Sat, 11/4, 5-6a (with trainer)
-Assisted band pull up (only one knee in the band)-wide grip / 15x3
-Assisted band pull up (only one knee in the band)-neutral grip / 12x3
Superset: (15reps x 4)
-Deadlift rows - 115# i think
-Octogon bar thingy - 100# i think
Superset: x3
-Seated wide grip pull down, 90#, 12 reps
-Seated wide grip rows, 90#, 15reps
Superset: x3
-Seated close grip pull down, 90#, 12 reps
-Seated close grip rows, 90#, 15 reps
Mon, 11/6, 530p. (alone)
Light legs
Superset: x3
-Lying hamstring curls 90#-15 reps; 110#-12 reps; then drop set 110# for 10 reps and 90# for 10 reps
-Standing calf machie 250#-12 reps; 275#-12 reps; 275#-12 reps
Superset: x3
-Standing smith machine calf raises 105# 12 reps; 125# 12 reps; 175# 12 reps
-Glute raises, bending over the hyper extension and raising legs behind me, 20 reps
Leg cable work:
-abductors and adductors, 20#, 12 reps each
-rear raises kneeling on bench, 40#, 12 reps
Glute bridges with back on bench 80# 15 reps; 100# for 12 reps
Tuesday, 11/7, 5-6a (with trainer)
Chest and back (push pull)
Superset (x3):
-Bench press, lying on floor of squat rack 95# 15 reps; 115# 15 reps; 135 8 reps
-Deadlift 135# 15 reps; 155# 15 reps; 175 15 reps
Superset (x3):
-Include db bench press 30# 18 reps; 40# 10 reps; 40# 10 reps
-Chest assisted db rows (chest on incline bench) 30# 20 reps; 30# 18 reps; 30# 18 reps
Giant set (x3):
-Seated lat pull downs on machine 140# 12 reps; 140# 12 reps; 140# 12 reps
-Seated flye machine 100# 20 reps; 100# 15 reps; 100# 15 reps
-Push ups 10 reps; 10 reps; 6 reps
On the first set today, while doing bench press i think it was during the 8th or 9th rep, all of the sudden got an acute headache. Then when stood up was terrible. Is now still with me and was there during the work out. Ugh, this made it hard to work out, but I pushed through. This is happening to me more lately and I don't know why, I am breathing just fine, i thought maybe it was that. Happens to me either standing or lying. I believe i have been fighting a sinus infection and suspect this is the cause. Guess i need to check it out. Has been going on a couple weeks now. Funny thing is that I woke up this morning just fine. But this presented itself during the first set of the workout.
Happy Lifting Y'all