird Dog is a movement I do for my rehab .. Cat Cows are simpler but still a stretch and release for lower back and hips.

I fucked up my L5-s1

Gotcha, might add those to my morning regimen.
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