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Senior Member
Feb 6, 2014
Eat, lift, grow, do a lot of compound lifting movements. Squat, deadlift, bench, lat pull downs, military press, make sure your form is good. You know what healthy food is..... put a lot of it in your mouth. :food-snacking:Oh yeah lifting six days a week is to much at your age in my opinion. Your body needs to put a lot of energy into growing still. 3 days a week of good solid compound lifting is plenty. And eat some damn whole eggs for the love of god. A lot of nutrients and good fat in the yolk. Don't be a you know what. :homo:
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Oct 12, 2012
I eat around 6-7 meals a day, morning i have egg whites, then i have 6oz of either chicken or some lean meat with 6oz of veggies i have this 5 times a day

That's great, but where are the complex carbs and EFAs? Add in some carbs (ie., oatmeal, rice, sweet potatoes, etc.) and EFAs (fish oil, almonds, walnuts, etc.) and you'll be good on the diet. Only eating veggies as your source of carbs is not enough to grow.


Oct 23, 2010
I agree with most of what has been said, except that I don't see a problem with you working out hard at age 15. I do agree that you ought to be more focused on building size than gaining definition at this stage. It looks like you are off to a great start btw. Good luck!


Senior Member
May 11, 2014
I agree with most of what has been said, except that I don't see a problem with you working out hard at age 15. I do agree that you ought to be more focused on building size than gaining definition at this stage. It looks like you are off to a great start btw. Good luck!

Thanks man means alot


Senior Member
May 11, 2014
I would say u should put on more size before worrying about getting lean. If u want to compete at 18 u have some great time
To put on good size!
I agree with what the gang said to a T. Train less, more mass moves.

In regards to diet the paleo low carb thing works for some
But if u truly want to grow u need carbs. Insulin spike from carbs can be extremely beneficial. Insulin is a master hormone. By tweaking your insulin spikes via carbs u can really morph the body.

If u don't wanna worry about size now and simple do want to cut and stick to your paleo diet. I would suggest a cheat day with carbs to replenish leptin and refuel the body basically. This also tricks the body to turn up metabolism and having a carb up day can keep fat loss gains rolling.
U would also need to cut your cals. Start with 250 cal reduction daily and see what happens.

Also biggest tip is we never know everything. Always be open to new ideas. New training methods.
Today's diet or training style
Is laughed at tomorrow
Anabolic Reality

Anabolic Reality

Jan 14, 2014
Progess pics?

I understand what your saying, im just saying despite my age, i know how to train properly, i know how to eat properly and i know what my body can take, im not reciting any quotes, theres no excuse for hard work even if im 15

Here's the truth. You're 15 years don't know shit. You aren't even through puberty yet. You're a baby. I started lifting when I was 15....started....the beginning. If you are an athlete listen to your coaches. If you aren't then you better find someone who can teach you how to do things the right way. I've never once seen a 15 year old guru in athletics or who avidly lifts weights correctly.

I don't even think you should be posting on this site. There is a lot of adult content 15 year olds don't need to see.
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Senior Member
May 11, 2014
Here's the truth. You're 15 years don't know shit. You aren't even through puberty yet. You're a baby. I started lifting when I was 15....started....the beginning. If you are an athlete listen to your coaches. If you aren't then you better find someone who can teach you how to do things the right way. I've never once seen a 15 year old guru in athletics or who avidly lifts weights correctly.

I don't even think you should be posting on this site. There is a lot of adult content 15 year olds don't need to see.

Im 15 not 6, and i started tiptoeing into bodybuilding since i was 13, my first year my form was obviously horrendous, by my second year i learned all the basic movements, and now my form is superb, and i not saying i know everything cause beleive me i dont but to say im too young, or
Dont know shit is ridiculous. Ive trained with 40 year old men before that have been bodybuilding For many years, and they have never said i dont know shit, they may have critiqued some things i did but all of them said if i keep up at the rate im going now ill be very successful.


VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
Your enthusiasm is great. You've been training for 2 years which is commendable but you hardly can state you know anything. You are beginning to learn. Most of us have been training in our sport (whatever it may be) for a decade or longer and you'll find that we're ALL still learning. As for being successful, only time will tell b/c there are many factors which will dictate your success in bbing... one being politics. I suggest you find a well known, reputable trainer in your field and have them guide you in the direction you're looking to head. Just because some gym rat tells you you're going to be successful doesn't mean it'll happen. Take my good friend Trey Brewer.... he had the genetics, size, etc all to go pro and look what happened. He didn't make it.


VIP Member
Dec 9, 2011
Young man, eat a slice of humble pie.

My form at 33 is not superb and I've been training longer than you've been alive.....I learn and listen to those that have been there from trial and error. Shit, even the top BB'rs and PL'rs will acknowledge when their form is off....even they wouldn't say that their form is "superb". When people say you don't know shit, it's because all of us at 15 yrs old didn't know shit either.....looking back, we ALL know it.

Eat 4k cals/day for the next two years and train like a savage...fat loss and all that shit means nothing unless you're an athlete with a D1 shot. Even at that point, to worry about being less than 12-14% bf is not a priority.


VIP Member
Jan 26, 2011
Young man, eat a slice of humble pie.

My form at 33 is not superb and I've been training longer than you've been alive.....I learn and listen to those that have been there from trial and error. Shit, even the top BB'rs and PL'rs will acknowledge when their form is off....even they wouldn't say that their form is "superb". When people say you don't know shit, it's because all of us at 15 yrs old didn't know shit either.....looking back, we ALL know it.

Eat 4k cals/day for the next two years and train like a savage...fat loss and all that shit means nothing unless you're an athlete with a D1 shot. Even at that point, to worry about being less than 12-14% bf is not a priority.
A slice? Eat the whole pie. Waiting for WOodwises to chime in.
Anabolic Reality

Anabolic Reality

Jan 14, 2014
Progess pics?

Im 15 not 6, and i started tiptoeing into bodybuilding since i was 13, my first year my form was obviously horrendous, by my second year i learned all the basic movements, and now my form is superb, and i not saying i know everything cause beleive me i dont but to say im too young, or
Dont know shit is ridiculous. Ive trained with 40 year old men before that have been bodybuilding For many years, and they have never said i dont know shit, they may have critiqued some things i did but all of them said if i keep up at the rate im going now ill be very successful.

I have a child your age. No 15 year old boy knows dick and you arguing with me proves it. You're a child. Take the advice and get with a local coach or trainer, but I highly suggest you don't come here running your mouth like you're a big shot. You will get zero help.

Typical response. You have no idea how deep this goes. From training routine to supplementation, to sheer young man know very little about what takes place in this sport. Humble pie indeed....
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TID Board Of Directors
Apr 2, 2013
Progess pics?

Lol UHC I love the humble pie. Gotta use that, thanks. And OP, take everything these guys are saying serious and constructive. They tell it how it is. And we were all just as hard headed as you when we were 15. Motivation is great, keep it and use it. But listen to these guys, what they are saying is very true and goes a long way. Some responses may be bolder than others, but tough love is much needed in this lifestyle, especially if considering competing. I promise you that if you take a step back and be willing to listen to the vets on here, you won't regret it. It's hard to understand who people are behind an avatar and user name, but I assure you that this board has elite competitors and top notch guys/gals living the lifestyle. Eat, Train, recover, listen, and have a little fun bud! You're 15, enjoy it! But take advantage of these next 6 years or so of the most optimal hormone levels you'll probably ever have! Now is the time to Gain and mature.
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