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Excited to be here...cycle advice?



Senior Member
Apr 21, 2013
All replies will be in bold.

I concur w/ what Sassy said. If you do not have your training and diet dialed in, steroids cannot correct your fundamentals. Another thing I have noticed is, that when women catch the bodybuilding bug (w/ is great, for the most part) they are even more OCD than men. One manifestation of that is over training. They will do too many sets and train too often, thus over training. When that happens, there are 2 undesirable effects. First, they become injury prone. I hear athletes complaining about a host of injuries, I then ask them how frequently they hit a body part they often reply "twice a week." I tell them that this schedule is what produces injuries and other problems, but they dismiss this obvious fact. Remember, muscles do not grow when you lift. Lifting is the stimulus for growth, but actual growth happens when resting, eating, sleeping. Please excuse the blatant bragging, but I have been bodybuilding for 36 years, and I have avoided the amount of injuries I see plaguing many others, even though I am older and outrain 95% of the young bucks in the gym. I strongly recommend looking at Dorian Yates training philosophy, which is an extension of Mike Mentzers' philosophy.

First of all, thank you to everyone who's offered me advice as this is my first go around.

I'm going to restart the Q had Alemedo's in about eight weeks, I'm just wondering though Dr J why you suggested every five days? Half-life of the drug would indicate that you can almost as it every 10 days---This is my pharmacokinetic brain talking, not my actual experience driven brain talking. T: I am also a trained researcher, holding a PhD from an east coast University. The textbook amount of half life's is often different then what athletes actually experience. I have been running gear for 21 years (always spend more time off than on) and having thus run the experiments, I find that half life's are often out of line w/ reality. For example, I get the most steady supply of test (e or c) if I inject every 4 days. My TRT doc insists that, based on the half life, a once weekly in injection schedule is best. However I know for a fact that a once weekly injection schedule will cause dipping and spiking. It may be, I theorize, a by product of the fact that my body has metabolized a lot more test than the subjects used to establish the text book definition. At the risk of being vulgar, the main "test" of test levels is erectile function. On a weekly schedule, say 200 mgs (TRT) a Sports Illustrated super model could not get, I think you know what I mean, on day 7. Conversely, 100mgs every 4 days and I am like a 25 year old pretty much 24/7.

As I mentioned previously, I realize that AAS Are not going to make me a monster overnight, if ever. My curiosity lies in the fact that I taken EQ for five weeks, and realized it is a very slow kicker, and bar at 25 mg a day and I've already done one cycle of six weeks. I actually have not seen, as noted, increases in size or strength – it's made fat loss more apparent for sure, but Hasn't added, in my opinion, even slightly minimal hypertrophy or strength gains.

I realize that I may not be consuming enough calories? So I have to reevaluate my diet and cardio---which trust me I'm not doing a lot of--and see if this could be the source of the problem.

The only reason I was adding the test is I'm attempting to gain some size and my legs; the matter how hard I beat the shit out of them and how much I can't walk the next day,If you are hitting legs that hard, the problem is overtraining, as mentioned, and not getting enough calories. I recommend that you have a protein/carb recovery drink immediately after training. 40-50 grams of pro., and 80 grams of carbs, and mostly simples are the best (lots of fruit and honey) /B] there's still suck in the same holding pattern. I do not wish to have any virilization, so I can drop the test. Again, I realize that nothing is a magic bullet accept hard work in time, but at this point I threw up my hands – which got me into considering steroids in the first place – because of the fact that pound my legs a weekly basis to no avail. I realize it's probably genetic, as my father is in the same boat, but I really can't explain that to the judges.

I suppose my regimen will look at such then:
1. For now, var 12 1/2 twice today.
2.GH times two more weeks, as that will be a four week cycle will consider taking off another four weeks and then restarting and four or six weeks is necessary.
3. T3? I'm sure if I need to leave that I'm without the GH.
4. Restart EQ in eight weeks.
5. ? Clen and nolva if able to acquire.

I have 16 weeks starting on Saturday, my diet has been almost squeaky clean for the past three months and I have dropped a significant amount of body fat, my only concern is that at this point I'm going to peak too early. I'll have to just keep an eye on my diet and cardio---Really aiming to see a lot of shredded muscle, so going to have to do a lot of speed work.

Sincerely thank you all for your input, I will definitely keep you posted.

The first thing I would need to know is, is your gear real? Surely you are not getting it form your day job:) This board does not allow source discussions, but knowing the source would help.


TID Lady Member
Mar 31, 2013
Sassy and Dr J---really really really appreciate the thoughts.

Sassy---FYI I dictate to the board so my responses may seem long but take about 2 min. :)

I do agree I need more food! My RMR is around 1700 so I'm retweaking diet today. My REAL diet party will happen in about 8 weeks.

As for cardio, did drop to 30m 5-6 d week for now and will start HIIT about 8 weeks from now.

I'm going to sit down as really evaluate myself, goals, etc because LET ME BE CLEAR:

I want to train smart. And NOT be a stupid ignorant woman who is relying on gear for success.

I BUST MY ASS and am not going to sell myself short!

I appreciate your input to this end and will take this advice to heart as YOU all are the experts.

I gave up thinking I knew everything a long time ago.....


TID Lady Member
Mar 31, 2013
Oh and Dr J---I don't source myself, acquire from my best friend....

I feel bothersome at this point; trust me I AM listening to you am listening (and adapting) so will check back in in a few weeks.


TID Lady Member
Aug 16, 2011
Sassy and Dr J---really really really appreciate the thoughts.

Sassy---FYI I dictate to the board so my responses may seem long but take about 2 min. :)

I do agree I need more food! My RMR is around 1700 so I'm retweaking diet today. My REAL diet party will happen in about 8 weeks.

As for cardio, did drop to 30m 5-6 d week for now and will start HIIT about 8 weeks from now.

I'm going to sit down as really evaluate myself, goals, etc because LET ME BE CLEAR:

I want to train smart. And NOT be a stupid ignorant woman who is relying on gear for success.

I BUST MY ASS and am not going to sell myself short!

I appreciate your input to this end and will take this advice to heart as YOU all are the experts.

I gave up thinking I knew everything a long time ago.....

My real point was to give a cue for "time to re-evaulate" when you find yourself spending too much time on the wrong thing. I use this to also red flag myself when:

- I spend too much time online
- I spend too much time working
- I spend too much time in my head
- I spend too much time NOT appreciating simple things

I also have my cats sitting around me waiting for me to pull the kitty toy (feather on a string) - that's when I usually need to walk away from whatever I'm doing and just spend some time playing w/ them. They animate so much from the minute I touch their stupid toy and get bored so quickly afterwards - I imagine ANYTHING that isn't getting the right attention is wanting and appreciating it THAT much as well.

Keeps things in perspective and perspective is probably the best thing you can have in prep ... and in life :) If you are paying attention, things tend to self-correct.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2013
Sassy, wise post...I always say that the inside of my head is a very dangerous neighborhood. Tenacious, do you have some pics you can post up? I promise, I am not a dirty old man... :liar:

In any event, I can tell if you are over-training by looking at you, lol

I think I saw you post somewhere your leg routine, and it looked pretty hardcore, w/ some heavy weights. You are definitely going to need more rest and food to recover. My approach to competitive bodybuilding was changed when I had an IFBB pro coaching me. He convinced me to do/use more, more food, more weight, more cardio, more gear. I did 2 hours of cardio a day for my last show (many years ago) increased calories to nearly 4k a day on average (300 grams of protein ed, carbs were cycled, 550, 450, 400, 353 300, I also used a lot of MCT oil) and did 2.5 grams of gear a week, along w/ 100 mgs of T3 and 20 tabs of clen. How many time have you read in a mag that a certain pro actually increased calories prior to a show? Its the gear.

I personally am not an advocate of more gear for women, although I do respect her decision to do what she wants w/ her body. If she is someone a care about, I would only advocate 50 mgs of EQ e5d, maybe 15 mgs of var ed, and some Nolvadex. Again, that is just my opinion. The bottom line is that women cannot, IMO, relay as much upon gear as men. The amount of gear I was on last show enabled me to eat more, recover better and to get leaner while at the same time getting stronger (by 4 weeks out I was squatting 275, butt to heels for 27 reps, lat pulldowns 14 reps w/ 300 lbs, hit a 600 lbs deadlift, etc). But as mentioned, this ^ would not have been possible w/ out more gear.
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