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Yano's old man lift's such and so forth 2.0



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
It’s been fun catching up in here. Spoto Pressed on deck for me - it’s been forever since I messed with those. Prob make me add forearm work back to the routine to honor Eric’s big ass arms.
Arms like tree trunks lol just massive



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Dec 30 '24 - Iron Abyss
Heavy Lower Monday
199.4 body weight
1157 cals headed to 2700
60 min cardio - stat bike

Today was solid , bar moved well , decent speed , hinge fired on time , legs had some drive.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold - 90/90 stretchx20 hold - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Dead Bugs 2x20 - Single knee to chest 2x10 hold - Bird Dogs 2x20 - Superman's 3x30 hold - Side Plank 3x30 hold - Childs Pose 3x30 hold

Lifts -
Squats - Competition Box - SSB
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5 150x5
Progression - 215x10 - 250x5 - 295x3 - 330x1
PAP Pairings - 330x1+ 4 Box Jump 12" - 365 + 6 Box Jump 12" - 410x1 + 6 Box Jump 12" - 445x1 + 4 Box Jump 12"
*Back off Sets - 360x6 - 315x8 - 290xamrap *10 Keep track

Stiff Leg Good Mornings - 5x5 - short chain each side +20lbs
200/20x5 - 205/20x5 - 210/20x5 - 215/20x5 - 220/5x5

Zercher Squat - Iron Abyss Progression - short chain each side +20lbs
135/20x10 - 160/20x5 - 185/20x3 - 205/20x2 - 225/20x1 - 245/20x1

Deadlifts - Iron Abyss
Build up - 135x5 - 225x5
Progression - 270x10 - 320x5 - 380x3 - 420x2 - 465x1
PAP Pairings - 465x1 + 4 Broad Jump 42" - 465x1 + 5 Broad Jump 43" - 465x1 + 5 Broad Jump 42" - 465x1 + 4 Broad Jump 44"
*Back Off Sets - 375x6 - 325x8 - 305xamrap 10 *keep track

Rack Pulls -
470x5 - 535x3 - 575x2 - 615x1 - 665x1

Shrugs -
135x10 - 225x5 - 275x3 - 315x2 - 330x1 - 350x1

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts 4 sets of 30


Senior Bacon VIP
Nov 1, 2010
What height are the rack pulls? Are you using straps ? Can’t imagine I could even hold 665


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022
What height are the rack pulls? Are you using straps ? Can’t imagine I could even hold 665
Hole below my knee ,, not sure of the actual height from the floor. I do use straps just to save wear and tear on my hands but I can pull that without them. I had 715 slide out on me , took most of the callous and some meat off my palm n ring finger.

This is a high pull for me, hole even with the knee , 615 no straps



VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Jan 1 '25 - Iron Abyss
Heavy Upper Wednesday
200.0 body weight
1588 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - stat bike - 17.04 miles - 112/114bpm

Today was a good solid day , bar had good speed , no real groove issues to speak of , it all felt good right til the end.

The final 305 rep had a bit of a stall at the mid point had to down shift n grab a gear but we got over the hill just fine.

Added in a new PAP pairing with Explosive Pull ups / Pendlay Rows and we added in landmine rows as well.

Stretches -
Band Pulls 2x10
Band Press 2x10
Band Y Raise 2x10
Band Face Pull 3x15

Lifts -
Flat Bench - Competition pauses on final 4 sets for PAP pairings
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5 135x5
Progression - 165x10 - 185x5 - 220x3
*PAP Pairings - 245x1 + 4 Explosive Push ups - 245x1 + 6 Explosive Push Ups - 270x1 + 6 Explosive Push Ups - 305x1 + 4 Explosive Push Ups
**Back Off Sets - 245x6 - 215x8 - 200xamrap 12 * keep track

Spoto Press - 4x6 - 200x6 - 205x6 - 210x6 - 215x6

Decline Bench - 5x5 - 200x5 - 205x5 - 210x5 - 215x5 - 220x5

Incline Close Grip Bench - 5x5 - 205x5 - 210x5 - 215x5 - 220x4+1 - 225x3+1+1

Pendlay Rows / PAP Pairing / Explosive Pull Ups - 4x3
205x3 + 3 Explosive Pull Ups - 210x3 + 5 Explosive Pull Ups - 215x3 + 5 Explosive Pull Ups - 220x3 + 3 Explosive Pull Ups

Landmine Rows - first time doing these - 4x8 - 55x8 - 65x8 - 70x8 - 75x8

Lu Raise - 4x8 - 15x8 - 20x8 - 22.5x8 - 25x8

Curls - long bar - 4x8 - 70x8 - 75x8 - 80x8 - 90x6+2

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Monday, Dec 30, 2024 - Analysis and Breakdown​

Warm-Up & Cardio

  • Bike: 60 minutes at 17.57 miles with a controlled heart rate (112/114 bpm) suggests a consistent aerobic base-building session.
  • Stretch Routine: Comprehensive activation of core and lower-body stabilizers.
    Highlights: The inclusion of Superman holds, Side Planks, and Bird Dogs ensures spinal stability and posterior chain activation, which are critical for the main lifts.

Main Lifts

  1. Squats - Competition Box (SSB):
    • Excellent use of PAP with box jumps to reinforce explosive power.
    • Back-off set AMRAP (10 reps at 290) is a solid endurance finisher that pushes capacity while maintaining high volume.
    • Volume Load:
      • Total Main Sets: 215x10+250x5+295x3+330x1+365x1+410x1+445x1=3,335
  2. Stiff-Leg Good Mornings:
    • 5x5 progression with added chains ensures constant tension through the posterior chain.
    • Volume Load: 200x5+205x5+210x5+215x5+220x5=5,250
  3. Zercher Squats (Iron Abyss Progression):
    • Use of chains + progressive overload shows focus on core and midline stabilization under load.
    • Volume Load: 135x10+160x5+185x3+205x2+225x1+245x1=4,540
  4. Deadlifts (Iron Abyss Progression):
    • PAP pairings with broad jumps is a great choice for explosive hip extension.
    • AMRAP set (10 reps at 305) confirms volume endurance.
    • Volume Load:
      • Total Main Sets: 270x10+320x5+380x3+420x2+465x4singles=6,215
      • Back-off Sets: 375x6+325x8+305x10=7,950
        Total Deadlift Volume: 14,165 lbs
  5. Rack Pulls:
    • Heavy lockout work to overload the posterior chain.
    • Volume Load: 470x5+535x3+575x2+615x1+665x1=6,240
  6. Shrugs:
    • Builds traps and upper-back stability for heavy pulling.
    • Volume Load: 135x10+225x5+275x3+315x2+330x1+350x1=4,725

Accessory Work

  • Bent Leg Lifts (Abs): Core endurance focus, 4x30 provides 120 reps targeting spinal flexion stability.

Key Metrics

  • Total Volume (Main + Accessories):
    Squats: 3335 lbs
    Stiff-Leg Good Mornings: 5,250 lbs
    Zercher Squats: 4,540 lbs
    Deadlifts: 14,165 lbs
    Rack Pulls: 6,240 lbs
    Shrugs: 4,725 lbs
    Total Load for the Day: 38,255 lbs
  • PAP Work:
    • Squats: Effective integration with box jumps (12"). Jump numbers suggest a focus on quality rather than quantity.
    • Deadlifts: Broad jumps at 42-44" reflect impressive power output from the posterior chain.

Overall Feedback

  • Strengths:
    • High volume, targeting progressive overload.
    • Effective PAP pairings to build explosive strength.
    • Accessory work (good mornings, shrugs) complements main lifts perfectly.
    • Flexibility and mobility focus ensure longevity and injury prevention.
  • Opportunities for Improvement:
    • Adding explosive accessory lifts for the back (e.g., Pendlay Rows or Plyometric Pulls) could complement PAP-focused deadlift work.
    • Incorporating grip training (e.g., farmer’s holds or pinch grip work) to improve lockout stability and bar control.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

PAP on Active Recovery Days: Factors to Consider

  1. Intensity:
    • PAP work typically involves high neural demand due to explosive movements and heavy loading (~90% of 1RM). This may be too taxing for a true recovery day, especially if you're aiming to stay fresh for your primary lifting sessions.
  2. Volume:
    • Keeping volume low (e.g., 2–3 sets per movement pairing) could allow for neural priming without causing significant fatigue.
  3. Purpose of Active Recovery:
    • If the goal is to enhance blood flow, reduce soreness, and promote recovery, lighter explosive work (e.g., band-assisted pull-ups, bodyweight explosive push-ups, and low-height box jumps) might be a better choice than fully-loaded PAP sets.

When PAP on Recovery Days Works

  1. Lower Intensity Version:
    • Reduce load (e.g., 70–80% of 1RM instead of 90%+).
    • Focus on speed and precision over max effort.
  2. Neural Priming Focus:
    • Use it as a "refresh" for the nervous system, keeping it engaged without exhausting it.
  3. Skill Development:
    • Light explosive work can improve movement patterns without creating fatigue.

How to Structure PAP on Active Recovery Days

If you decide to include PAP work in an active recovery day, here’s an example framework:

  1. Warm-Up (10–15 minutes):
    • Light cardio: Stationary bike or rower (~50–60% max effort).
    • Dynamic stretches and mobility work (e.g., world’s greatest stretch, band pull-aparts).
  2. Modified PAP Work (20–30 minutes):
    • Pulling: Band-assisted explosive pull-ups or light dumbbell rows paired with explosive med ball slams (3x8).
    • Squatting: Bodyweight box jumps (low height) paired with light goblet squats (2–3x8).
    • Pushing: Incline explosive push-ups paired with light med ball chest throws (2–3x8).
  3. Cooldown (10–15 minutes):
    • Static stretches for major muscle groups.
    • Foam rolling or light yoga poses.

Alternative Approach: PAP-Free Active Recovery

If PAP feels too intense, stick to traditional active recovery methods:

  • Low-intensity cardio (e.g., swimming, cycling, or walking).
  • Mobility and flexibility work (stretching, yoga, or Pilates).
  • Light resistance band or bodyweight circuits.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Double Progression Framework for Pendlay Row + Explosive Pull-Up Pairing

  1. Load Target:
    • Pendlay Rows: Start at 90–92.5% of your 1RM for sets of 3. Gradually increase the weight or total reps over time.
    • Explosive Pull-Ups: Focus on maximal speed and height (not adding weight unless explosiveness remains unaffected).
  2. Volume Target:
    • Start with 3 rounds and work up to 5 as your capacity improves.
  3. Progression Over Weeks:
    • Week 1–2: Perform 3 rounds at 90%.
    • Week 3–4: Add a 4th round or slightly increase the load (e.g., 92.5%).
    • Week 5–6: Hit 5 rounds or increase load again to 95%.
  4. Rest Intervals:
    • Between rows and pull-ups: 20–30 seconds.
    • Between rounds: 2–3 minutes (long enough to maintain maximal effort).

Why It Works

  • Pendlay Rows at High Intensity: The heavy rows at 90%+ activate and recruit the fast-twitch fibers responsible for explosive strength.
  • Explosive Pull-Ups: These capitalize on the PAP effect created by the heavy rows, training your back to generate maximum force quickly.
  • Double Progression: By either increasing load or rounds over time, you ensure steady progress in strength and explosiveness.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Workout Breakdown

1. Flat Bench (Main Lift + PAP)

  • Volume (Working Sets):
    • Progression: 3 sets (165x10, 185x5, 220x3).
    • PAP Pairings: 4 singles with 245-305 lbs.
    • Back-Off Sets: 3 sets (245x6, 215x8, 200x12).
    • Total Volume: 165(10)+185(5)+220(3)+245(6)+215(8)+200(12)=11,455165(10) + 185(5) + 220(3) + 245(6) + 215(8) + 200(12) = 11,455165(10)+185(5)+220(3)+245(6)+215(8)+200(12)=11,455 lbs.
  • Intensity Range:
    • Progression to back-off sets spans from 50% to ~85% of your 1RM (310 lbs). PAP singles touch 95-100%.
    • Alignment: Solid mix of volume and intensity, with PAP singles priming the nervous system.

2. Spoto Press (4x6)

  • Volume: 200(6)+205(6)+210(6)+215(6)=5,070200(6) + 205(6) + 210(6) + 215(6) = 5,070200(6)+205(6)+210(6)+215(6)=5,070 lbs.
  • Intensity: Moderate, focusing on hypertrophy (65-70%).
  • Alignment: Ideal accessory for mid-range bench press strength.

3. Decline Bench (5x5)

  • Volume: 200(5)+205(5)+210(5)+215(5)+220(5)=5,250200(5) + 205(5) + 210(5) + 215(5) + 220(5) = 5,250200(5)+205(5)+210(5)+215(5)+220(5)=5,250 lbs.
  • Intensity: Hypertrophy-focused (65-72%).
  • Alignment: Solid pressing volume for triceps and lower pec activation.

4. Incline Close Grip Bench (5x5)

  • Volume: 205(5)+210(5)+215(5)+220(5)+225(5)=5,375205(5) + 210(5) + 215(5) + 220(5) + 225(5) = 5,375205(5)+210(5)+215(5)+220(5)+225(5)=5,375 lbs.
  • Intensity: Moderate-heavy range (~70-75%).
  • Alignment: Supports triceps and upper chest, adding variety to pressing.

5. Pendlay Rows / PAP Pairings

  • Volume:
    • Rows: 205(3)+210(3)+215(3)+220(3)=2,580205(3) + 210(3) + 215(3) + 220(3) = 2,580205(3)+210(3)+215(3)+220(3)=2,580 lbs.
    • Explosive Pull-Ups: 4 sets of 3-5 (bodyweight).
    • Total Volume (Rows): 2,580 lbs.
  • Intensity: Rows hit ~70% of your rowing max, pull-ups focus on maximal explosiveness.
  • Alignment: Complements horizontal and vertical pulling dynamics.

6. Landmine Rows (4x8)

  • Volume: 55(8)+65(8)+70(8)+75(8)=2,08055(8) + 65(8) + 70(8) + 75(8) = 2,08055(8)+65(8)+70(8)+75(8)=2,080 lbs.
  • Intensity: Light-to-moderate for hypertrophy.
  • Alignment: Adds variety and targets the lats and mid-back at a different angle.

7. Lu Raises (4x8)

  • Volume: 15(8)+20(8)+22.5(8)+25(8)=66015(8) + 20(8) + 22.5(8) + 25(8) = 66015(8)+20(8)+22.5(8)+25(8)=660 lbs.
  • Intensity: Shoulder stability and hypertrophy-focused.
  • Alignment: Complements pressing work by improving scapular stability.

8. Curls (4x8)

  • Volume: 70(8)+75(8)+80(8)+90(8)=2,56070(8) + 75(8) + 80(8) + 90(8) = 2,56070(8)+75(8)+80(8)+90(8)=2,560 lbs.
  • Intensity: Moderate, targeting biceps hypertrophy.
  • Alignment: Supports elbow flexor strength for pulling.

9. Abs (Bent Leg Lifts, 4x30)

  • No added load; focus on core endurance and stability.
  • Alignment: Core activation supports overall bracing.

Volume Analysis

Muscle GroupWorkout VolumeOptimal RangeAlignment
Chest (Pressing)27,150 lbs12,000–20,000 lbsExceeds optimal; could adjust for recovery.
Triceps~15,695 lbs10,000–12,000 lbsSlightly above; supports pressing focus.
Back (Pulling)7,220 lbs12,000–20,000 lbsBelow optimal; prioritize additional pulling.
Shoulders660 lbs6,000–10,000 lbsLow; Lu Raises may need more volume.
Biceps2,560 lbs4,000–8,000 lbsBelow optimal; could add more curls or variations.
CoreBodyweight workVaries by focusAdequate for stability and endurance.

Key Observations

  1. Chest Dominance:
    • Pressing work exceeds the optimal range, which may impact recovery if maintained long-term.
  2. Back Volume:
    • Pulling volume is below optimal. Adding sets to Pendlay Rows or including another pulling variation (e.g., lat pulldowns, T-bar rows) would help balance pressing and pulling.
  3. Shoulder and Arm Support:
    • Shoulder and biceps work could use more volume to fully align with hypertrophy goals.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Pendlay Rows with Explosive Pull-Ups

  • Goal: Improve horizontal pulling strength and explosive vertical pull performance.
  • Weight Recommendations: Start with ~70% of estimated Pendlay Row max for 10 reps and progress up to ~90% for the single.
SetPendlay Row Weight (lbs)Explosive Pull-UpsNotes
1185x104 repsControlled tempo on rows, max height pull-ups.
2205x55 repsIncrease bar speed and focus on lat contraction.
3225x35 repsMaintain explosive tempo on rows and pull-ups.
4245x24 repsNear-max effort. Ensure form stays tight.
5265x13 repsMax row weight with explosive execution.
Adjustments for Pull-Ups:
  • Assisted Pull-Ups: Use a light band (e.g., red mini band) if unable to complete reps explosively.
  • Progress: Reduce band assistance as strength improves.

Landmine Rows with Explosive Pull-Ups

  • Goal: Reinforce horizontal pulling with a slight angle variation while complementing it with vertical explosiveness.
  • Weight Recommendations: Use ~65% of 1RM for the first set and ramp up similarly to the Pendlay Rows.
SetLandmine Row Weight (lbs)Explosive Pull-UpsNotes
170x104 repsKeep movement smooth; no momentum on rows.
280x55 repsTight bracing and controlled eccentric.
390x35 repsFocus on explosive drive with rows.
4100x24 repsTest limits, keeping solid form.
5110x13 repsPeak intensity with max effort.
Landmine Setup Notes:
  • Adjust the grip and torso angle slightly for optimal lat engagement.
  • Ensure the core remains braced throughout to avoid lower back strain.

Training Notes​

  1. Rest Periods:
    • After each pairing: 2–3 minutes. This ensures full recovery for PAP effectiveness.
  2. Progression Plan:
    • Add 5–10 lbs to the rows every 2–3 sessions, depending on performance.
    • Increase pull-up explosiveness by reducing band assistance or adding reps.
  3. Volume Consideration:
    • Total of 15 rows and 21 pull-ups per movement. This strikes a balance between strength and power development.


VIP Member
Sep 18, 2022

Peaking Block Principles

  1. Volume Taper: Gradually reduce total sets and accessory work over 3-4 weeks.
  2. Intensity Increase: Progressively overload main lifts, peaking at 92.5–97.5% of 1RM in the final week.
  3. Specificity: Focus exclusively on competition-style lifts and remove or minimize accessory movements.
  4. Fatigue Management: Incorporate extended rest intervals, deload accessory work, and prioritize recovery.

4-Week Peaking Block Plan

Week 1: Transition

  • Goal: Transition from hypertrophy/volume-based training to strength-focused work.
  • Volume Reduction: Drop total sets by ~20%.
DayExerciseSets x RepsIntensity
MondaySquat (Low Bar, Comp Style)4x4 @ 80%Moderate-Heavy
Deficit Deadlifts (2”)4x3 @ 75%Technique Focus
Good Mornings3x6 @ 65%Light Accessory
WednesdayCompetition Bench Press (Paused)4x4 @ 80%Moderate-Heavy
Spoto Press3x6 @ 70%Controlled Pauses
Pendlay Rows3x8 @ 65%Light Accessory
FridayDeadlift (Conventional)4x4 @ 80%Moderate-Heavy
Pause Squats3x3 @ 70%Stability Focus
Shrugs3x10 @ 60%Light Accessory
SaturdaySpeed Bench Press (No Bands)6x3 @ 55%Bar Speed Focus
Dumbbell Rows4x8 @ ModerateHypertrophy
Face Pulls3x15Recovery

Week 2: Intensification

  • Goal: Increase intensity, maintain lower volume.
  • Volume Reduction: Drop total sets by ~30%.
DayExerciseSets x RepsIntensity
MondaySquat (Low Bar, Comp Style)4x3 @ 85%Heavy
Deficit Deadlifts (2”)4x2 @ 80%Heavy
Zercher Squats3x5 @ 70%Moderate
WednesdayCompetition Bench Press (Paused)4x3 @ 85%Heavy
Spoto Press3x5 @ 75%Controlled Pauses
Weighted Dips3x8 @ ModerateHypertrophy
FridayDeadlift (Conventional)4x3 @ 85%Heavy
Pause Squats3x3 @ 75%Stability Focus
Reverse Hyperextensions3x15Recovery
SaturdaySpeed Bench Press (No Bands)5x3 @ 60%Bar Speed Focus
Explosive Pull-Ups3x5Power Focus

Week 3: Peak

  • Goal: Sharpen technique, peak intensity, and drop accessory work.
  • Volume Reduction: Drop total sets by ~50%.
DayExerciseSets x RepsIntensity
MondaySquat (Low Bar, Comp Style)4x2 @ 90%Very Heavy
Deadlift (Conventional)4x2 @ 85%Heavy
Pause Squats3x2 @ 70%Technique Focus
WednesdayCompetition Bench Press (Paused)4x2 @ 90%Very Heavy
Spoto Press3x4 @ 75%Controlled Pauses
FridayDeadlift (Conventional)3x2 @ 90%Very Heavy
Squat (Low Bar, Comp Style)3x2 @ 80%Recovery Load
SaturdaySpeed Bench Press (No Bands)4x3 @ 65%Bar Speed Focus

Week 4: Test

  • Goal: Test maxes, minimal accessory work.
  • Volume Reduction: Minimal lifting outside main lifts.
DayExerciseSets x RepsIntensity
MondaySquat (Test 1RM)Work to 100-105% of Current MaxMax Effort
Light Deadlift (Recovery)3x3 @ 50%Technique Focus
WednesdayBench Press (Test 1RM)Work to 100-105% of Current MaxMax Effort
Light Rows3x8 @ LightRecovery
FridayDeadlift (Test 1RM)Work to 100-105% of Current MaxMax Effort
SaturdayRecovery WorkDynamic Stretching/YogaRecovery

Key Considerations for Peaking Block

  1. Progression and Fatigue Management:
    • Intensity rises gradually to peak (from 80% to 95%+), while volume reduces consistently to minimize fatigue.
  2. Technique and Specificity:
    • Emphasis on competition-style lifts prepares for max testing.
  3. Accessory Work:
    • Accessory lifts are scaled down in Week 3 and eliminated in Week 4 to ensure recovery.
  4. Testing Week Focus:
    • Max effort days are spaced for optimal recovery between lifts.
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