'Bout time you got back here lol. Here in the States those things came out in the 1970's I think. Often called "the MacDonald Bar" after a Bench Press specialist of that era named Mike MacDonald. Early on he popularized it, probably profited from its sales, AND added to its promotion by saying you could also use it turned upside down to mimic what is today called "board presses." It was specifically made for Benching; the camber was a little too narrow to use for Squats. You sure do like those high reps.
Yes that's all correct -my dad was a competitive powerlifter so I learnt about the bar from him. Rare as anything but I was lucky enough to acquire one. Shame they are not more popular. I have squatted with this one a couple of times. I find it turns it more into a front squat for feel. Interesting for sure,but I have a very narrow grip when I squat and have the bar basically on my neck, if I was to take it in a powerlifting position lower down I wouldnt be able to squat with it.
And deffo atm for sure, I'm just in my medium phase of training, so starting to up the weight and drop the weights a little, but I dont do singles really anymore as I feel the risk to reward isny good enough unless it's a competition. Too high a risk of injury when only doing it for yourself imo.