Well this escalated quickly. I'm not sure how it went from a request for clarification to everybody's a simp. If you hate simps that much instead of name calling how about you find one and mentor them, teach them boundaries, difference between kindness versus taking advantage of, how to improve their self-esteem and self-worth, how to identify breeding pool, flirtation ect. Height, weight, looks, have nothing to do with being simp. I would also like to point out a real man doesn't go around making assumptions by looking at a pictures and comparing and justifying manliness by their own picture. In a real relationship compromise and communication do not make people simps. I find it extremely difficult to get flip a switch and be nasty to people, so after I kill them with logic and facts, if that doesn't resolve my issue my wife puts on the big boy panties and gets fucking nasty. I would love to know your specific definition for a simp and your specific definition for a man, just curious. And what roles do each play in a relationship?