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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Smolov jr for bench - deads 6x6
1900 Cals
199 body weight
30 min cardio morning 30 min cardio night

Today was a good one , upper is sore no hiding it , pec tendons , elbows , wrists all feel like in my damn 50s today but we got'er done. Took a good minute or two between sets today there was no rushing shit. A lot of uh ,, self encouragement shall we say with a side of cussing and reminders of what were here for. To be better than yesterday.

Bench work - 8x4 - 280 - Sweet Mercy Mother of God I lived - this was a days work and then some. Warm ups - ebx10 105x4 135x4 185x4 225x4
Working Sets - 280x4x4x4x4x4x4x4x4 - oy freakin vey

Deads 7x6 - Hips and legs are still tired from the max work on wednesday but we got in some good solid work today all the same. Worked it in 6s until i knew i wouldnt get another full set and called it. - 135x6 185x6 225x6 275x6 315x6 365x6 405x6

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 20


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
smolov jr for bench - squats low box
203 body weight - im a bit poofy today
1900 cals
30 min cardio morning n night

Today went well , felt good, focus was there drive was there. That all being said. Today was HELL haahahah just fkn wow.

Elbows , wrists , pec tendons all just want me to fuck off and die slowly, this round definitely beat me up. Last couple of sets were not exactly dynamic but I never racked the bar but there was a bit of a pause tween the 2nd n 3rd rep for sure and a few big lung fulls of air.

I kept reminding myself of what it says on the smolov site ,, these will be some of the most challenging sets of your life ... they aint lying. The closer I got to the end the more fun it was I have to admit that feeling of ,, yeah!! I beat you! I got you mfker! I got you!! ( you being the bar ),, took over and the bar seemed to get a bit lighter even if it didnt move any faster.

Next week will be a bit of a deload for the upper and back to conjugate

Bench work - 10x3 - 295 - WOOOOOOOOOO! We did it is all I can say - ebx10 105x2 135x2 185x2 225x2 275x2
Working sets - 295x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3

Squats - low box x6 - simple squat day to get some work in on em after a hell of a good week of dl's - 150x6 200x6 240x6 290x6 330x6 380x6

Abs - Russian Twists - 45# plate - 4 sets of 15


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
smolov jr for bench - squats low box
203 body weight - im a bit poofy today
1900 cals
30 min cardio morning n night

Today went well , felt good, focus was there drive was there. That all being said. Today was HELL haahahah just fkn wow.

Elbows , wrists , pec tendons all just want me to fuck off and die slowly, this round definitely beat me up. Last couple of sets were not exactly dynamic but I never racked the bar but there was a bit of a pause tween the 2nd n 3rd rep for sure and a few big lung fulls of air.

I kept reminding myself of what it says on the smolov site ,, these will be some of the most challenging sets of your life ... they aint lying. The closer I got to the end the more fun it was I have to admit that feeling of ,, yeah!! I beat you! I got you mfker! I got you!! ( you being the bar ),, took over and the bar seemed to get a bit lighter even if it didnt move any faster.

Next week will be a bit of a deload for the upper and back to conjugate

Bench work - 10x3 - 295 - WOOOOOOOOOO! We did it is all I can say - ebx10 105x2 135x2 185x2 225x2 275x2
Working sets - 295x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3

Squats - low box x6 - simple squat day to get some work in on em after a hell of a good week of dl's - 150x6 200x6 240x6 290x6 330x6 380x6

Abs - Russian Twists - 45# plate - 4 sets of 15
"Russian Twists," is that the thing ppl do with a Landmine? Kinda like anti-scoliosis training? Besides Lamar Gant's amazing achievements in early PL, I never understood how he was able to do all that. Terry Todd did an SI article on him once w/how fucked up his spine was in x-rays ... un-fucking-natural.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
"Russian Twists," is that the thing ppl do with a Landmine? Kinda like anti-scoliosis training? Besides Lamar Gant's amazing achievements in early PL, I never understood how he was able to do all that. Terry Todd did an SI article on him once w/how fucked up his spine was in x-rays ... un-fucking-natural.
Yes Sir , land mine or you can do em sitting down as well. No scoliosis for me just an old twisted up back , these help , reverse hypers , glute ham raises , all real good stuff.


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
Old twisted up Back, or old twisted up Brain ... good to see you here, Yano :)


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Short Dynamic Lower
2000 cals
200# body weight
30 min cardio morning / 30 min cardio night

This week is supposed to be my deload week after finishing up smolov jr but I wanted to keep the momentum going on the lower now that every thing is healed up and feeling better.

So I ended up working just a short dynamic lower today for main movers without accessories , got in some good work but not so much that it will interrupt my recovery , at least I dont think so , we shall see.

Feels real good to be back working conjugate , missed my bands n chains.

Squats - 50% + 25% resistance - 250 + 125 - 375 at the top - 8x2- 4 bands are roughly 90 lbs looped like i did and then i added 40 lbs of chains
Warm Ups - 150/40x2 150/40/2x2 150/40/4x2 200/40/4x2
Working Sets 250/40/4x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2

Deadlifts - 50% + 25% resistance - 300 + 150 - 450 at the top - 8x2 - 2 bands 75# - 4 bands 150#
Warmups - 135x2 135/2x2 135/4x2 225/4x2 275/4x2
Working sets - 300/4x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2

Abs - bent leg lifts - 4 sets of 20


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Max Lower
2000 cals
200 lbs body weight
30 min cardio morning /night

Today went well , added an accessory this time around , every thing held together well. Pushed enough to get some solid work in , added in front squats today only thing missing from a normal max day is some form of row , we'll add those in after this deload.

Deads to max - Not a bad day of work , nothing stellar. All plates no bands or chains - 135x3 225x3 315x3 365x3 405x1 455x1 475x1 500x1

Squats - 5x5 - Didnt push too far , solid work same as last week , legs were a bit wobbly on the last set but all in all it felt real good. 150x5 240x5 290x5 330x5 380x5

Front Squats 5x5 - Been a while and these felt good wobbly legs and all - 150x5 200x5 240x5 290x5 330x5

Abs - Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 20


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Short Dynamic Lower
2000 cals
200lbs body weight
30 min cardio morn/night

Today was one of those days when everything lines up. Felt good moved good , no weird shit. Kept the program short , still deloading upper for the week , next weeks back to full program and I'm in a good place to start the next blocks.

Deadlifts - 2 bands +75# 4 bands +150 - triples to max single - I spent a good amount of time talking to SFG and he helped me with my form quite a bit , gave me some great advice and a couple of things to try ,, the rolling the weight back to me a bit to get momentum as I lean back into it , is still taking some time to perfect.

What is working well is the ,, dive in the pool , approach if you will , get my air , drop down brace , hook up and go like hell. Its taken the week to feel comfortable with it but it's working out really really well , so a big shout out to SFG for the help and confidence to try other approaches to the lift.

Deadlifts - 2 bands +75# 4 bands +150 - triples to max single - 135x3 225x3 225/2x3 275x3 275/4x3 315/4x3 365/4x3 - broke here into singles 405/4x1 455/4x1 475/4x1*

The pull I missed earlier was 475/4 which is 625 at the top which is still a 3xbw pull in some way i reckon

Well we didn't miss it today in fact it moved quite well , now to start adding plates til we can pull the bands off and make it official.

The pulls at like 25 seconds in , ol lady hit record a bit early

Good Mornings with alternating chains off and on - Haven't hit these since the accident so I thought it was about time so I put these in today in place of hitting squats there is some fluff in here just to build up to a decent weight and see how the hips n low back was going to take it. - 110x3 110/40x3 150x3 150x/40x3 200x3 200/40x3 240x3 240/4x3 290x3 290/40x3 330x3

Vid below is the last set of GM's - 330x3

Banded face pulls - put these in for some kind of rowing action today - no way to tell the tension of the bands ,, 50 maybe 60 lbs looped like this ,, feels like a heavy bag of dog food - 4 sets of 15

Abs - good ole bent leg lifts - 4 sets of 20


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Lower
2000 cals
200 lbs body weight
30 min cardio morning /night

Today went real well , added in another accessory today hips n back felt strong so I got no complaints at all. Got in almost an entire proper day , only thing left to add in is one more accessory just didnt have the lower back today to pull off GM's , next week.

Box Squats - 5x5 - 2 looped bands for roughly 80 and 40 in chains today 5 lbs off added it to the bar in micros - 50%+25% resistance - 375 at the top
Warm ups - eb/2/40x10 150/2/40x5 200/2/40x5
Working sets - 265/2/40x5x5x5x5x5

Deadlifts - 8x2 - 50%+25% resistance - 415 at the top - 4 bands is 150# - i only needed 138
so i adjusted the bar to make up for the difference
Warm ups - 135/2x2 135/4x2 225/4x2
Working sets - 265/4x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2

Kept the newly added accessories in the middle range as i get back into the full program

Front Squats - 5x10 - added chains - 150/40x10 170/40x10 180/40x10 190/40x10 195/40x10

Upright rows - 5x8 - 50x8 60x8 70x8 80x8 85x8

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts 4 sets of 20


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Dynamic Upper
2000 cals
200# body weight
30 min cardio morning / night
special supplements, some such and so forth

Today was a good one no complaints , it was nice to get in a full day of upper after working six weeks of smolov jr. Feel a little gassed but nothing horrible - stimulate not annihilate -

Flat Bench - 9x3 50% of 1rm 25% resistance - 175+88- rounded up to 265 - looped 2 bands on the ssb under my bench gave me just around 95 lbs +/- no way to tell for sure with out a hanging scale so i just loaded the proper 175 on the bar in case i guessed wrong
Warm up ebx10 eb/bandsx10 135/2x5 155/2x5
Working sets 175/2x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3 - 265 at the top

Spoto Press - These were some work its been a while since i did any big sets holy burn
3x20 - 135x20 140x20 150x15x5

JM Press - WOOOO !! nothing super on these but I missed em - added 40# of chains to the bar for these and let it swing - 65/40x10 75/40x10 80/40x10 85/40x8x2 - last sets 125 in total

Banded Face Pulls - 4x12 - band looped around the rack upright - no clue on the tension

OHP - I havent done these since i fucked my self up having the seizure , it took a couple of minutes to run out of excuses in my head until i got under the bar ,, felt like my aunt olga being scared of thunder ... holy crap.
4x10 - 40# of chains added - 105/40x10 110/40x10 115/40x8x2 120/40x5x5

Abs - Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 20


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Max Lower
2000 cals
203 body weight
30 min cardio morning /night
assorted and various sundries and supplemental supplementation

Plenty of energy and get up and go ,, wanted to pull a bit higher on the top end but i'll take what I can get and thank the Lord for letting me do it another day.

Deadlifts - to 1 rm - Just plates today no chains or bands - Was hoping for something around 550 didnt quite get there but all in all not a bad session

135x3 225x3 315x3 405x3 455x1 475x1 500x1 pulled the micros off added 10s - 515x1

545xfail - Got a bit ahead of myself here and took the 10s off put on the 25's got to mid shins but that was it - no worries just shows me the work I have to do to catch up to where I am with the bands.

Chair Deadlifts - 5x5 - Wanted to just keep working deads today and get some volume in - these are really helping me with form - hadnt done these in a while started on the low end next week I'll cut some fluff out of the bottom end - 135x5 185x5 225x5 245x5 265x5

Seated GM - 5x5 - 150x5 200x5 210x5 220x5 230x5 - Not doin these while healing up the lower end was really apparent today , got in some good work - lost some off the top on these but it will come back fast

Bent Rows - 4x12 - 105x12 115x12 125x12 130x12 - these were just sad today - lower back was cooked by this point I should of switched to Pendlays lookin back - form held really well - just gota put some steady work into these and get em back up where they should be

Abs - Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 20
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