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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Jan 16 '25 - Iron Abyss
Thursday dead focus - 6 day split test week 2
199.7 lbs body weight
1900 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - 17.6 miles - 114bpm

Today was a damn solid day, everything clicked , lower was on time, legs were pushing the world away , hinge fired on time ...all I can say is WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Hit a couple of PRs on things so that's always a momentum builder as well , good shit today.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold - 90/90 stretch - Cobra Stretch 3x30 hold - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Dead Bugs 2x20 - Single Knee to chest 2x10 hold - Bird Dogs 2x20 - Side Planks 3x45 hold - Supermans 3x30 hold - Childs Pose 2x1 min hold

Lifts -
Deads - Iron Abyss Progression
Warm ups - ebx5 135x5 225x5
Progression - 275x10 - 325x5 - 385x3 - 430x2 - 475x1
*PAP Pairings - 475x1 + 4 41" Broad Jump - 475x1 + 6 42" Broad Jump - 475x1 + 6 41" Broad Jump - 475x1 + 4 43" Broad Jump
**Back Off Sets - 380x6 - 335x8 - 310xamrap 10 *Keep track

Deficits - 2" - 4x4 with some extra credit
Working Sets - 440x4x4x4x4
Extra Credit - 480x3 - 490x2 - 500x1* PR for these

500# 2" deficit

Pendlay Rows - Iron Abyss with PAP
Progression - 185x10 - 205x5 - 225x3
PAP Pairings - 245x1 + 4 ExPullUps - 245x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 265x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 275x1 + 4 ExPullUps

Meadows Rows - Iron Abyss with PAP
Working Sets - 80x10 - 90x5 - 100x3 - 110x2
PAP Pairings - 120x1 + 4 ExPullUps - 130x1 + 6 ExPullUps - strapped up - 140x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 150x1 + 4 ExPullUps *PR for these

Shrugs - Wide grip - 5x5 - 325x5 - 335x5 - 340x5 - 345x5 - 350x5

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts with slight twist (windshield wipers) - 4 sets of 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Fri Jan 17 '25 - Iron Abyss
OHP/Pressing Focus - 6 day split test week 2
200.2 bodyweight
1675 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - stationary bike 17 miles 114bpm

Today was a fun day , starting to get a bit more comfortable with over head pressing again and it went well.

No heroics today , no big surprises, just a good honest days work.

Stretches -
Band Press 2x20
Band Pull 2x20
Band Xover 2x20
Band Y Raise 2x20
Band Face Pulls 3x15

Lifts -
Overhead Press with PAP Pairings - Strict Standing
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5 90x5
Progression - 115x10 - 135x5 - 155x3
*PAP Pairings - 165x1 + 4 ExPushUps - 175x1 + 6 ExPushUps - 185x1 + 6 ExPushUps - 190x1 + 4 ExPushUps
**Back Off Sets - 140x6 - 120x8- 110xamrap *11 Keep Track

Close Grip Incline Bench - 4x8 - 185x8 - 195x8 - 200x8 - 205x8

DB Lat Raise - 4x8 - 15x8 - 20x8 - 22.5x8 - 25x6+1+1

JM Press - 4x8 - 155x8 - 175x8 - 180x8 - 185x6+2

Rev Crunches - 4 sets of 30

Pull Ups - body weight - 4 sets of 8


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Sat Jan 18 '25 - Iron Abyss
Speed Work - 6 day split test - week 2
200.7 body weight
1705 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - stat bike 17.4 miles 112/114bpm

Today was a fun day , speed speed speed. Kept to straight weight today no offset with bands or chains and just went for it.

Swapped out a couple of set/rep scheme just for fun , that felt good too.

All in all , 10/10 stars n garters

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold - 90/90 stretch 3x20 hold - Cobra Stretch 3x30 hold - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Ankle Circles 2x20 - Hip Circles 2x20 - Dead Bugs 2x20 - Bird Dogs 2x20 - Side Planks 3x30 hold - Supermans 3x30 hold - Childs Pose 2x1min hold

Lifts -
Squats - speed work - 8x3 - 65% 1rm
Warm up - ebx3 ebx3
Progression 150x3 - 200x3 - 240x3 - 290x3
Working Sets - 310x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3

Seated Good Morning - from low pins bottom of squat - 5x5
210x5 - 230x5 - 250x5 - 260x5 - 270x5

Zercher Squats with PAP pairings - Iron Abyss
Progression - 195x10 - 215x5 - 3x235
*PAP Pairings - 255x1 + 4 13" Box Jumps - 255x1 + 6 13" Box Jumps - 275x1 + 6 Box Jumps - 295x1 + 4 Box Jumps
Deficits - 2" - 65% 1rm - 4x4
Build up - 135x4 - 225x4 - 315x4 - 365x4
Working Sets - 385x4x4x4x4

Shrugs - Iron Abyss + Back Off Sets -
Progression - 230x10 - 250x5 - 270x3 - 290x2 - 310x1
*Back Off Sets - 285x6 - 250x8 - 230xamrap 12* keep track

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Analysis and Assessment – Iron Abyss: Saturday, Jan 18 '25

Workout Focus: Speed Work (Squat-Centric) – Week 2 of the 6-Day Split Test

1. General Metrics

  • Body Weight: 200.7 lbs—consistent tracking reflects a stable nutritional and recovery routine.
  • Cardio: 60 minutes at 112/114 BPM covering 17.4 miles. Maintains aerobic capacity and facilitates active recovery without impacting strength focus.
  • Calories: 1,705 logged, heading toward 3,000—aligned with goals for a slight caloric surplus.

2. Stretches and Warm-Up

  • Routine:
    • Comprehensive mobility and activation work targeting the hips, core, spine, and shoulders.
    • Highlights: Ankle and Hip Circles for joint mobility, Dead Bugs and Bird Dogs for core stability, and Side Planks for lateral strength.

  • Perfect preparation for dynamic speed work and heavy accessory lifts. No adjustments needed.

3. Lifts

a. Squats (Speed Work - 8x3 at 65%)

  • Warm-Up Sets: Gradual build-up ensures readiness for dynamic sets.
  • Working Sets:310x3 for 8 sets at 65% 1RM.
    • Prioritized bar speed, explosiveness, and technical precision.

  • Ideal speed work parameters with enough volume to reinforce neural adaptations without inducing excessive fatigue.

b. Seated Good Morning (Low Pins, 5x5)

  • Progression:210x5 → 270x5.
    • Movement from the bottom of the squat targets posterior chain strength and core bracing under load.

  • Excellent accessory for developing lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. The low pin start adds specificity to the squat's sticking point.

c. Zercher Squats with PAP Pairings

  • Progression: 195x10 → 235x3.
  • PAP Pairings:
    • Box jumps (13") paired with singles up to 295 lbs enhance explosive strength and power transfer.

  • Zerchers paired with PAP focus on explosive hip drive and quad activation—key for squat dominance. Box jumps after 295 lbs are an impressive display of retained explosiveness under fatigue.

d. Deficit Deadlifts (2", 4x4 at 65%)

  • Progression:135x4 → 385x4.
    • Emphasizes starting strength and hamstring activation from an extended range of motion.

  • Keeps posterior chain engaged while addressing weak points in the pull. Solid progression with volume tailored for hypertrophy and technical reinforcement.

e. Shrugs (Progression + Back-Off Sets)

  • Progression: 230x10 → 310x1.
  • Back-Off Sets:285x6, 250x8, 230xAMRAP (12 reps).
    • Targets traps and grip endurance. AMRAP at 230 builds muscular endurance post-heavy work.

  • Complements posterior chain work and ensures trap development. Balanced progression and back-off strategy.

f. Abs - Bent Leg Lifts (4x30)

  • Focus on core endurance and spinal stability with controlled movement.

  • Effective for maintaining core strength and preventing instability under heavy loads.

4. Overall Assessment

Key Strengths:

  1. Balanced Volume and Intensity: Speed work, hypertrophy, and PAP integration ensure all energy systems are utilized without overreaching.
  2. Accessory Work Variety: Focused posterior chain, core, and explosive power development align perfectly with program goals.
  3. PAP Integration: Consistent explosive effort ensures carryover to main lifts during the peaking phase.
Opportunities for Optimization:

  • Deficit Deadlifts: Occasionally vary stance or grip (e.g., snatch grip) to target different parts of the posterior chain.
  • Box Jump Metrics: Regularly track jump height to ensure continued improvement in explosiveness.

Caloric Burn Estimate

Cardio Burn (Cycling):

Calories Burned=7.5 (MET)×90.9 (kg)×3.5/200×60 (minutes)≈720 calories

Strength Training Burn:

  • MET for strength training (moderate to heavy): 6.0
  • Duration: 90 minutes.
Calories Burned=6.0×90.9 (kg)×3.5/200×90 (minutes)≈860 calories

Total Caloric Burn:

720 (Cardio)+860 (Strength)=1,580 calories (approx.)


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Jan 19 '25 - Iron Abyss
Active Recovery Sunday
200.7 body weight
1735 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - 30 before workout - 30 after stationary bike - easy pace 16.3 miles 112bpm

Really starting to enjoy this routine for Sundays , way better than just sitting around.

Hip Mobility:
90/90 Stretch 2x30 sec per side
Hip Circles 2x10 each direction
Pigeon Pose 2x30 sec per side

Shoulder Mobility:
Wall Angels 2x10
Band Pull-Apart 3x15
Overhead Reach Stretch 2x30 sec per side

Ankle Mobility:
Ankle Circles 2x10 each side
Deep Squat Hold 2x30 sec
Lunge 2x10 per side

Lower Back Mobility:
Cat-Cow Stretch 2x10 reps
Thread the Needle 2x10 each side
Child’s Pose 2x1 min hold

Core Activation & Stability:
Dead Bugs 2x15 per side
Bird Dogs 2x15 per side
Side Plank 2x30 sec per side
Pelvic Tilt 2x20 slow reps
Pelvic Raise 2x20 slow reps
Plank 2x30 sec
Superman's 3x30 sec

Hamstring Stretch 2x30 sec each leg
Hip Flexor Stretch 2x30 sec each side
Seated Forward Fold 2x30 sec
Cobra Stretch 2x30 sec

Accessory Work:
Dumbbell Rows - #30 - 3x15
Curls - #25 - 3x15
Seated Dumbbell Press - #30 - 3x15
Dumbbell Bench Press - #40 - 3x15
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Bro, I am off today and I always look at your log before leg day. It makes me feel like a pussy and I work harder. Inspiration.
I do not know if you are older than me but you are definitely WAY stronger. Keep it up brother, you are killin it.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
Bro, I am off today and I always look at your log before leg day. It makes me feel like a pussy and I work harder. Inspiration.
I do not know if you are older than me but you are definitely WAY stronger. Keep it up brother, you are killin it.
Thanks man !! I'll be 57 in March. This past few weeks i'm testing turning my 4 day program into a 6 day intermediate/advanced , its going well. Mentally its odd for me , the reduced work load due to the extra days makes me feel like i'm playing hookey.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Jan 20 '25 - Iron Abyss
Monday Bench Focus - 6 day split test week 3
201 body weight
1459 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - stationary bike 17.3 miles 114bpm

Today was a good solid upper day. Moved well , bar travelled well stayed in the groove , decent speed.

Still catching up on accessories , 4x8 is fun but I miss my 5x5's

3rd week of the 6 day test , it feels good ,elbows are a bit punky but i aint no spring chicken , recovery feels on , no undue fatigue.

Stretches -
Band Pull 2x20
Band Press 2x20
Band Xover 2x20
Band Y Raise 2x20
Band Face Pulls 3x15

Lifts -
Bench with PAP pairings - Iron Abyss
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5 135x5
Progression - 170x10 - 195x5 - 230x3 - 255x2 - 275x1
*PAP Pairings - 275x1 + 4 ExPullUps - 275x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 275x1 + 6 ExPullIUps - 275x1 + 4 ExPullUps
**Back Off Sets - 220x6 - 195x8 - 180xamrap 12* keep track

Incline Close Grip Bench - 4x8 - 185x8 - 195x8 - 205x8 - 210x8

Decline Bench - 4x8 - 195x8 - 205x8 - 210x8 - 215x8

Pendlay Rows -
Progression - 190x10 - 210x5 - 230x2
*PAP Pairings - 230x1 + 4 ExPullUps - 250x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 250x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 270x1 + 4 ExPullUps

Seated Delt Flys - 4x8 - 15x8 - 20x8 - 22.5x8 - 25x8

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Jan 21 '25 - Iron Abyss
Tuesday Squat Focus - 6 day split test 3rd week
200.1 body weight
1120 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - stationary bike 17.4 miles 114bpm

Damn good solid lower day today. Hinge fired well , back n hips feel good. Everything was clicking. I got no issues.

Swapped shrugs around a bit see if I can get bit more growth out it. My back just sucks I've never really dedicated anything specific to working it like BB guys do.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold - 90/90 Stretch 3x30 hold - Cobra Stretch 3x30 hold - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Dead Bugs 2x20 - Bird Dogs 2x20 - Supermans 3x30 hold - Side Planks 3x30 hold - Childs Pose x2min

Lifts -
Squats - Form n bar swap for variation - Iron Abyss
*Warm up - Straight Bar No Box - ebx5 - ebx5 - 135x5 - 185x5
*Progression - 215x10 - 250x5 - 300x3 - 340x2 - 375x1
**PAP Pairings - 375x1 + 4 14" BoxJumps - 375x1 + 6 14" Box Jumps - 375x1 +6 14" Box Jumps - 375x1 + 4 14" Box Jumps
-- Bar Swap to SSB - Low Box --
***Back Off Sets - 300x6 - 265x8 - 245xamrap 12* keep track

Seated Good Mornings - 4x8 - Low pins bottom of squat -
200x8 - 220x8 - 240x8 - 250x8

Zercher Squats - Iron Abyss
Progression - 195x10 - 215x5 - 235x3
*PAP Pairings - 255x1 + 4 14" Box Jumps - 255x1 + 6 14" Box Jumps - 275x1 + 6 14" Box Jumps - 300x1 + 4 14" Box Jumps - * Zercher PR at 300

Rack Pulls - Hole below knee - 4x4
Progression - 135x4 - 225x4 - 315x4 - 405x4
Working Sets - 445x4 - 445x4 - 445x4 - 445x4

Shrugs - Iron Abyss
Progression - 235x10 - 255x5 - 275x3 - 295x2 - 315x1
*Back Off Sets - 290x6 - 255x8 - 235xamrap 11*keep track

Abs - Pallof Press - 4x8 - double red mini - 8x8x8x8


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Jan 22 '25 - Iron Abyss
Wednesday - Recovery - Technique and Mobility Work
200.0 body weight
1470 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - 17.6 miles 112/114bpm

Today was a fun day , some yoga some stretching a little technique work and were in and out quick clean and quiet as a 2am shadow on the wall.

Added in a couple of thing to the base day just because I had time and it all felt good.

*Mobility and Stretch Routine
Band Press: 2x10
Band Pull-Aparts: 2x10
Band Face Pulls: 3x15
Band Xovers: 2x10
Band YRaise: 2x10
Hip Circles: 2x20 each side
Ankle Circles: 2x20 each side
Knees to Chest: 4x20 hold
90/90 Stretch: 2x30 hold
Cobra Stretch: 3x30 hold
Pelvic Tilt: 2x20
Pelvic Raise: 2x20
Dead Bugs: 2x20
Single Knee to Chest: 2x10 hold
Bird Dogs: 2x20
Supermans: 3x30 hold
Side Planks: 3x30 hold per side
Child's Pose: 2x20 hold

**Technique Practice
Paused Deadlifts: 65% x 4x4 - 2 sec pause - #365
Warm up - ebx5 - ebx5
Progression - 135x4 - 225x4 - 314x4
Working Sets - 365x4x4x4x4

Light Bench Press: 50% x 4x5 - Competition Style Full Pauses - #165
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5
Progression - 135x5 - 155x5
Working Sets - Progressive - 165x5 - 170x5 - 175x5 - 180x5

Squat Walkouts & Holds: 90% - 3 x hold for 15 seconds - #425
Progression - 150x15 sec hold - 240x15 sec hold - 330x15 sec hold
Working Sets - Progressive - 425x15 sec hold - 475x15 sec hold - 500x15 sec hold

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts: 4 sets of 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Jan 23 '25 - Iron Abyss
Thursday - Dead Focus - 6 day split test week 3
200.6 body weight
1390 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - 17.2 miles 112/114bpm

Today was a decent day, a bit of lower fatigue setting in , hams are tired feeling didn't have much pop on the pulling work today.

Still got it all in and done. WOOOOOOOOOOO!

Stretches -
Ankle circles 10 each - Hip Circles 10 each direction - 90/90 stretch 2x30 hold - Cobra Stretch 2x30 hold - Knees to chest 4x20hold - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Dead Bugs 2x20 - Bird Dogs 2x20 - Supermans 3x30 hold - Side Planks 4x30hold - Childs Pose 2x1 min

Lifts -
Deads - Iron Abyss
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5 135x5 225x5
Progression - 275x10 - 325x5 - 385x3
*PAP Pairings - 430x1 + 43" Broad Jump - 430x1 + 40" Broad Jump - 475x1 + 42" Broad Jump - 535x1 + 42" Broad Jump
**Back Off Sets - 430x6 - 375x8 - 350xamrap 11*Keep Track

Deficits - no heroics kept to plan with very slight progression - 4x4 - 2"
385x4 - 390x4 - 395x4 - 400x4

Pendlay Rows - Iron Abyss
Progression - 195x10 - 215x5- 235x2
*PAP Pairings - 235x1 + 4 ExPullUps - 255x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 265x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 275x1 + 4 ExPullUps

Meadows Rows - 85x10 - 95x5 - 105x3 - 115x1 - 115x1 + 4 ExPullUps - 125x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 135x1+ 6ExPullUps - 155x1+ 4 ExPullUps *strap on last two singles

Shrugs - 240x10 - 260x5- 280x3 - 300x2 - 320x1 - 340x1
*Back Off Sets - 275x6- 240x8 - 225xamrap 12* keep track

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Jan 24 '25 - Iron Abyss
Pressing Focus - 6 day split test week 3
200.5 lbs body weight
1780 cals headed to 3000
60min cardio - stationary bike 17.0 miles 114bpm

Today was a good day all in all , elbows feel like they're made of glass today , combination of fatigue , old age, shoveling n chopping ice I reckon , ibuprofen take me awayyyyyyyy.

Stretches -
Band Pulls 2x20
Band Press 2x20
Band Xover 2x20
Band Yraise 2x20
Band Face Pull 3x15

Lifts -
Overhead Press - standing strict - Iron Abyss
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5 90x5
Progression - 120x10 - 140x5 - 160x2
*PAP Pairing - 160x1 + 4 ExPushUps - 180x1 + 6 ExPushUps - 180x1 + 6 ExPushUps -
*Reached for the extra 5 to make it over bodyweight - grindy slow oh shit oh shit oh shit rep but it locked *out - 205x1 + 4 ExPushUps
**Back Off Sets - 145x6- 125x8 - 115xamrap 10 *keep track

Close Grip Bench - changed up rep scheme for fun - should be 4x8 i went 3x8x4x1
Working Sets - 185x8 - 185x8 - 185x8
Progressive Singles - 195x1 - 200x1 - 205x1 - 210x1

Lat Raise - 4x8 - 20x8 - 22.5x8 - 25x8 - 27.5x6+1+1

JM Press - 4x8 - 155x8 - 165x8 - 170x8 - 175x6+2

Pull Ups - 4 sets of 8

Abs - Reverse Crunches - 4 sets of 30
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Yano , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
