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Trump jumps in: The Donald's latest White House run is officially on



VIP Member
Nov 12, 2012
Unlike Trump who has no details, besides building a wall, this is what president RAIDEN would do. (Please feel free to comment, disagree, or offer suggestions on my proposal)

The number of illegals hover around 11 million, ball park, no one knows exact number. But we will say 15 million for the sake of argument. Out of 15 million, let's say 11 million comply and go along with this proposal.

Step 1. Register for possible citizenship, which then issued a worker ID number, which allows you to be taxed, tracked, and in the system.

Step 2. Find and maintain at least part time employment, minimum 20- 24 hours a week.

Step 3. Enroll in a English class, community college or a acreddited school/program.

Step 4. Pay a 35,000$ fine for each person, or 50,000$ fine for a family of 3 or more. This would be paid over a 4-6 year period. Monthly payments based on a 3 tier income bracket.

If we have 5 million individuals at that price, it brings in 175 billion on the course of 4-6 years
If we have 6 million families at that price, it brings in 300 billion.
Total of 475 billion.
Might not seem like a lot of money, but it's not designed to keep them in debt forever. Also it gets them off of social services like welfare food stamps etc. Now they've become self sufficient.

If you have other numbers, throw them up.

Step 5. Volunteer 1 weekend a month for 16 months to the National Guard.

Step 6. Get your citizenship.

And if at any time you break the law, you forfeit all money paid, and lose potential citizenship.


1. Good start.

2. Everybody or head of household? Makes no sense to require this for everybody.

3. I dont think its a bad idea to require to learn English but we dont have an official language. Make sure its better than the dumb ass English and history requirements to become a citizen.

4. This is a total failure already. They dont make enough money to pay off 50k in 6 years. Thinking that this will get them off social services is the opposite of what will happen and they are not self sufficient.
I couldnt get any welfare benefits for 3 years when I got my papers. I think a reasonable fine would work, something like 10% of your income for x amount of years and no welfare of any kind for x amount of years AFTER the fine is paid up. So if you pay 10% for 5 years then you couldnt get benefit for let say 8 years. You have to put in to the system for 3 years before you get anything.

5. The "danger" with forcing people to volunteer is the crappy shit you get from people who dont want to be there. I was in a mandatory military. Plenty of deadbeats that spent more time ****ing around than getting shit done. Instead we could make them play for the 49ers, they suck already so no harm done there.

I would add a much better guest worker system.
Many of them just want work here and would like to go back and forth.


Dec 31, 2011
His ideas on the illegal immigration issue are also whack. There's no way we can deport 11-12+ million under the current deportation rules - too costly and would take too long. And there's no point in going through the time and expense in deporting those "good ones" who you plan to let back in. But I guess it all sounds good to some people who don't know any better.

I actually do kinda like the outline of his tax plan - but of course the devil is often found in the details. The only thing I'd change offhand is to tax the lower earners 5% instead of 0%. If everyone has a little skin in the game, it will be easier to hopefully reduce the size of government someday, and to do away with so much of the fraud, waste, and abuse that goes on.

We'd have far less national debt if every govt hack didn't overpay his contractor cronies for every little thing, for instance. If we only paid $5 per hammer instead of $5k, and $1 million for a $1 mil website instead of $5 billion, we'd probably be in far better fiscal shape.

Wel..well well..JR... Waving the White Flag to a bucha border jumpers? BS if we can't ''deport'' 12 million ILLEGALS! If NOT The USA is done and over . What you are saying is we can't control our own Country? Pffffft. Cut off all aid , all schooling, all housing, require E-Verify. Done and Done. Cmon grow a pair , THIS IS 'MURICA!!!!


Dec 31, 2011
Gee Children.. What did America do before we were invaded by non-english speaking hordes that WILL NOT assimilate ? When my Family came here , it was forbidden to speak our native tongue in the house, they came here to be Americans .
All the '''reasons'' wh ywe can't deport 12 million ILLEGALS makes me fart in all your directions...PFFFFFFFT!!

Read History my meathead is happening here. The Fall of The Roman Empire MIRRORS what is happening right now in America a tee!!


VIP Member
Feb 22, 2012
Gee Children.. What did America do before we were invaded by non-english speaking hordes that WILL NOT assimilate ? When my Family came here , it was forbidden to speak our native tongue in the house, they came here to be Americans .
All the '''reasons'' wh ywe can't deport 12 million ILLEGALS makes me fart in all your directions...PFFFFFFFT!!

Read History my meathead is happening here. The Fall of The Roman Empire MIRRORS what is happening right now in America a tee!!

Ok president graniteman, explain how do we deport 12 million illegals. Logistics, schematics, financing and everything needed.


Dec 31, 2011
Unlike Trump who has no details, besides building a wall, this is what president RAIDEN would do. (Please feel free to comment, disagree, or offer suggestions on my proposal)

The number of illegals hover around 11 million, ball park, no one knows exact number. But we will say 15 million for the sake of argument. Out of 15 million, let's say 11 million comply and go along with this proposal.

Step 1. Register for possible citizenship, which then issued a worker ID number, which allows you to be taxed, tracked, and in the system.

Step 2. Find and maintain at least part time employment, minimum 20- 24 hours a week.

Step 3. Enroll in a English class, community college or a acreddited school/program.

Step 4. Pay a 35,000$ fine for each person, or 50,000$ fine for a family of 3 or more. This would be paid over a 4-6 year period. Monthly payments based on a 3 tier income bracket.

If we have 5 million individuals at that price, it brings in 175 billion on the course of 4-6 years
If we have 6 million families at that price, it brings in 300 billion.
Total of 475 billion.
Might not seem like a lot of money, but it's not designed to keep them in debt forever. Also it gets them off of social services like welfare food stamps etc. Now they've become self sufficient.

If you have other numbers, throw them up.

Step 5. Volunteer 1 weekend a month for 16 months to the National Guard.

Step 6. Get your citizenship.

And if at any time you break the law, you forfeit all money paid, and lose potential citizenship.


Sooo.RAIDEN is for Amnesty.... tsk tsk tsk...


Dec 31, 2011
Ok president graniteman, explain how do we deport 12 million illegals. Logistics, schematics, financing and everything needed.

CHILDREN. @monsoon, @schultz1 . @RAIDEN .. ok as RAIDEN didn't pay attention again...I will repeat. As Trump has proposed and others they will SELF DEPORT when the spigot is turned of..

2. No more fake ssi numbers --EMPLOY E-VERIFY
3. No schooling for illegals ..sorry your non english speaking is bringoing down the whole system.
4. Oh and 4th..No Public housing and you must be a citizen or have a valid green card to rent a home
5. NO FREE HEALTHCARE.. IF MY Own Sons are waiting for The F'n VA to cover a Promise WE made them we should all be damned if we allow mobs of illegals to flood and destroy our emergency rooms and hospitals and pay nothing , nada ..zilch.

Cut off their $$$ supply and like cockroaches they will the middle of the night. When our economy dumped many went back to mexico with all our cash and live VERY WELL. Untill the gangs learn they have money...

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JR Ewing

JR Ewing

Nov 9, 2012
Wel..well well..JR... Waving the White Flag to a bucha border jumpers? BS if we can't ''deport'' 12 million ILLEGALS! If NOT The USA is done and over . What you are saying is we can't control our own Country? Pffffft. Cut off all aid , all schooling, all housing, require E-Verify. Done and Done. Cmon grow a pair , THIS IS 'MURICA!!!!

We're limited by our current deportation laws and budget as to how many, how fast, and how much deporting we can afford to do currently. Each deportation costs money and takes time. Multiply that by 11 million or more, and you can see that we have limits as to what can be realistically done under current laws in terms of time and budget constraints.

I think that a secure border, the enforcement of current laws (including criminal prosecution for those involved in all of this "sanctuary city" BS), and first and foremost going after those here illegally who are violent criminals is a good place to start. And I am against simply "deporting" those who have committed violent crimes - I say try them as the criminals they are lock them up if they can be convicted.
JR Ewing

JR Ewing

Nov 9, 2012
Trump's recent foreign policy views are also wrong IMO. We cannot simply let Russia "take care of Isis". Russia will restructure the ME for their own benefit, strengthen themselves dramatically on the world stage, and fill the vacuum Obama has created by retreating from that stage.

Putin will also take the oil Bush should have taken for us a decade ago.


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
I like MK's suggestion about improving/expanding the guest worker program. I do agree that what happened in Alabama is not the optimal situation, but until employers feel the pinch they have no incentive to communicate their guest worker needs to the state or federal gov't. I say enforce the fines against the employers AND work with the states on identifying what the actual guest worker program size should be. We should know who the guest workers are, WHERE they are, and know that they've returned back home after their work duties are completed. Have the companies that participate in the guest worker program pay some reasonable fees to participate in the program to offset the costs of the gov't having good controls on the who/where/when of the program


Dec 31, 2011
We're limited by our current deportation laws and budget as to how many, how fast, and how much deporting we can afford to do currently. Each deportation costs money and takes time. Multiply that by 11 million or more, and you can see that we have limits as to what can be realistically done under current laws in terms of time and budget constraints.

I think that a secure border, the enforcement of current laws (including criminal prosecution for those involved in all of this "sanctuary city" BS), and first and foremost going after those here illegally who are violent criminals is a good place to start. And I am against simply "deporting" those who have committed violent crimes - I say try them as the criminals they are lock them up if they can be convicted.

You didn't read my post....It would not cost us 1 cent. As a matter of fact it would save us Billions of tax dollars.
Simple question did we pay them to come here? No, they will leave when the money spigot is cut off.

I now you're a die hard Republican and like the cheap labor but sometimes The Nation has to come 1st. It will probably effect my business but I am willing to take the pain for Future Americans.
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