Senior Member
- May 9, 2011
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Whenever you have the time, I would appreciate those studies. The strange thing is, that most aqueous solutions DO absorb more quickly IM than subq, and insulin is absolutely one of those compounds that will hit harder and faster IM vs. subq. However, for whatever reason, GH doesn't follow that mold. If the studies I've already posted aren't enough, I'll also try to find the time later to post some more. I remember one yesterday that I came across that specifically talked about how GH flies in the face of other aqueous solutions in terms of absorption time/injection site.
EDIT : I have been doing research for you O, trying to find any studies that show GH (not other hormones or vaccines) absorbs faster IM, and I seriously can't find any. If you have the time, as you are researching, tell me that you don't come across a shitload of studies showing that GH (not other hormones or vaccines) absorbs faster subq. It's weird, but I think you will find plenty of evidence backing me.
SAD, i hope you dont think i am bashing you man. Not at all. I am also not arguing there are studies there, but i can tell you unequivocably that it absorbs faster IM=-) I know this is anecdotal till i have the time to find studies again, BUT take 10iu IM, and you WILL go hyper in say 5-10 minutes. I published bg readings after doing this at ProM.
Like i said, i am always open to learning new things and you have now piqued my curiosity but ALL injections absorb faster and get a greater absorbtion through im. I am honestly intrrigued by why GH would fly in the face of that if thats the case. Know what i mean?
Ok i got it, how about this, in addition to finding studies, how about we perform a little science experiment? I have just gotten my xmas present to my self in(a LOT of kigtropins...very legit) and how about we do this. We take a baseline bg readings, then on two separate days, we administer 10iu gh with each administration method. We take a reading at 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes post and and 15 minutes. We should see the effects there pretty clearly. And yes i have the clooest usb glucometer in the world and i will post the pics real time from my phone.
Thoughts sad? I like playing scientist=-)