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is this normal? my endocrinologist says its good no need any medication! Testosterone Levels!



Jan 12, 2024
so my testosterone levels like 1 month ago was 450ng/dl now i have 365ng/dl and the normal range is from 300ng/dl i think its very low.
and my Free Testosterone is 22.500pg/ml.
endocrinologists says its okay and no need any medication or anything.
also i having some sort of symptoms.
i think i will start the Testosterone TRT by myself cause its low for me.
what you guys think?
17 Years Old
Total Testosterone.PNG
Free Testo.PNG


VIP Member
Mar 17, 2011
so my testosterone levels like 1 month ago was 450ng/dl now i have 365ng/dl and the normal range is from 300ng/dl i think its very low.
and my Free Testosterone is 22.500pg/ml.
endocrinologists says its okay and no need any medication or anything.
also i having some sort of symptoms.
i think i will start the Testosterone TRT by myself cause its low for me.
what you guys think?
17 Years Old
View attachment 15695View attachment 15696

In order to get the best effect, pin at least 3cc of test directly into your penis. Try to hit the main vein. Use a lot of air and make sure to inject the air for best effect.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Stop training like an idiot and let your body recover. It will come up.


Jan 12, 2024
Stop training like an idiot and let your body recover. It will come up.
What are you talking about? I am training 3 times per week with 72 hours between workouts… with only 2 sets per exercise and 6-8 sets per body part per week maximum and you saying this is overtraining? I am increasing strength and everything so I think it’s another problem,


Jan 12, 2024
In order to get the best effect, pin at least 3cc of test directly into your penis. Try to hit the main vein. Use a lot of air and make sure to inject the air for best effect.
You doing this? you think this is funny? Or what? Can you tell


VIP Member
Aug 14, 2012
so my testosterone levels like 1 month ago was 450ng/dl now i have 365ng/dl and the normal range is from 300ng/dl i think its very low.
and my Free Testosterone is 22.500pg/ml.
endocrinologists says its okay and no need any medication or anything.
also i having some sort of symptoms.
i think i will start the Testosterone TRT by myself cause its low for me.
what you guys think?
17 Years Old
View attachment 15695View attachment 15696
Here is something your doctor needs to understand. NUMBERS MEAN VERY LITTLE. Doctors need to remember to treat symptoms and quit treating numbers. These numbers represent highs and lows from a huge group of test subjects under a bell curve nothing more. Unfortunately, INSURANCE decided to recognize a low of <300 as the point they will cover treatments for low androgens. IT DOES NOT MEAN that you are not experiencing low androgen symptoms. In fact, low testosterone levels can mimic symptoms of depression and cause anxiety over time, especially in younger guys. Can this be serious? Evidence suggest that there is an association between low testosterone and suicidal behavior. When young guy have low testosterone it is usually caused by either primary or secondary hypogonadism. You doctor should be able to figure out which is the case and teat the symptoms instead of just replying on numbers.

Here are some of the things that testosterone regulates:
  • Regulating your sex drive
  • Red blood cell production
  • Sperm production
  • Your body’s ability to store and burn fat
  • Regulating your emotions and mood
  • Fertility
  • Mental clarity and focus
  • Maintaining bone strength
  • Energy levels
A doctor that is experienced in the treatment of low androgen levels in males understands that if you are experiencing symptoms, you testosterone level may not be high enough for you as an individual. One guy may not have any symptoms with a 365ng/dl test level another may be a complete wreck at 400ng/dl.

I would suggest you find another doctor one that has a clue how to treat androgen deficiency. I would also want you to understand that if you get on TRT, this is something you will have to do for the rest of your life. I hope you still consider this very carefully before you make any decisions.
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genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
What are you talking about? I am training 3 times per week with 72 hours between workouts… with only 2 sets per exercise and 6-8 sets per body part per week maximum and you saying this is overtraining? I am increasing strength and everything so I think it’s another problem,
Before you said you were training Mentzer style, total muscle failure. Those programs were actually designed to be one set per body part and only one exercise, maybe two if you are split back into a width/thickness and legs into a quad/hamstrings. If you are truly taking each body part 6-8 sets to total muscle failure, you are overtraining. You had enough stimulus to grow in the first set if you prioritized your training correctly.

A bunch of us told you to train as hard and as frequent as you could recover, you are not recovering. A telltale sign is that your test continues to drop. But what do we know? This is just our job. Take a deload then maybe try doing less sets more frequently.


VIP Member
Mar 17, 2011
Guys, is he trolling or just a newbie? I thought he was trolling, but if he's just a newbie asking typical newbie questions then I owe him an apology.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
If he is not a troll then he needs to get to a 2nd, 3rd and 4th medical opinion with a test level of 350. Most of us old codgers at his age had 1000 ng/dL and the Catholic girl next door was not safe.


VIP Member
Mar 17, 2011
If he is not a troll then he needs to get to a 2nd, 3rd and 4th medical opinion with a test level of 350. Most of us old codgers at his age had 1000 ng/dL and the Catholic girl next door was not safe.

Ain't that the truth. At 17 I could fuck my girlfriend to the point where the skin was wearing on my knees. My grandfather's friend looked at my knees one day and smiled, told me "enjoy it now young man, at my age your dick will be dead." Of course, the did not have easy to access test in those days. ;)


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
If he is not a troll then he needs to get to a 2nd, 3rd and 4th medical opinion with a test level of 350. Most of us old codgers at his age had 1000 ng/dL and the Catholic girl next door was not safe.
Interestingly, this was me at about that age, late teens. I felt like shit and looked it regardless of what I did. Had my T checked by my doc I was 405 ng/dl, he said that was fine. I was pretty fucking far from fine. Back then, 200 mg every 2 weeks of T, made a huge difference. I mean huge. Troll or not, 400 at age 17 is a problem. I would still try to figure out why before jumping on HRT and fix it, but if that's the only option, and he has to consider fertility, it will likely make a difference at many levels.
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