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Hgh injection method



Nov 26, 2011
Ok ive been running 5iu/day for a little over three months. I am now running 10iu/day(split). But I want to venture even further into higher doses. So what if I did 10iu/day, but on Mon., Wed. and Fri. I did 15iu. ? Is this an option or should I maintain even doses throughout the week?


Senior Member
Oct 21, 2010
Even doses don't matter with gh. Natural gh is pulsed during the day and throughout the night with no set schedule. Try to stay away from bedtime dosing, but I'm not sure it'll matter with those amounts. You're natty could still be suppressed. Let us know how it goes please. Good and bad...


Sep 10, 2011
Just remember too, lately guys ask how to administer despite subq is most popular . The reason being is you sub q into fatty deposits where barely any circulation exists, therebye somewhat extending the assimilation process as hgh has very short period that it's in the body. Otherwise it's in and out too fast to have any effect. Some that don't understand this do it IM and defeat the purpose


Sep 10, 2011
I guess if you have bottomless finances or supply you can inject every two hours lol. Although I normally go once daily . I have done 3 daily when I worked for guys that paid me in hgh.


Nov 26, 2011
Fortunately finances are not an issue. Im kinda a go hard or go home kinda guy. Im looking to get the most out of my hgh use. I figure I will do it this way for a solid 18 months. I know for sure the gh im using is gtg. I use kigtropin and elitropin. The ONLY sides that I have experienced thus far is severe carpal tunnle, which I had prior to the gh use due to my profession. The gh has just intensified the condition. But on the other side of the coin, it has improved my sleep, my skin and the effectiveness of the AAS that I use.
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TID Board Of Directors
Feb 3, 2011
Just remember too, lately guys ask how to administer despite subq is most popular . The reason being is you sub q into fatty deposits where barely any circulation exists, therebye somewhat extending the assimilation process as hgh has very short period that it's in the body. Otherwise it's in and out too fast to have any effect. Some that don't understand this do it IM and defeat the purpose

First I'd like to state that I have pinned it both ways and saw no difference, therefore I would recommend shooting it subq because there is less risk (an infection in the muscle is much more serious.)

That being said, you have your facts backwards. I've seen multiple studies and even pamphlets from GH kits showing that GH administered subq actually has a slightly shorter half-life than IM. Either way, there is virtually no difference in efficacy between subq and IM, and since all else is virtually equal, subq seems to be the smart choice.


Nov 26, 2011
It is reported that the equal pharmaligical effect could be achieved via subcutaneous or intramuscular administration. Even though SC may lead a higher concentration of GH in plasma, IM could also yield the same IGF-1 level. The absorption of GH is relatively slow, max often occurs at 3-5 hrs after injection. Clearance of GH is via liver and kidney, the half life of clearance is about 2-3 hrs
This info was obtained from the printout that comes in the kits of my kigtropin. Hope it helps.


TID Board Of Directors
Feb 3, 2011
RxMed: Pharmaceutical Information - HUMATROPE

An excerpt from the above article.

Metabolism: Extensive metabolism studies have not been conducted. The metabolic fate of somatropin involves classical protein catabolism in both the liver and kidneys. In renal cells, at least a portion of the breakdown products of growth hormone is returned to the systemic circulation. In normal volunteers, mean clearance is 0.14 L/h/kg. The mean half-life of i.v. somatropin is 0.36 hours, whereas s.c. and i.m. administered somatropin have mean half-lives of 3.8 and 4.9 hours, respectively. The longer half-life observed after s.c. or i.m. administration is due to slow absorption from the injection site.

Shows a half-life an hour longer when administered IM vs. subq. Again though, neither way makes much of a difference at all, as shown below. Subcutaneous Versus Intramuscular Growth Hormone Therapy: Growth and Acute Somatomedin Response

Subcutaneous Versus Intramuscular Growth Hormone Therapy: Growth and Acute Somatomedin Response
Darrell M. Wilson, Bonita Baker, Raymond L. Hintz, Ron G. Rosenfeld
+ Author Affiliations

Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, California

To determine the optimal route of growth hormone administration, a comparison was made of the acute somatomedin response and chronic growth response to either intramuscular or subcutaneous growth hormone in 20 children with growth hormone deficiency. None of the children had received growth hormone for at least 2 weeks prior to their random selection to receive growth hormone by either the subcutaneous (N = 11) or intramuscular (N = 9) route. Plasma samples for determination of levels of insulin-like growth factors I and II (IGF-I and IGF-II) were obtained prior to therapy and 20 hours after the first and fourth of four daily injections of growth hormone. Growth rate and growth hormone antibody levels were determined before and after 6 months of therapy. IGF-I levels tripled in both treatment groups after four days of growth hormone injections, whereas IGF-II levels nearly doubled, with no significant difference between the intramuscular or subcutaneous group. After 6 months of therapy, there was no significant difference in growth rate and only two patients had developed growth hormone antibodies. Both patients and parents expressed a preference for the subcutaneous method. The identical rises in the IGF-I and IGF-II levels following a brief course of either subcutaneous or intramuscular injections of growth hormone, the similar growth rates, the low incidence of antibody development, and the preference for the subcutaneous route all suggest that the subcutaneous route is the method of choice for chronic growth hormone therapy.

I gots lots of studies if you want to see more, including some showing that IV administered GH has 100% bioavailability vs. 70-90% for subq and IM, not that I'm saying it's smart to IV GH. Too much trouble and potential complications for the average gym rat, although apparently some of the top pros are IV'ing many of their aqueous compounds.


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
Ok ive been running 5iu/day for a little over three months. I am now running 10iu/day(split). But I want to venture even further into higher doses. So what if I did 10iu/day, but on Mon., Wed. and Fri. I did 15iu. ? Is this an option or should I maintain even doses throughout the week?

As far as higher doses, you want to be careful, if you dose 5 or more iu's at a time, you almost NEED to take insulin with it. The reason is gh causes acute insulin resistance which is characterized by a marked increase in bg. Over time, this could build up a permanent insulin resistance.

So for that reason if i was going to take 15iu, i would only take it on training days. i would take 2.5 iu in the morning and 2.5 iu prebed and 10iu post workout. If you dont take insulin, thats ok, add 50-100 grams of karbolyn in the shake you take immdiately post gh. That will cause enough of an insulin spike to regulate things somewhat.

Also, as far as administration methods, the three are IV,Subq, and IM. I use im because its the best mix of absorbtion and IGF conversion. The method with the greatest igf conversion is SubQ, the second is IM and IV has virtually no igf conversion. Then why do people IV gh? Well because it has to do with the clearance time and if they are using it IV, chances are they are taking cjc and ghrp to get the igf conversaion they need.

Another question i am always asked is why insulin with your gh? Well not only does it keep you from building up insulin resistance, it also increases igf conversion and direct gh receptor binding=-)

BTW guys, awesome to be back!


Nov 26, 2011
As far as higher doses, you want to be careful, if you dose 5 or more iu's at a time, you almost NEED to take insulin with it. The reason is gh causes acute insulin resistance which is characterized by a marked increase in bg. Over time, this could build up a permanent insulin resistance.

So for that reason if i was going to take 15iu, i would only take it on training days. i would take 2.5 iu in the morning and 2.5 iu prebed and 10iu post workout. If you dont take insulin, thats ok, add 50-100 grams of karbolyn in the shake you take immdiately post gh. That will cause enough of an insulin spike to regulate things somewhat.

Also, as far as administration methods, the three are IV,Subq, and IM. I use im because its the best mix of absorbtion and IGF conversion. The method with the greatest igf conversion is SubQ, the second is IM and IV has virtually no igf conversion. Then why do people IV gh? Well because it has to do with the clearance time and if they are using it IV, chances are they are taking cjc and ghrp to get the igf conversaion they need.

Another question i am always asked is why insulin with your gh? Well not only does it keep you from building up insulin resistance, it also increases igf conversion and direct gh receptor binding=-)

BTW guys, awesome to be back!
Wow dude. Great info. I appreciate you taking the time for such a lengthy response. Insulin resistance, huh? I know a good deal but not everything and I have to admit I am not sure what happens when you are resistant to insulin. Do tell...


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
In extreme cases, its called matabolic syndrome. IN other cases, you just become borderline hyperglycemic. Its nothing too bad in most cases but i try to kee myself insulin sensitve, because we respond to EVERYTHING better when we are. Thats a lot of the reason that gear works so much better when we are really lean.

As far as detailed buddy, i tend to ramble=-) I have managed to accumulate a ton of useless information regarding peptides, gh and slinover the years=-)
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