What was your PFT time back in when you were in Belleau Wood? I remember cranking out 20min 3 miles, i'd be lucky if I didn't have a heart attack doing that shit now.
WELL BACK IN 1775 it was a blazing 17 min lol jk
and at Belleau i was eating my hard tack when i heard "Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?" and after to much hard tack it was a snail 20
but i do rem my pft run -- only bc my Heavy -- from Bama -- linked it to the civil war
but i was a tiny 5'9 158lb 17year old
most of time as guide or scribe i had to run to the rear when i finished to push my fellow brothers on -- so i ran alot
i did 20 pulls
100 crunches
and run in 18:61
i was told to stop on pull ups and crunches -- as to not show off-- lmao