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Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
Managed a complete rest day and went for some nice food and a sticky toffee pudding last night. Feeling better and fresher now.

I'm going to start a cycle of 450 Test E and 100 Primo/Mast E per week. Should give me a decent little boost compared to the current 150 Test without many sides. I'll start this weekend. May add a bit of Turinabol too, but I'll have a think about that.

I've ordered myself some Love Heart and Vital Support from TBJP to run alongside the cycle, they have a bit of a sale on with Black Friday etc.


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
25th November


  • N/A - Rushed for time. Double cardio tomorrow, I promise.
  • Hammer Strength decline press 3 x 6-8
  • Decline pec-deck 3 x 10
  • Plate loaded lateral raise 3 x 10 and one triple drop set
  • Lateral DB raise 3 x 10
  • Cross body pushdown 3 x 10 and one triple drop set
Absolutely blasted through that session. 40 minutes tops. Minimal rest in between sets. Pump was epic and HR was high which kind of makes up for my lazy ass missing cardio again.

Taking the dog for a walk, cooking and relaxing tonight. Probably watch England in the World Cup.


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
26th November


  • 45 minutes stationary bike 150BPM (Redeemed myself ☺️)
  • Wide-grip pull-up 4 sets until failure (super strict, dead hang, 2 second pause at the top of each rep with chin over bar)
  • Kneeling cable row 3 x 6-8
  • Iliac pull 2 x 8-10
  • Chest supported T Bar (wider grip, upper back focus) 3 x 6-8
  • Prone shrug 2 sets until failure
  • Single cable curl 3 x 8-12
  • Preacher 2 sets until failure
Lovely session by myself. No rushing around. Took my time and enjoyed it. Great pump and some good working sets.

Got a few little striations dancing around in shoulders while doing curls.

Starting cycle tomorrow. ☺️


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
Got an Apple Watch now so will be able to get a bit more insight in to my resting heart rate, calories burned during training etc. I’m not going to take any of it as gospel but will be interesting to see the figures it spits out.

Somebody asked if my Mast/Primo is a little low and if I’ll see/get much out of it at 100mg per week. The main difference for me with the cycle is going from 150mg Test E cruise to 450mg, that will give me a decent bump in strength/fullness by itself. The Mast/Primo are in there for well-being/mood more than anything. Maybe they’ll give a slight cosmetic benefit as I’m already lean but we’ll see. It’s more a case of why not considering I’ve got them on hand already and they’ll cause minimal/no impact to blood work.


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
27th November


  • 25 minutes incline treadmill 140BPM, final 5 minutes incline run 170+ BPM
  • Flat barbell bench 3 x 4-8 - Aimee for 6 x 160KG, failed on 4 here
  • Standing barbell press 3 x 6-8 and one back off set of 12
  • Cross body triceps 3 x 12
  • Cable Y raise 3 x 12 and one set of 15 in mid portion of ROM for tension (favourite exercise at the moment)
  • Pec deck 3 x 10-12
I was due to train legs but my training partner just got back in after a week of slacking off due to family commitments and I knew starting with legs would discourage him, so went back to push for his sake.

Starting the cycle today, 450 Test E, 100 Mast E, 100 Primo E.

Went and bought myself a rice cooker. If I’m going to be in a surplus consistently, I need a large portion of my calories to be easy on my stomach and easy to digest. I’ve stocked up on Jasmine rice. I’ll probably get 1200-1500 calories daily with rice alone to make life easier. My gut will be thankful and it’ll take a lot of thought and preparation out of the equation.

We’re moving to incline treadmill for cardio this week to warm the legs up for a hike planned on Saturday. We’re doing either Tryfan North Ridge or Devil’s Kitchen. Both stunning and in Snowdonia area. Forecast is great for the Saturday so far - hopefully it remains that way.

Feeling good and motivated today. Hopefully some good gains and great training sessions in the coming weeks.


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
28th November


  • 25 minutes incline treadmill 140BPM, final 5 minutes incline run 170+ BPM
  • DB SLDL 3 x 6-8
  • GHR 3 x to failure
  • Hack squat 3 x 6-8
  • Lying leg curl 3 x 10-12
  • Adductor/abductor superset 3 rounds
  • Standing/seated calf raise 3 rounds
Lovely stuff.

I’ve ate 1KG of Jasmine rice (dry weight) since yesterday. Just figuring out how to use the rice cooker and make it taste good. It’s sitting really well with my stomach so I’ll probably use it as my main carb source throughout this cycle.

I’ve got a few support supplements which should arrive in the next few days, I went for Love Heart, Vital Support and Dream Sleep from TbJP. Just trying to cover all bases health wise while I’m running anything more than a cruise dose.

Quick quad stomp for y’all. Hopefully gain some good thickness on these in the coming months. Good starting point IMO.



VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
Great shape. Hard to beat hard work and good genetics. What is your protein intake?


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
My BP spiked last night for some reason. I’ve had it twice over the last couple of weeks. I’ve taken my first dose of Test/Primo/Mast but the first spike happened before this. Going to my GP now to get a reading and some advice. It feels like it’s back to normal now but all night in bed it was like I could hear the blood rushing around in my ears and feel it in my neck whereas my pulse on my wrist felt slow and weak. Not sure if there’s something up physically or if I’m just feeling anxious but let’s see what the doctor makes of it. Will update.


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
140/80 while I was in there which is high but not alarmingly high. Plus the doctor’s office always adds a few points. I’m usually at 120/70 or so. They took bloods to check everything out while I was there. It was high as fuck while I was in bed earlier and quite unsettling. Hopefully get some answers soon and will make required changes/add some meds/supps if needed. Got that Vital Support on the way which should help some. Still unsure whether it’s physical or something mentally induced by anxiety/stress etc., but I’ve felt fine generally.


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2022
The Doctor called me back and it sounded as if he was trying to hint that the little scare I had last night was mental rather than physical. He suggested this morning's reading wasn't particularly high at 140/80 (I'd want it lower really) and basically tried to talk me out of any worry/follow up. I don't know though, it didn't feel normal. As somebody on PEDs, I feel like I'm pretty in tune with my body etc. I asked if he'll run an ECG next week. Might be completely pointless but I guess I just want some reassurance, might just be being paranoid after an unpleasant night but I think a little bit of reassurance would go a long way at the moment, you know? The bloods will be back in 2-3 days also which gives me an updated snapshot of where my markers are at at least, so it was worth a quick trip over to the surgery either way.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
These things have a number of effects on the cardiovascular system. They can be excitory to the CNS as well. Your vasculature pumps like your heart. Most people don't realize that. The endothelium of the vasculature has smooth muscle cells which are responsive to AAS. That causes a stiffening and that in turn makes the heart work a little harder and BP goes up. Blood volume and red cell density also goes up also a factor in BP. There is also some impact on the renin/angiotensin system. All these things and more can tend towards higher blood pressure. You seem to he hanging at the lower end of dosing. Some people are more susceptible than others. As far as BP, cardio helps, BP meds such as liprinisil can help under a doc's care. Blood donation can help if you have high hematocrit but donating too frequently can be problematic.

This could also be a false alarm.. to much caffeine etc...
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