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Sep 28, 2010
Its probably because your CNS is still all fired up from working out. I used to work out in the evenings as well and I played hell trying to get to sleep at a decent hour. I was just like you. My body was wrecked and tired, but my mind wouldnt shut off. Too much CNS activity going on from my brain was the culprit for me. I just started switching up my workout times and it fixed itself. I dont know if that is an option for you though.


New Member
Sep 27, 2010
its defo the workout cause iv not been for 2 days now and slept like a log both nights.


Sep 23, 2010
Meltonin helps in regulating sleeping patterns. Probably the best/cheapest option.

I'd like to chime in and mention that for the past couple months I've been running ghrp-2/Ipamorelin+CJC1293 without DAC(mod grf(1-29)) and have been getting the most restful sleep I've had in YEARS.


Sep 15, 2010
i have had problems with sleep ever since i was a kid. i just didn't want to sleep and then when i did crash i didn't want to get up.
i'm still like that today.
after a work out i'm screwed i wont sleep even if i take sleep aids.
i have been for study after study. and i am suppose to use a cpac machine when i sleep but it drive me nuts.
so sleep just sux.
Get Some

Get Some

Sep 9, 2010
I have no trouble falling asleep after an evening workout. It's getting up that is the problem.


I agree slick....I have trouble waking up the next day. But, if I work out abotu 2 hours before I plan to go to sleep, I'll usually be so drained that I'll fall asleep before the 2 hour mark.

If you guys are having trouble sleeping I would recommend Ketotifen or Benadryl. If you have an "addictive" type personality, try not to get used to doing it everyday, cuz the stuff will knock you out at night. Some of the best sleep I've gotten in my life has come during a clen cycle where I was taking Ketotifen before bed. I can still sleep fine when I don't take it, but I'll take some every now and again when I know I'm gonna have trouble falling asleep. From what I hav researched, Keto has no side effects and long term use really doesn't present any problems. Again, the key is moderation, use as needed and only when needed.
Get Some

Get Some

Sep 9, 2010
I agree slick....I have trouble waking up the next day. But, if I work out abotu 2 hours before I plan to go to sleep, I'll usually be so drained that I'll fall asleep before the 2 hour mark.

If you guys are having trouble sleeping I would recommend Ketotifen or Benadryl. If you have an "addictive" type personality, try not to get used to doing it everyday, cuz the stuff will knock you out at night. Some of the best sleep I've gotten in my life has come during a clen cycle where I was taking Ketotifen before bed. I can still sleep fine when I don't take it, but I'll take some every now and again when I know I'm gonna have trouble falling asleep. From what I hav researched, Keto has no side effects and long term use really doesn't present any problems. Again, the key is moderation, use as needed and only when needed.

Oh ya, forgot to mention... for those of you who snore and may have trouble sleeping due to partially blocked airways, Breathe Right strips (or similar product) have done wonders for me! I snore much less and seem to wake up with more energy ever since I started using them. They're fairly cheap and yoan get them at the local drugstore. Give 'em a try if you haven't already.


TID Board Of Directors
Aug 11, 2010
I have issues sleeping if I workout past 7 pm. Usually I end up on the computer or laying in bed until 1 am.

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
I often have this problem as well, especially after training legs. I've used Benadryl in the past, but it leaves me with severe dry mouth in the morning. I actually woke up once choking with my tongue glued to the roof of my mouth because of the Benadryl. I had to get up and run to the bathroom for a cup of water to get it unstuck. Melatonin helps, but if you use it everynight you'll build a tolerance for it. I also have and use TrueProtein's Sleep Aid, but again you'll build a tolerance if you use it everynight. One thing that I have found to help that no one has mentioned yet is to get up and do static stretching for the affected muscles. The static stretching causes the muscles to relax and helps stop the nervous system from firing a signal to cause the muscle to contract. I'll still take the melatonin or sleep aid before doing the static stretching.


Bad Mother
Sep 27, 2010
I finish training about 11p and have to be up at 630a. I usually pass right out, but sometimes pain on leg days keeps me up. I will use Lean Dreams by ALRI only on days where I know I'm gonna miss sleep due to tuff workout or whatever.
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