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is this normal? my endocrinologist says its good no need any medication! Testosterone Levels!



Jan 12, 2024
Interestingly, this was me at about that age, late teens. I felt like shit and looked it regardless of what I did. Had my T checked by my doc I was 405 ng/dl, he said that was fine. I was pretty fucking far from fine. Back then, 200 mg every 2 weeks of T, made a huge difference. I mean huge. Troll or not, 400 at age 17 is a problem. I would still try to figure out why before jumping on HRT and fix it, but if that's the only option, and he has to consider fertility, it will likely make a difference at many
Before you said you were training Mentzer style, total muscle failure. Those programs were actually designed to be one set per body part and only one exercise, maybe two if you are split back into a width/thickness and legs into a quad/hamstrings. If you are truly taking each body part 6-8 sets to total muscle failure, you are overtraining. You had enough stimulus to grow in the first set if you prioritized your training correctly.

A bunch of us told you to train as hard and as frequent as you could recover, you are not recovering. A telltale sign is that your test continues to drop. But what do we know? This is just our job. Take a deload then maybe try doing less sets more frequently.
So should I drop to 3-5 sets per body part per week? With very intense workouts?
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Guys, is he trolling or just a newbie? I thought he was trolling, but if he's just a newbie asking typical newbie questions then I owe him an apology.
I don't think he is a troll. Just a young kid who is lost and doesn't really listen. Like most kids these days, they come looking for answers, but if you do not tell them what they want to hear, they dismiss it until they find the answer they are looking for. Regardless, if that is the correct answer or not. . He was like that in his training questions. He wanted exact answers to questions that do not have exact answers.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Here is my advice. Go into a deload for a couple weeks and let the body rest. If you are someone who cannot go to the gym without wrecking yourself then stay out completely. If you can go in and just do some pump work then go in and do a couple sets per body part a couple times a week. High reps, 15-20, nothing close to failure.

After that, ditch the Mike Mentzer stuff for a bit. If you truly were training to muscle failure then you know where your failure point is and try doing some Myo Sets or leave a rep or two in reserve. Most of the guys I know taking every set to failure can only do it for about 6-8 weeks before they run into major issues. Some of those issues set them back so far, they would have been better off not doing it in the first place.

I think everyone of us on this board has been to the point where we thought we had the best training program possible, because we were making progress. That was until we weren't or something else went wrong. We made adjustments, realized what dumbfucks we were being married to a specific style of training that was destroying us, and made even better progress.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
Interestingly, this was me at about that age, late teens. I felt like shit and looked it regardless of what I did. Had my T checked by my doc I was 405 ng/dl, he said that was fine. I was pretty fucking far from fine. Back then, 200 mg every 2 weeks of T, made a huge difference. I mean huge. Troll or not, 400 at age 17 is a problem. I would still try to figure out why before jumping on HRT and fix it, but if that's the only option, and he has to consider fertility, it will likely make a difference at many levels.
Did you ever identify the reason why you were so low at that age?


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Sep 16, 2010
I feel for this kid too. It has to be frustrating to be 17 and not have a raging test level through the roof. I get where he’s coming from, but I would not start a hormone replacement therapy. I would try and isolate the problem and fix it. I’d also use test boosters supplements too. Now hopefully the OP will listen, kids these days are very different from how we all grew up and don’t listen.


VIP Member
Aug 14, 2012
Some guys have managed to increase testosterone by using HCG and/or low dose clomiphene citrate. Both of these therapies represents an alternative to testosterone therapy by stimulating the endogenous androgen production pathway. If your endocrinologist was doing his job, he might have suggest these two alternatives to try to get your testosterone levels up and help you avoid the symptoms of low T.



VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
Some guys have managed to increase testosterone by using HCG and/or low dose clomiphene citrate. Both of these therapies represents an alternative to testosterone therapy by stimulating the endogenous androgen production pathway. If your endocrinologist was doing his job, he might have suggest these two alternatives to try to get your testosterone levels up and help you avoid the symptoms of low T.

I would lean toward enclomiphene if anything to start at the GnRH level, but the endo thinks 400 ish is enough so unlikely to be helpful with that and I agree with GF on the deload, probably get out of the gym for a month and slowly start back. Recheck T after a month off and see if it is ticking up. The problem may be multi-factorial and really needs a good doc to lead it esp at that age.


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
Did you ever identify the reason why you were so low at that age?
No, in fact years later I was under 200. I saw an endo and he ran tests, told me I most certainly needed to be on T, but he couldn't prescribe it bc my medical history said I lifted weights and he didn't want the scrutiny. I looked nothing like someone that lifted weights at the time, more like a guy on androgen deprivation but it was the early 90's when the anti-AAS movement was in full force. Ended up with my current urologist, got on T and it changed my life. I responded to HCG but E2 blew up and ended up worsening the gyno I already had from low T. Had it surgically removed and started educating myself about this stuff. The medical system is so fucked up. Hopefully the demise of the UH CEO will get more than just LE attention and start others thinking maybe its time to start working on a solution to the US healthcare profit/fuck the patient shit show.


Jan 12, 2024
Interestingly, this was me at about that age, late teens. I felt like shit and looked it regardless of what I did. Had my T checked by my doc I was 405 ng/dl, he said that was fine. I was pretty fucking far from fine. Back then, 200 mg every 2 weeks of T, made a huge difference. I mean huge. Troll or not, 400 at age 17 is a problem. I would still try to figure out why before jumping on HRT and fix it, but if that's the only option, and he has to consider fertility, it will likely make a difference at many levels.

Some guys have managed to increase testosterone by using HCG and/or low dose clomiphene citrate. Both of these therapies represents an alternative to testosterone therapy by stimulating the endogenous androgen production pathway. If your endocrinologist was doing his job, he might have suggest these two alternatives to try to get your testosterone levels up and help you avoid the symptoms of low T.

I don’t want to start trt I am looking new ways to do it?
I would lean toward enclomiphene if anything to start at the GnRH level, but the endo thinks 400 ish is enough so unlikely to be helpful with that and I agree with GF on the deload, probably get out of the gym for a month and slowly start back. Recheck T after a month off and see if it is ticking up. The problem may be multi-factorial and really needs a good doc to lead it esp at that age.


Enclomiphene Citrate and​

Clomifiene Citrate same or not?​



Jan 12, 2024
My apologies.. I thought you were trolling. If you are here for legit help, I hope you receive that help.
thank you guys, no problem, i will see again another endocrinologist and talk about this clomifine citrate, i think he will start me this medication as it is not trt and not abusing hormones and no need to be on it for a lifetime, thank you guys!
p.s. if endocrinologist refused this clomifine citrate can i take it as directed in pharmacy? or its not safe either? thank you guys! one trainer in my gym talked to me about this that its much more safer than trt in my age what you guys think about? i dont really want trt at my age as it is not good as i know, so what you opinions about that. sorry for my english!
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