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Hgh injection method



Senior Member
May 9, 2011
Whenever you have the time, I would appreciate those studies. The strange thing is, that most aqueous solutions DO absorb more quickly IM than subq, and insulin is absolutely one of those compounds that will hit harder and faster IM vs. subq. However, for whatever reason, GH doesn't follow that mold. If the studies I've already posted aren't enough, I'll also try to find the time later to post some more. I remember one yesterday that I came across that specifically talked about how GH flies in the face of other aqueous solutions in terms of absorption time/injection site.

EDIT : I have been doing research for you O, trying to find any studies that show GH (not other hormones or vaccines) absorbs faster IM, and I seriously can't find any. If you have the time, as you are researching, tell me that you don't come across a shitload of studies showing that GH (not other hormones or vaccines) absorbs faster subq. It's weird, but I think you will find plenty of evidence backing me.

SAD, i hope you dont think i am bashing you man. Not at all. I am also not arguing there are studies there, but i can tell you unequivocably that it absorbs faster IM=-) I know this is anecdotal till i have the time to find studies again, BUT take 10iu IM, and you WILL go hyper in say 5-10 minutes. I published bg readings after doing this at ProM.

Like i said, i am always open to learning new things and you have now piqued my curiosity but ALL injections absorb faster and get a greater absorbtion through im. I am honestly intrrigued by why GH would fly in the face of that if thats the case. Know what i mean?

Ok i got it, how about this, in addition to finding studies, how about we perform a little science experiment? I have just gotten my xmas present to my self in(a LOT of kigtropins...very legit) and how about we do this. We take a baseline bg readings, then on two separate days, we administer 10iu gh with each administration method. We take a reading at 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes post and and 15 minutes. We should see the effects there pretty clearly. And yes i have the clooest usb glucometer in the world and i will post the pics real time from my phone.

Thoughts sad? I like playing scientist=-)


TID Board Of Directors
Feb 3, 2011
SAD, i hope you dont think i am bashing you man. Not at all. I am also not arguing there are studies there, but i can tell you unequivocably that it absorbs faster IM=-) I know this is anecdotal till i have the time to find studies again, BUT take 10iu IM, and you WILL go hyper in say 5-10 minutes. I published bg readings after doing this at ProM.

Like i said, i am always open to learning new things and you have now piqued my curiosity but ALL injections absorb faster and get a greater absorbtion through im. I am honestly intrrigued by why GH would fly in the face of that if thats the case. Know what i mean?

Ok i got it, how about this, in addition to finding studies, how about we perform a little science experiment? I have just gotten my xmas present to my self in(a LOT of kigtropins...very legit) and how about we do this. We take a baseline bg readings, then on two separate days, we administer 10iu gh with each administration method. We take a reading at 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes post and and 15 minutes. We should see the effects there pretty clearly. And yes i have the clooest usb glucometer in the world and i will post the pics real time from my phone.

Thoughts sad? I like playing scientist=-)

Nah man, not taking it as bashing at all. Maybe if you were actually posting up proof that I am an idiot :)) . Seriously though, I would love to know why GH has a shorter half-life subq than IM according to the vast majority of the studies.

As far as me personally, I actually never had an issue with going hypo on GH. Slin a couple times (when I mis-timed my carbolyn), methyltren numerous times, anadrol a few times, but never slin. I feel hypo when GHRP-6 kicks up the ghrelin production, but you enlightened me that there was no actual BG change during that feeling, and it was actually just the ghrelin that made me feel hypo. The GH I was taking was legit hyges and gave me almost all of the traditional sides of good GH, but never felt hypo.

Here's a question for you (seriously, no setup here, just curious). Do changes in BG accurately reflect absorption times/half-lives/absorption percentage? For instance, IGF conversion isn't an accurate way to determine the same criteria because the three administration techniques all have different results for IGF conversion independent from absorption rates/percentage.

Doesn't it seem the least bit weird that the overwhelming majority of the studies show basically the same thing? :-??


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
If we take the same brand of gh, it will ahve the same insulin left from causing the bacteria to overproduce right? so we would see the same bg fluctuations, we would see them in different time frames though right? Like if we get a net increase of 30pts, if it hits faster subq, then we can surmise that SUBQ causes faster absorbtion.

And you will NEVER GO HYPO from gh. The ooposite actually gh causes acute insulin resistance which is characterized by a rise in blood glucose. So we should see it dip if there was insulin used to make the bacteria overproduce during production and then we should see a rise of anywhere from 10-30pts depending on the person.

Let me think this through....hmmm at prom, i have a thread where i have tested about 5-9 different gh this way. Its interesting if nothing else


TID Board Of Directors
Feb 3, 2011
If we take the same brand of gh, it will ahve the same insulin left from causing the bacteria to overproduce right? so we would see the same bg fluctuations, we would see them in different time frames though right? Like if we get a net increase of 30pts, if it hits faster subq, then we can surmise that SUBQ causes faster absorbtion.

And you will NEVER GO HYPO from gh. The ooposite actually gh causes acute insulin resistance which is characterized by a rise in blood glucose. So we should see it dip if there was insulin used to make the bacteria overproduce during production and then we should see a rise of anywhere from 10-30pts depending on the person.

Let me think this through....hmmm at prom, i have a thread where i have tested about 5-9 different gh this way. Its interesting if nothing else

Gotcha. I read hyper but was thinking hypo. Let me know when you've thought it through.


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
BTW i indirectly answered about why insulin is in some peptides and in gh. Basically the bacteria can produce amount X before they mutate, if you feed them insulin, they can produce more than X, lets arbitrarily use 2X. The problem is, that depending on the cleaning process, some of the precursor insulin might make it through to the finished product. It is not really enough to hurt us.

I even sampled and tried some of the IP Nipertropins at 10iu to test that theory. If you guys are interested i can always retest them since i have a kit or two lying around. These are the loose packed one.


New Member
Dec 9, 2011
I was told by Osiris about this thread and wanted to jump in. I am not on this board and am usually on PM. As a physician that comes from research background and currently involved in HRT and anti-aging i can tell you that despite what some studies may show in children regarding half life of GH, there is no question that GH has a shorter half life IM route than SQ. Children's bodies act differently because of what we call their volume of distribution is different than adults even of same size and age. A 40yo female that is 100lbs has a different volume of distribution than a 9yo kid that is the same 100lbs. Because of this drugs act differently and their half lives change in kids vs adults. It is a very simple concept. Wherever the medication is administered, the more blood flow, the faster the clearance. There is no way around it. There is not a simple medication out there that SQ clears faster than IM. It is just not going to happen. This is the same reason that i currently advise my TRT patients to inject test cyp SQ vs IM. In TRT dosages which range 100-125mg/week the volume is small enough that small oil SQ is not a problem. Also, it causes a much better even release of test and have found to also decrease E2 levels as well. Basically you have less of a dump of test hitting the blood vs IM which reduces the natural conversion to E1 (estrone), E2 (estradiol) and E3 (estriol). Basically, the less "oh shit" your body senses, the more natural the responses will be. I know this is slightly off HGH subject but was just trying to make another point on how SQ vs IM can change things.

With HGH, IM has a faster clearance simply because there is more blood flow within muscle tissue than fat. If we can all agree that IV is the fastest by several fold, this concept should not be so shocking. However, there is no question that reports show that HGH deep IM has definite site growth, because of local IGF-1 and IGF-2 conversion that are bound and not floating around. Hope i have not stepped on anyone's toes with my first post here on ID but that is just my 2 cents :)
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