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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Max Upper
2000 cals
203lbs body weight
30 min cardio morn/night
variety of supplemental supplementation , such and so forth

Today went well , no complaints , plenty of energy , resting well , eating good. First week back at conjugate feels real good , like going home after a long trip. Got some work to do to bring up the accessories but all in all I'm happy with today.

Flat Bench - to 1 rm - these went well , might of been able to get a few more lbs at the top if I hit a few less triples down low but i got no complaints about where I ended up.
ebx10 135x3 185x3 225x3 275x3 295x2 315x1 325x1 335x1 340x1 345x1* new PR

Board Presses - 5x5 - Ok I went a little over board on these but it felt good so wtf - next time around I'll cut some fluff out of the low end start with the 185 I think n go from there.
1 board - 135x5 185x5 225x5 230x5 235x5
2 board - 135x5 185x5 225x5 230x5 235x5
3 board - 135x5 185x5 225x5 230x5 235x5

Close Grip Bench - 4x8 - arms were feeling like some hot jello by this point - 135x8 155x8 175x8 185x8

Curls - 45x10 55x10 65x10 70x10

Band Face Pulls - 3 sets of 10

Abs - Legs Lifts/ wind shield wiper - 4 sets of 20


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Lower
2100 Cals
204.1 body weight
30 min cardio morning / night
various such and so forth

Damn good day all around , good speed on the bar , plenty of gas in the tank , no complaints.

Low Box Skwatz - 8x2 - 55% + 25% dynamic = 375 - 255 on the bar - bands n chains for the 125
Warm ups - ebx10 eb/2/40x2 150/2/40x2
Working sets - 255/2/40x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2

Deadz - 8x2 - 55% +25% dynamic = 455 - 305 on the bar + 150 in bands
Warm ups - 135/2x2 135/4x2 225/4x2 275/4x2
Working sets - 305/4x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2

Banded RDL - 4x10 - dynamic added - 2 bands 75# - final set 260 at the top
135/2x10 155/2x10 175/2x10 185/2x10

Stiff Leg GM's - 5x8 - SSB + 40lbs in chains - final set is 230 - 150/40x8 170/40x8 180/40x8 185/40x8 190/40x8

Upright Rows - 5x8 - 50x8 60x8 70x8 75x8 80x6x2

Abs - good ol leg lifts - 4 sets of 20


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Max Lower
204.7 body weight
2100 cals
30 min cardio morning / night
assorted supplemental snacks and such

Today went real good , plenty of energy and good focus , blew the head thing a bit as I got near the pr but I got it together to still make a few good pulls. Nothing to complain about today even with the fail which we'll go in to a bit later in the program.

NEW BANDS WOOOOOOOOOO! - New set pair of Pro Average Resistance - the grey ones - from elitefts arrived so ya know we had to throw those right on.

Hook to hook up and over the bar with 45's on it measures 48 inches - so these bands add 115# each at the bottom and 130# at the top with the distance I move the bar - math - chart - scale - all check out against each other so its accurate for training.

Deadz to 1rm - These went real good today , I kept the reps low on the short end so I could try to get some good pulls at the top and it went well.
Warm ups - ebx10 135x3
Working - 225x3 315x3 added the new bands - 365/2x1 385/2x1 405/2x1* [ 665 at the top - neighbor of the beast ]new PR first vid

Got too horny here and made too big of a jump and screwed the pooch - that being said this was the first time ive ever locked on to 700lbs - 455/2x0 - 2nd video

405/2x1 - 665 at the top


Watch "20230406_144849_281896696604077" on Streamable.

455/2x0 - First attempt ever over 7 - would of been 715 at the top - this will come within a month


Watch "20230406_145219_282106896554205" on Streamable.

Chair Deadlifts - 5x5 - 155x5 185x5 225x5 245x5 265x5

Banded RDL - red minis + 75# - 4x10 - 135/2x10 155/2x10 175/2x10 185/2x10

Upright Row - 4x8 - 55x8 65x8 75x8 80x8

Abs - Leg Lifts 2 sets 25 - 2 sets 20


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Max Upper
2100 cals
204.5 body weight
30 min cardio morning / night
various and assorted mints nuts and bridge mix

Today felt good , had good focus , decent energy all throughout. Didn't quite hit some of the numbers I was expecting but its been a while since I've worked some of these with any seriousness so it's to be expected.

Incline Bench - to 1rm - ebx10 135x3 185x3 205x3 225x3 245x2 255x1 265x1 270x1

Spoto Press - 5x5 - took a few reps to find a decent opener but it went well from there - 195x5 205x5 215x5 225x5 230x5

JM Press - 4x12 - 105x12 110x12 115x12 120x12

Bent Rows - 4x8 - 175x8 185x8 195x6x2 205x4x4

Delts - 3x15 - one side at a time - 45x15 55x15 60x15

Abs - Leg Lifts - 4 sets - 25 - 25 - 20 - 20


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Lower
2200 cals
204.7 body weight
30 min cardio morning / night
various and assorted such and so forth

Today went good , not a lot of pop but steady constant energy and focus. Got in some decent work , cleaned up the low end of a few lifts and cut some fluff all in all a good day.

Box Squats - 6x2 - 60% + 25% dynamic - 120 with 4 bands roughly - 315 on the bar +120 - 435 at the top
Warm ups - eb/2 bands x 10 eb/4 bands x10 150/4x2 200/4x2 240/4x2 290/4x2
Working sets - 315/4x2x2x2x2x2x2

Deadlifts 6x2 - 60% +25% dynamic - 320 on the bar - 4 bands +150 dynamic - 470 at the top
Warm ups - 135/2x2 135/4x2 225/4x2
Working sets 320/4x2x2x2x2x2x2

Front Squats - from low box - 5x5 - 200x5 240x5 290x5 330x5 350x3x2

Seated GM's - 5x5 - 170x5 190x5 210x5 220x5 240x5

Band Face Pulls - looped band - no real way to gauge tension when I can add another band i will - 4 sets of 8

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 3 sets 25 1 set 20


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Upper
2200 cals
205 body weight
30 min cardio morning / night
Whitmans sampler of assorted assortments

Today flew right by , good speed good energy and got in some decent work all around. Cant beat it with a big stick.

Bench - 6x2 - 60%+25% - 207 + 87 295 on the round up 4 bands single long loop 80# /90#
Warm ups - ebx10 eb/2x2 eb/4x2 135/4x2 185/4x2
Work - 215/4x2x2x2x2x2x2 - 295 at the top

DB Press - 3x20 - unilateral cus yea not enough micros - these lil bastards burned - 40x20 45x20 50x20

Banded JM Press - 4x10 - same band set up as bench - 4 bands 80/90 lbs of tension - these are some fun tricky shit - so 80# from the bands 45# bar for a base of 125 at the top - 145x10 155x10 160x8x2 165x5x5

Delts - 4x10 - flys n front delt raises - Flys 20x10 25x10 30x10 35x8x2
Front raises - 25x10 30x10 35x10 40x10

Curls - Long bar - 55x10 60x10 65x10 70x10

Abs - Leg lifts , finally managed to bump all 4 sets to 25 reps


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Max Lower
2200 cals
205 body weight
30 min cardio morning / night
various and assorted fruits nuts and gummi worms

Today went ok , not a ton of pop ,not for lack of trying just never seemed to get the Genie out of the bottle so to speak. Got in solid work , accessories went well.

Deadz to 1 rm - Every thing felt like a house today no matter how fired up i got , just one of them days - used the grey bands today , they add 115 at the bottom and 130 at the top each - ebx10 135x3 135/2x3 185/2x3 225/2x3 275/2x2 315/2x1 365/2x1 405/2x1 - 635 at the bottom - 665 at the top

Chair Deadlifts - 5x5 - 185x5 225x5 245x5 265x5 275x5* pr for these

Box Squats - mid level - for the extra volume work - 4x12 - 150x12 200x12 220x12 230x12

Rows - 4x8 - 135x8 155x8 175x8 185x8

Abs - Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 25


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Lower
2300 cals
207 body weight
30 min cardio morning / night
various variety of things and such

Good energy and focus today but the work just seemed to take forever , an hour work out took almost an hour forty five today ... not sure what was up just felt gassed after every set even though I was feeling fine.

Box Squats - high box - 8x2 - added 20 lbs to the 50% starter - 260 on the bar - 135 dynamic - bands n chains came to 120 , added the difference of 15 to the bar for 375 at the top
Warm ups - ebx10 150/2/ 40x2 200/2/40x2 250/2/40x2
Working Sets - 275/2/40x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 - 395# at the top

Deadlifts - 275 on the bar - 138 dynamic - 8x2 - added 20lbs to these as well - 285 on the bar 150 with the 4 bands for 435 at the top
Warm ups - 135x2 135/2x2 135/4x2 225/4x2 275/4x2
Working sets - 285/4x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 - 435# at the top

Front squats - 4x8 - backwards ssb - 40lbs of chains - 150/40x8 200/40x8 240/40x8 290/40x8 - 330 at the top

Stiff Leg GM - 3x15 for volume - 150x15 170x15 190x15

Band face pulls - 3x15 - hooked 2 bands on the platform backed up and squatted down pulled from that low position - at that distance 2 bands is roughly 90# as best as I could measure it and used elitefts band chart - x15 x15 x15

Abs - Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 25


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Upper
2300 cals
205.7 body weight
30 min cardio morning / night
various variety of stuff and things

Today was a good one , had my energy back , good speed on the bar. Kept the weight down a bit and upped the volume. Everything was groovy

Bench - 9x3 - 50%+25% dynamic - 2 bands looped for 80# + 10lbs - 185+80+10 = 275 at the top
Warm up - ebx10 105/2x3 135/2x3 185/2x3
Work - 195/2x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3

DB Press 3x20 - moved these into the volume slot today - 30x20 35x20 40x20

JM Press 4x12 - 80# 2 bands - bands n bar - 125# at the top - 135x12 145x12 155x12 165x8x4

Standing Rows - 4x12 - 55x12 65x12 75x12 80x8x4

Standing OHP - 4x12 - 40# of swinging chains they dont touch the ground - bar n chains 85# - 105x12 115x12 125x12 130x12

Abs - Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 25


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Max Upper
2300 cals
207 body weight
30 min cardio tonight
various and assorted things and such

Today went well , still coughing up shit a bit and my heads clearing out but I just had to get something done. With all the rain , part of the gym was wet so no lower today , I put the DL platform up against the wall n went upper.

Good energy for coming off being sick , focus was there. Didn't quite hit the numbers I wanted but no real complaints I suppose.

Bench to 1rm - Lil too much on the low end maybe to hit the very top but not a bad bit of work at all. ebx10 135x5 185x5 225x5 275x3 285x2 295x1 305x1 315x1 320x1 325x1

Spoto Press - 5x5 - 185x5 225x5 235x5 245x5 250x5

JM Press w/chains 40# - 5x5 - 105x5 115x5 125x5 135x5 140x5

Standing Rows - 5x5 - 65x5 75x5 85x5 90x5 95x5

Abs - Leg Lifts 4 sets of 25


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Max Lower
2300 cals
207.3 body weight
30 min cardio at night
various things and amounts of such and so forth

Today went well , good energy , put a lil weight on the bar , got no complaints at all. Felt really good all around.

Deadz - to 1 rm - grey bands = +260 at the top - ebx10 135x3 225x3 275x3 315x3 - added the bands - 315/2 x1 365/2x1 405/2x1 415/2x1* - 415 on the bar 260 in bands = 675 at the top new PR

Chair Deadz - 5x5 - 225x5 245x5 255x5 265x5 275x5

Low Box Squats - 40# of chain - 5x8 - 150/40x8 200/40x8 240/40x8 260/40x8 270/40x8

Band Face Pulls - looped mini - 4 sets of 15

Abs - leg lifts 4 sets of 25


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Lower
2300 cals
207 body weight
30 min cardio at night
various things and such

Today ended up being more of a heavy day than dynamic , just got in a mood and went with it. Sometimes when the avalanche starts down the mountain its best to just go with it.

Good energy , good focus , today went real well and finished strong.

Deads with grey bands - I just started pulling , things felt good and I figured why the hell not
ebx10 135x3 225x3 315x3 365x2 405x1 - added grey bands - 405/2x1 425/2x1 435/2x1 440/2x1 - 440 on the bar - bands 260 at the top - 700#

PR video below wanted to get it locked out and held for a second but with my leg bucking like it was I was losing my grip so while I might not of got a white light on it , I got it up.

Squats - high box - same here didnt wanna mess with bands n chains really so i just went for it today with straight weight -
150x5 200x4 240x3 290x2 330x2 380x2 420x2 430x2

Front Squats - no box this time - ass to grass , knee that did all the bucking during deads wasnt so happy 4x12 - 150x12 200x12 210x8x4 215x6x6

Stiff Leg GM - 5x5 - 150x5 200x5 220x5 230x5 240x5

Standing OHP - 5x5 - bar n chains - 105x5 115x5 125x5 135x5 140x5

Abs - Leg lifts / windshield wipers - 4 sets of 25
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