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Jan 16 '25 - Iron Abyss
Thursday dead focus - 6 day split test week 2
199.7 lbs body weight
1900 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - 17.6 miles - 114bpm
Today was a damn solid day, everything clicked , lower was on time, legs were pushing the world away , hinge fired on time ...all I can say is WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Hit a couple of PRs on things so that's always a momentum builder as well , good shit today.
Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold - 90/90 stretch - Cobra Stretch 3x30 hold - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Dead Bugs 2x20 - Single Knee to chest 2x10 hold - Bird Dogs 2x20 - Side Planks 3x45 hold - Supermans 3x30 hold - Childs Pose 2x1 min hold
Lifts -
Deads - Iron Abyss Progression
Warm ups - ebx5 135x5 225x5
Progression - 275x10 - 325x5 - 385x3 - 430x2 - 475x1
*PAP Pairings - 475x1 + 4 41" Broad Jump - 475x1 + 6 42" Broad Jump - 475x1 + 6 41" Broad Jump - 475x1 + 4 43" Broad Jump
**Back Off Sets - 380x6 - 335x8 - 310xamrap 10 *Keep track
Deficits - 2" - 4x4 with some extra credit
Working Sets - 440x4x4x4x4
Extra Credit - 480x3 - 490x2 - 500x1* PR for these
500# 2" deficit

Watch att.Nd5DKWp7WNElLo-lUy8miKniQ1WFlwMkidWVX8kc_e8 | Streamable
Watch "att.Nd5DKWp7WNElLo-lUy8miKniQ1WFlwMkidWVX8kc_e8" on Streamable.
Pendlay Rows - Iron Abyss with PAP
Progression - 185x10 - 205x5 - 225x3
PAP Pairings - 245x1 + 4 ExPullUps - 245x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 265x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 275x1 + 4 ExPullUps
Meadows Rows - Iron Abyss with PAP
Working Sets - 80x10 - 90x5 - 100x3 - 110x2
PAP Pairings - 120x1 + 4 ExPullUps - 130x1 + 6 ExPullUps - strapped up - 140x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 150x1 + 4 ExPullUps *PR for these
Shrugs - Wide grip - 5x5 - 325x5 - 335x5 - 340x5 - 345x5 - 350x5
Abs - Bent Leg Lifts with slight twist (windshield wipers) - 4 sets of 30