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TID Board Of Directors
May 3, 2011
Listen, reciting quotes from BB dot com or your Varisty football team will do nothing. If you don't listen to your body, you will injure yourself or worse.
Why give him a hard time? He's just doing what we all love to do.

Good job kid. Keep pushing hard.
Anabolic Reality

Anabolic Reality

Jan 14, 2014
Progess pics?

Why give him a hard time? He's just doing what we all love to do.

Good job kid. Keep pushing hard.

Me personally I didn't like his formal introduction. I also just don't like the fact a 15 year old kid is trolling around this site. This isn't a place I would want my 14 year old going to get training advice. This is an adult oriented board and this isn't a place to learn the fundamentals if training.

Hear me out. There are too many "advanced" or "mature" perspectives around here for kids. It's like taking your kid to the bar and handing him a roll of quarters to learn how to play pool on a Friday night. He's gonna pick up on a lot more than he needs to at THIS POINT in his development. Hell people get flamed left and right on here for wanting to **** around with sups when they are in their early 20s. This kid is 15. I understand he didn't ask for anything other than training advice...but as a parent myself I just don't think he needs to be here.


VIP Member
Jan 27, 2013
15 year old kids are going to read this shit whether or not they speak up. I agree that they shouldn't but, we might as well steer them in he right direction when we can.


Jan 26, 2011
So a different perspective.
Looking back I wish I would have started lifting earlier in life. If I could go back I would have sought out experienced advice and followed it.
Ego gets you no where no matter what age.
Eat eat eat ! Train the big three with true discipline and take advantage of that young body. Take care of it and train smart.

More is not always best. Go hard and you won't need more.


TID Board Of Directors
May 3, 2011
Me personally I didn't like his formal introduction. I also just don't like the fact a 15 year old kid is trolling around this site. This isn't a place I would want my 14 year old going to get training advice. This is an adult oriented board and this isn't a place to learn the fundamentals if training.

Hear me out. There are too many "advanced" or "mature" perspectives around here for kids. It's like taking your kid to the bar and handing him a roll of quarters to learn how to play pool on a Friday night. He's gonna pick up on a lot more than he needs to at THIS POINT in his development. Hell people get flamed left and right on here for wanting to **** around with sups when they are in their early 20s. This kid is 15. I understand he didn't ask for anything other than training advice...but as a parent myself I just don't think he needs to be here.

You didn't like this?
How much body fat do you think i have? What should i do to loss fat? Help

And he's trolling because he's 15? Is he better off smoking dope and playing video games?!
Anabolic Reality

Anabolic Reality

Jan 14, 2014
You didn't like this?

And he's trolling because he's 15? Is he better off smoking dope and playing video games?!

No I didn't. Last time I checked I'm entitled to my own opinion. So ****in what? Help the kid out I don't give a shit. Like I said I wouldn't want my kid on here. He needs real guidance from real people. He's young and impressionable and has access to a ton of shit no 15 year old needs to know about.

I'm an adult as are you. You're a big boy and can make your own decisions. He's a child and doesn't need to be here. You got kids his age? Are they members here?


Oct 12, 2012
I agree that this board isn't a great place for a kid to be a part of, but since he's here I would much prefer that he ask questions so we can steer him in the right direction rather than trying to figure things out on his own. At 15 years old he seems to be on the right track and ahead of most of his peers. Keep at it kid, learn as much as possible, EAT, and train hard and you'll reach your goals in the future.
Anabolic Reality

Anabolic Reality

Jan 14, 2014
Progess pics?

I agree that this board isn't a great place for a kid to be a part of, but since he's here I would much prefer that he ask questions so we can steer him in the right direction rather than trying to figure things out on his own. At 15 years old he seems to be on the right track and ahead of most of his peers. Keep at it kid, learn as much as possible, EAT, and train hard and you'll reach your goals in the future.

Im a very protective father. I ****ed up and got myself into a ton of trouble growing up. I was a star athlete who had so many shots and opportunities that I squandered. I don't want my kids or any kids for that matter to go through what I did to learn.

Like I said I have a kid his age so it bothers me. People have different experiences....I'm not trying to be a dick anymore than just bothers me. My apologies.
Last edited:


TID Board Of Directors
Apr 29, 2012
Young man, eat a slice of humble pie.

My form at 33 is not superb and I've been training longer than you've been alive.....I learn and listen to those that have been there from trial and error. Shit, even the top BB'rs and PL'rs will acknowledge when their form is off....even they wouldn't say that their form is "superb". When people say you don't know shit, it's because all of us at 15 yrs old didn't know shit either.....looking back, we ALL know it.

Eat 4k cals/day for the next two years and train like a savage...fat loss and all that shit means nothing unless you're an athlete with a D1 shot. Even at that point, to worry about being less than 12-14% bf is not a priority.

A slice? Eat the whole pie. Waiting for WOodwises to chime in.

You guys got it under control. UHC hit the nail on the head as usual . . .

I agree about putting on more size.

Also, don't even think about using steroids for at least another 10 years. That is because (among all the side effects including high blood pressure and bad cholesterol) they F***ck up your natural hormones and right now (and for at least another 10 years) your natural hormones are and will be peaking. This is the time to put on size naturally.


TID Board Of Directors
Apr 29, 2012
So a different perspective.
Looking back I wish I would have started lifting earlier in life. If I could go back I would have sought out experienced advice and followed it.
Ego gets you no where no matter what age.
Eat eat eat ! Train the big three with true discipline and take advantage of that young body. Take care of it and train smart.

More is not always best. Go hard and you won't need more.

Good point RR. To the OP. One of the best things I have done is to avoid getting seriously injured in this sport. I am now 48 years old and lifting like a 20 year old. That is because I never got seriously injured. You too can experience longevity in this sport if you take care and do everything you can to avoid injury.

So when you are ready to lift heavy weights, be sure to have a coach teach you proper form, because I promise doing it on your own and with a bunch of gym bros looking over you, your form is imperfect. And don't push through an injury. When injured, stop lifting for the day and figure out whether it is only a pull or something more serious. If more serious seek immediate medical attention. You'll thank me in 30 years if you follow this bit of advice.

I started lifting at 13 years old too, and have never stopped. I still love it as much as the first day I picked up the weights! Good luck and I hope you have as much enjoyment out of it as I do!


Apr 1, 2011
He started three threads in 10 mins all inclusive of the same goals. I think the kid has huge heart and appreciate that, but don't let your heart cloud your mind. Listen and take advice as that is what we all come here amongst comradery. I do not think 6 days a week is okay for someone prepubescent. Just my opinion like we all have. I will leave out the nutrition and form as I am almost triple his age and still am learning everyday.


Oct 23, 2010
Why give him a hard time? He's just doing what we all love to do.

Good job kid. Keep pushing hard.

Makes you wonder what would have happened if this idiot had joined the board at age 15

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