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  1. M

    Blood results just came back

    thanks. I'm 27 This thread was answered for me on another board. ☺
  2. M

    Blood results just came back

    Its mel I just got my blood results back it wasn't looking good at all my prolactin levels we're abit high Prolactin H 981 mIU / L She wants to proceed with an MRI scan should I be worried SHBG - L23 Free Angdrogen Index H 5.7 Iron - H 36.2 saturation H 67 An increased transferrin...
  3. M

    Craiving for alcohol on strict diet

    Well no good news is I'm not craiving but I still thinking about having one.
  4. M

    Craiving for alcohol on strict diet

    Hi I've been off for 3 years
  5. M

    Craiving for alcohol on strict diet

    No I'm not an alcoholic. I just stopped my bad habits after training
  6. M

    Craiving for alcohol on strict diet

    Cool thanks Mike. Cheers
  7. M

    Craiving for alcohol on strict diet

    Hello guys just wanted to throw in that 3 years ago before my training I was drinking constantly however when I started training I quit all my bad habits but recently I've been noticing last month that I've been craving a drink and avoided for a month but the craiving wouldn't go away so...
  8. M

    My bodybuilding training/diet thread

    I'm not going into competition, it's for more own bf percentage was very low and their was no way of me stacking on muscle without more body fat, I've gained a lot of strength I've now broken down all my workouts . My reps have increased with greater strength and I'm very happy...
  9. M

    new female

    Thankyou guys
  10. M

    new female

    Thanks Jack
  11. M

    My bodybuilding training/diet thread

    Hi ! today routine -5x DDL 40kg -2x squats 40KG -3x push press 40KG -2x standing strict press 20KG my strength is really improveing today! Im really worn out [emoji6] Thanks guys ! I'm almost reaching my goal . Still a bit of more work needed.. just gotta push myself more and more each...
  12. M

    new female

    Thanks guys
  13. M

    My bodybuilding training/diet thread

    Hi what would you suggest? Thanks mel
  14. M
  15. M

    My bodybuilding training/diet thread

    Hi and thank you to all . I can tell you guys that I'm currently working on strength ATM so my sets are quite short. For each workout I'tll be between 2-3 sets + 3-4 repetitions each. Once I've managed my strength I will begin to break down my workouts quite a lot. I'm also at that stage where...
  16. M

    My bodybuilding training/diet thread

    Hi Im mel I'm new to this board, I'm 27 years old. I've been on many other boards too I hope to learn something here as well. I've been training for 3 years. I' started off with weight loss than worked my way up to bodybuilding. I'm pretty hard core with my training. I train 5 days . I've run...
  17. M

    new female

    Thankyou to all
  18. M

    new female

    Hi I joined to learn new things about my training and diet thanks.