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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Figure i'll carry the log on over here as well being I started the new block tonight.

Got in some good work today but didnt push myself into oblivion ,, no really as hard as that is to believe. Stimulate not annihilate , see I do pay attention in class !! :cool:

Hit mains hard n heavy broke the accessories down into 5x5's working off the new prs 20lbs lighter than I used to be was definitely different. Body has got a crazy buzzing feeling goin on right now ,, just kind of humming as I sit here in my chair. I missed this feeling.

Box Squats - 50% 1rm + 25% resistance - 150x3 240x3 330x3 420x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2

Deads - 50% 1rm + 25% resistance - 135x2 225x2 300x2 added 2 bands 375x2 added the next two bands 450x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2

GM - 240x5 245x5 250x4 255x5 260x5 - these look light as shit but they were work after squats n deads for the first time in weeks for sure.

RDL - 305x5 310x5 315x5 320x5 325x5

Bent Row - 185x5 190x5 195x5 200x5 205x5

Abs - Leg Lifts 4 x 15


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Upper

Everything felt good , moved good , had a hell of a good time today. Body feels good from yesterday as well , no aches n pains , lil stiff this morning but some stretching and cardio took right care of it ,, motion is lotion.

Flat Bench - 50% 1rm 25% added 9x3 - empty bar x10 empty bar/2 bandsx 10 135/2x 3 155/2x 3 170/2x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3 - 255 at the top of the motion

Spoto press - followed protocol 2nd lift is supposed to be 3x20 for added volume so dats what we did, Holy shit y'all my tiddies be painin me !! 135x20 140x20 145x15x5 had to get a breath n get my shit together for the last 5 but finished without the rerack.

JM Press 40# chains - these were a treat after the spotos for sure haahahah 105x10 110x10 115x10 120x10

Seated DB press - 30x10 35x10 40x10 45x10

Shrugs - 185x10 195x10 205x10 210x10

Hammer Curls - 30x10 35x10 40x10 45x5x5

Ez Curls - 55x10 60x10 65x10 70x10

Abs - Twists with 45#plate - 4x15


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Seizure counter reset last night .... start another 90 day count down. I can do any thing I put my mind to , why can't I fix my head.

Started here while I was chatting , noticed after the work out I was losing control of my hands and well other stuff ... thought It was just my cns being a little blown out.

Hands slowly turned into bricks on me and Michelle noticed i was starting to tic just kind of staring and I was getting real dizzy so I bailed for the couch.

Petit Mal this time around no kirking out on the floor at least , she said just a lot of staring and tics n tremors lasted less than 2 minutes, more than 5 min is considered real bad and I get transported.

Slept most of the night , I logged in here to try n let Trend know I was ok being we were chatting when it started but I couldnt really function yet I just ended up sitting here staring into space for a while then went back to bed.

Some times I get so tired of this I just want to be myself again. I see glimpses of me like reflections in broken glass laying on the floor from the shattered windows of my life.

No matter how hard I try to scoop them up and glue them back together they just seem to crumble apart and all i'm left with is cut and bloody hands.

So tired of being broken , so fucking tired ....

"I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
You are someone else
I'm still right here"


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Shit work , shit energy , no pop , no drive , no rage , no anger , its like my emotions just got shut off. No matter what I tried I just couldn't work the bellows enough to blow the coals back into a raging fire .... just disappointed.

Deadlifts - 135x5 225x5 315x3 365x2 405x2 - added 2 bands - 405/2x1 - added 2 more bands - 405/4x1 , added 20lbs - 425/4x1 = 575 at the top of the movement , 435/4 failed

Def Deadlifts 2 inch - Ive never really done these for reps it was different , I definitely need to work them more in larger sets like these - 315x5 335x5 355x5 365x5 370x5

Shrugs - 185x12 205x12 225x12 235x12

Kroc Rows - these arent really a lower body thing , it was supposed to be RDL but my back was just jello after the deficits - if it wasnt for being a bit ignorant i would of said fuck these too but at least I had the bench to lean on - 40x12 45x12 50x12 55x12

Leg Lifts - 4x12


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Cals are at 3000 , body weight this morning 218

Max Upper

Today was a better day for sure. Got in some good work , didnt hit the number at the top of the bench I wanted but as I was sitting there a bit let down I had to force myself to remember I'm 20lbs lighter now than when I hit 340 for a single and im not running the tren or drol anymore so I'll be happy with what i got and accept that. The rest of the day went good , had to make a few adjustments getting used to the different rep ranges but all in all was a good days work.

Flat Bench to 1 rm - empty bar x10 135x3 185x3 225x3 245x3 265x5 275x1 280x1 285x1 290x1 - at 290 my ass left the bench by a bit more than a whisper so I called it there.

Spoto - 190x5 195x5 200x5 205x5 210x5

Close Grip - 185x12 190x12 195x12 200x6x6

Bent Rows - 150x8 155x8 160x8 165x8

Db Press - 40 x15 45 x15 50 x15

Ez Curls - 55x12 60x12 65x12 70x12

Ez Hammer Curls - 40x12 45x12 50x12 55x12

Abs - Leg Lifts - 4x15


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Ok stuck with the plan ,, I know right hard to imagine !! me of all people ,, who'd a thunk it. Trend and I had talked after last weeks debacle and suggested dropping my percentages to a more reasonable jump and see if we get more progress instead my bull in a china shop approach. I'm all for it and today was the first day of the redone math on the block.

Everything moved well , nice n fast good speed. Deads n Skwatz went real well.

Skwatz 275+2 bands = ebx2 eb/2x2 150/2x2 240/2x2 275/2x2 x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 325 at the top of the movement

Deads 275+2 bands = 135/2x2 225/2x2 275/2x 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 - 325 at the top

Here's where shit gets funky -- dun dun dunnnnn (for dramatic effect) - In wanting to stick to the program this time around and get the most out of it , the template calls for accessories to go 3-5 sets of 10-20 reps -- oy vey !!!

So today I started working on 20 reppers -- WTF did I get myself into ??? I started off on the low end of the scale and will work up over this block until we get em all in.

The weights on these are humbling to say the least , first time ive worked in 20s and well ,, yeah its freaking humbling compared to workin in triples for sure.

Good Mornings - 150x20 155x10 160x20

Bent Rows - 135x20 140x20 145x15x5 - slight pause for air no setting the bar down

RDL - 155x20 165x20 170x12x8

By this point my legs were shaking like a dog shitting razor blades and peach pits ,,just wow

Abs - Rev Crunches 4x20
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Nice work! Sorry to hear that you suffer from seizures. That is rough.

When I worked a 5x5 type of training I found there were certain lifts I would eventually struggle to progress with. I ended up going with a 5x5 one month then sets of 20 reps the next month then back to 5x5. I repeated that for six months and blasted through a lot of PR's. It just takes some adjustment each time you go back to 5x5 or 20 reps.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Nice work! Sorry to hear that you suffer from seizures. That is rough.

When I worked a 5x5 type of training I found there were certain lifts I would eventually struggle to progress with. I ended up going with a 5x5 one month then sets of 20 reps the next month then back to 5x5. I repeated that for six months and blasted through a lot of PR's. It just takes some adjustment each time you go back to 5x5 or 20 reps.
Right on thanks man , always to nice to hear from folks that have experience and been there and done it. I promised this time I would stick to the plan so for at least this block I'm gonna roll with the 20s on dynamic days n see how I do. I'm always willing to experiment and adjust the program when it needs it.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Upper

Today felt good , moved well , everything felt like it was firing propah ,, was a solid day. Pretty much a repeat of last dynamic effort day as I get it right in my head and hands.

Paused Bench 2 count with chains - Ebx10 Eb/chx10 135/chx3 155/chx3 175/chx3 195/chx3 205/chx3 215/chx3x3x3x3x3x3 - same weight as last week's dynamic at the top just with chains - 255#

Spoto - on with the 20 reps for volume - 135x20 140x20 145x20 150x10x5x5

Close Grip - 135x10 140x10 145x10 150x10

Seated DB Press - 35x10 40x10 50x10 55x10

Shrugs - 185x10 195x10 205x10 215x10

Rev Curls ez bar - 40x10 45x10 50x10 55x10

Curls ez bar - 55x10 60x10 65x10 70x10

Abs - Reverse Crunches 4 sets of 20


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Lower

Today went well , just not feeling it today I guess. Every thing moved well no complaints on energy or the work out just wasn't fully with it today I guess.

Skwat - High Box - 275 with 2 bands 8x2 - eb x 10 eb/bandsx 2 150/2x2 240/2x2 275/2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 - 275 + 2 bands = 350 at the top

Deads - 135/2x2 225/2x2 275/2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 275+2 bands = 350 at the top of the

GM - 200x10 220x10 240x10

Rows - 165x10 175x10 180x10

Abs - 4x20 leg lifts


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Upper

Today was solid even with the added stress.

Found a traveling vet to take care of the daughters dog for her so they didn't have to worry or take care of it themselves. An there's a place up in Milo I guess , just out of Dover a bit that does pet cremations so they came to get her and that's all taken care of , they can have her back in a week or so and do a memorial box or an urn. I don't know I just felt like I had to do something. Hell she's still writing out thank you cards from the wedding ya know , I couldn't just ,, oh wow that sucks , ok bye.

Ol ladys got covid , one daughter has it so far , I came up positive on one of two tests she brought home and while I don't feel horrible I can tell there's some thing going on , I can taste it when I cough and working out and getting sweaty just has that chilly sweaty feeling it wasn't a good sweat and felt warm ,, if that makes sense.

Work out went really well though I got no complaints on movement or energy. It even took the normal amount of time , wasn't dragging on.

Bench - pause w 2 bands - Bumped these up 10 lbs from the previous 2 weeks - ebx10 eb/bands x 3 135/2x3 155/2x3 175/2x3 185/2x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3 - 265 at the top

Spoto - still working out the 20 reps with no pause so I kept the same weight - 135x20 140x20 145x20

JM Press - 115x10 120x10 125x10 130x5x5

Shrugs - 185x10 195x10 205x10 215x10

Curls - Ez - 55x10 60x10 65x10 70x10

Curls - Ez Hammer - 40x10 45x10 50x10 55x10

Abs - I was breathing n bracing wasn't I ? :cool: :ROFLMAO: I was just feeling shakey n gassed n said fuck em today.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Today wasn't too bad , I still don't feel horrible , stuffy , coughing a bit now and then , I get sweaty and clamy feeling quick but it's not horrible at least. Not a ton of energy or pop in the work out but it went ok all things considering. I got no real complaints. Would of liked a better total on the deads but i'll take what I can get and thank God for letting me still work out.

Max Lower

Deads - 135x3 225x3 315x3 365x3 405x3 - this felt like a fucking house not gonna lie - 455x1 475x1 490x1 - I stripped some plates off back down to 405 with 2 bands for 480 at the top ,, added 20 lbs 500 at the top x1 , 520 failed barely got it off the floor last week I hit 560

-- At this point I was pissed off not gonna lie I was a big ragey but then I realized I'm still over my meet total and running way less shit so ,, I ended up pretty happy even if I didnt beat last week it still shows im getting stronger on the cruises.

Deficit DL's 1" - sort of a fuck you to my self for not getting where I wanted to be on the regular deads - went heavy on these and worked in triples - 405x3 410x3 415x3 420x3 - this actually brought my spirits up , the single I ended up dropping when I had the seizure was 460 so hitting a triple with 420 made me pretty fkn happy.

GM's - Feeling a bit shakey at this point but more I guess a hypo sweaty feeling than a flu or cold thing but there's no way I could be I had a banana before hand after my chicken n salad and I had marmalade on my toast this morning so i had sugar in me,, I was sweating like a pig at this point but I was so fkn cold I had to put my long sleeve shirt on over the tank I had on - just a weird feeling - 240x10 245x10 250x10 255x10

Rows - I did these Pendlay style today , leaning over like that I was feeling a bit pukey and def dizzy so cheating with the floor sure helped - 165x10 170x10 175x10 180x10

Abs - 1x15 Russian Twists ,, yes one set ,, I finished the last rep and the room kept goin back n forth lol so I said ya know what ,, fuck dis I breathe n brace (shout out to the great Ed Coan for that excuse , love you man !) and came up here.
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