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  1. JR Ewing

    Panicked about a stock-market crash?

    Ignore Peter Schiff's constant doomsday predictions - we will eventually see another big recession and bear market, but he's been predicting that it's going to happen any day now for the last decade. He desperately wants to sell off his massive precious metals stake he's been accumulating ever...
  2. JR Ewing

    Which bulilds muscle better, dropsets or negatives?

    I trained brutally, brutally hard in my late teens and well into my 20's. But I didn't build a whole lot of muscle or strength until I ironically stopped being so fanatical and cut back a bit on the intensity. I also worked a job more or less full time in my early years that had me on my feet...
  3. JR Ewing

    Best budget diet

    I used to love to wreck the buffets when I was younger - I do it less often now. I'd hit up the Pizza Hut and Ryan's buffets near my college probably once a week each back when I was in school. Now that money isn't such an issue, on the rare occasions when I feel like really pigging out at a...
  4. JR Ewing

    Trading stocks

    One addendum to my last post - the Medallion Fund's ~ 40% returns were after fees. Before fees (5% annual management fee, 50% performance fee on profits), the returns were over 70% - which would make dollar for dollar raw returns ~ 4%. They tended to do better when markets did poorly.
  5. JR Ewing

    Trading stocks

    I would generally avoid taking specific advice from people online such as "buy this or that stock (or other investment)" or "go to cash" or "short the market" or whatever. Most people online who are making a single recommendation are either doing so so that they can do the opposite (buy lower or...
  6. JR Ewing

    Cosmokramer is Baaaaaaaaaaaaack!

    Good to see you. Been pretty busy lately. How have you been?
  7. JR Ewing

    Cosmokramer is Baaaaaaaaaaaaack!

    Congrats and please stay clean one day at a time.
  8. JR Ewing

    Trading stocks

    I've been investing my own money for nearly a quarter a century, and investing for others for many years as well. I agree that you're far more likely to do better if you're patient and aren't selling out of all positions daily (day trading) or within a day or two (swing trading). Transaction...
  9. JR Ewing

    Piss on the Hillary ....

    Like most white boys, I'm more of a grower than a show-er.
  10. JR Ewing

    our first REAl ride this year

    I know he ain't from around these parts - been hot and humid as hell for months around here.
  11. JR Ewing

    Piss on the Hillary ....

    I wish I could figure out a way to make that pic cackle at me as I approached the urinal and unzipped my fly - it would surely be a multi billion dollar idea!
  12. JR Ewing

    NFL's new policy on national anthem

    For my fellow Americans, I think it's important to distinguish between the country founded 240+ years ago and the government who runs it today... and those in and around government who are trying to turn the country into something entirely different from what it has been for 240+ years. Not...
  13. JR Ewing

    NFL's new policy on national anthem

    The league is a private entity, and the teams are privately owned. The league and owners can run their businesses and make the rules largely as they see fit - as long as they're not violating any laws or violating players' union rights they can certainly run things as they wish. The players'...
  14. JR Ewing

    Best budget diet

    Whether bulking, cutting, or maintaining, I've always liked to have a bit more fat (and fewer carbs) in my diet than what many experts have recommended over the last 30 or so years. Having a bit of extra fat in the diet (steaks, 80/20 ground beef, chicken thighs, a few whole eggs, a bit of...
  15. JR Ewing

    3 times a week leg training

    For a good 20 years I've been splitting up quads and hams/calves into 2 workouts, hitting each once a week (or slightly less). When I started training 30 years ago, my legs were like toothpicks. They soon became my best bodypart. I reached a point in my mid to late 20's where I could not do my...
  16. JR Ewing

    Need some best protein foods.

    Steak, eggs, milk, chicken, hamburger, fish, etc.
  17. JR Ewing

    VERY Serious Political Thread . . .

    Was Vlad Putin jerking off in the corner of the hotel room when Trump was supposedly banging Stormy? Did he help Trump get elected in exchange for Trump allowing him to watch? Or was Vlad supposedly somehow blackmailing him over the affair? Is this the non-crime of "Russia collusion" they're...
  18. JR Ewing

    China trade war

    Agreed. Another thing about China is that they like to cook their books. I learned many years ago to be very careful investing in anything Chinese. 7% GDP growth may really be 3%. A $13 trillion economy might barely be $5 trillion. The private sector is both under-regulated (very poor quality...
  19. JR Ewing

    China trade war

    I do wish Trump would be less bombastic with some of his rhetoric. Although it's not the end of the world in the grand scheme of things, it's not such a great thing to see the Dow fall several percentage points in a single day because of "trade war fears". I'm a big boy - I can take it, and make...
  20. JR Ewing

    China trade war

    Theoretically, China wins (not loses) the trade war because of the fact that they buy much less from us than we do from them - if we assume more or less equal % tariffs on both sides, and their much larger population buying far less from us than they sell to us, they win in theory. But the fact...