Must be age. I am like you don't respond anymore and used some of the Best brands out there micronized lab tested etc. I would get a minimum of 8 pounds off it. Maxed one time at 12 lbs.You know back in the 90s I used creatine and it had really noticable effects. It would pull into the muscle so strongly i would dry heave up food that had almost no liquid. but ,my muscles would be very full. Around 2005-2007 i had been natty for ~8 years and I started using a protein powder with creatine and it was really effective. My wife thought i was back on. Then after ~2012 any brand I got did almost nothing. I just figured it didn't work for me the same anymore. Now I really don't care to mess with is actually. I must be getting old.
On a side note unrelated. I was at the gym the other day and this cute little women about 40 and I were both approaching the stretching mats hung at the wall at the same time. I paused, smiled and waved her ahead. She smiled surprised and did a little hop over and took her mat. It was so cute.. I told her when she sees a gray hair and beard like mine she might expect a little chivalry. She smiled and looked me dead in the eye and said "I don't see it often".
100 mg/week is where I've been for 4 months. It get's it done if you don't mind feeling natty. I rod my bike to and from the gym today. 15 mile round trip with a workout in between. That's hard to do loaded to the gills.Workouts aren't terrible, at least from an endurance perspective. However, I have had to reduce weights overall... with a very large hit to Back Squats. I'm sure the muscle is still there, so I'm guessing this is due to a now-lazy CNS? Anyone know? Also, I've visibly lost fullness, especially in upper body. Wonder what, specifically, was contributing most to keep those muscles full. I was on Creatine with a few other possibilities.. but do AAS contribute significantly to this as well? In spite of all this, I look better in the face. I've leaned out a lot.. no more "moon face." My face hasn't been this lean in a very, very long time. There are some definite tradeoffs I've noticed. Just been dealing with the negatives so long I no longer noticed or had memory of the way things were before starting. Everything just feels so much more calm, and I'm sleeping better. I can't live without testosterone, so I am going to have to go back on (my natural production before TRT was around 50)... but right now I'm confused over dosage when I do return to it. Still looking to get labs 8/1 and then resume shortly after...unless by some miracle I show some natural production above and beyond pre-TRT.
Dropping the creatine and AAS would both lead to looking flat. Recently dropped creatine and all AAS down to TRT myself and it looks like I lost 20 lbs even though the scale only says 2 lbs.Workouts aren't terrible, at least from an endurance perspective. However, I have had to reduce weights overall... with a very large hit to Back Squats. I'm sure the muscle is still there, so I'm guessing this is due to a now-lazy CNS? Anyone know? Also, I've visibly lost fullness, especially in upper body. Wonder what, specifically, was contributing most to keep those muscles full. I was on Creatine with a few other possibilities.. but do AAS contribute significantly to this as well? In spite of all this, I look better in the face. I've leaned out a lot.. no more "moon face." My face hasn't been this lean in a very, very long time. There are some definite tradeoffs I've noticed. Just been dealing with the negatives so long I no longer noticed or had memory of the way things were before starting. Everything just feels so much more calm, and I'm sleeping better. I can't live without testosterone, so I am going to have to go back on (my natural production before TRT was around 50)... but right now I'm confused over dosage when I do return to it. Still looking to get labs 8/1 and then resume shortly after...unless by some miracle I show some natural production above and beyond pre-TRT.
I've been either off or on 100-150 mg test a week or 17 or 18 weeks and feel pretty normal. When I'm on 150 mg/w 50 mg has been test prop so just a bump in level in the earlier part of the week. I probably should never go up again because there really is no need but I will because eventually I will feel the need for speed. I'm trying to only do so when I actually have the time and all other assets in place to actually justify a period of enhancement. Maybe that's the way to think about it at our stage... maybe not.Well I didn't make it to 8/1. It wasn't terrible, but it sure as hell wasn't great. I could certainly have made it, but I kept running into the question of "why?" I don't have natural production. Even if by some miracle my natural production resumed (before it fell to the double digits ten years ago), we're talking about a TT in the 200's/300's. I started back last night and already feel better. However, I have dropped Primo. I dropped Anavar and Proviron, as well.
I started back on Test P and Mast P at 20mg daily each (reduced from 30mg daily each). I also resumed Creatine, Vitamin D (sublingual), Cialis/Tadalafil, and hCG. Will pop 0.25mg of Arimidex as needed (based on bitchiness, irritability, food cravings, prostate pain, etc.). I was supplementing a lot more but am going to go with this minimum spread for the foreseeable future. Edema is gone completely. It's nothing but skin on bone in lower legs. Be interested to see if that holds over the next few weeks. I can already feel "contractibility" improved (not sure if that's the right word in this case, but muscles are harder and respond better). Also a bit more fullness noted.
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