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What is important?



TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011
I have been pondering over this topic for a few days. what is important in my life right now? in my lifting?

when i was a teenager importance was about being accepted, which i never was. i was always awkward and never part of the "in" crowd but i tried by doing the party thing and following along with what the cool people did. about a year into college i realized i had better shift priorities or i was never going to get into vet school. at that point, my career became the most important thing to me. everything for the next decade was geared towards getting me what i needed to get me the job doing what i always dreamed of.

after i became established in my career, i am ashamed to say that acquiring stuff became the most important thing to me. a house, cool vehicles, designer clothes. even after the monchers were born there was this drive to have bigger and better. i would lay awake at night and try and figure how to work more so i could buy the next best thing. thankfully, yes thankfully, i came on some hard times and i had to downsize greatly.

now my life revolves around my children and i think that is a great thing. there is nothing i wouldnt do for them. that being said, i dont let them get away with whatever they want but i take my role as their parent very seriously. i make mistakes everyday but i try to learn from them and be a better mom because of them. they are my future, they are what will be looked at as my greatest success!

in the gym, most improtant for me now is probably form. there was a time when it would have been amount of weight moved. i used to thrive on lifting more and being the strongest. now, i am old and things hurt so i figure being smart about it is way more important than being strong :) i told some guy in the gym the other day "i dont have to be the strongest, just the best!" :) so maybe the best is having the best form that results in the best display of the muscle that i have!

what is most important to you in life? and in lifting?


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
I want more stuff and to be the strongest.




TID Lady Member
Sep 20, 2011
wow.. i have been having similar life thoughts!..

my show is very important to me.. its 6 weeks away, i wanna do it to prove to myself that NOTHING can hod me back.. then i wanna take a year and put energy back into resetablishing my life

i lost everyting this year and make lifting my number one priiority.. i need to rediscover health, and happiness..

Oh and ill be a Grandma soon!! so making some time for my new grandchild is gonna be awesome


TID Board Of Directors
May 3, 2011
1. Loving God and seeking to do His will.
2. Taking care of the woman I love and being a role model to her children.
3. Making sure my daughter is cared for.
4. Reinventing my career after serving a long time in one company.
5. Developing my physique, not for vanity purposes, but just because I enjoy the process.

Edit: I realize that #1 may offend some people but whatever you have to cover up or water down couldn't be that important. And #2 may offend the woman haters like HA but that's just how it is :)
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TID Lady Member
Oct 6, 2011
1. Loving God and seeking to do His will.
2. Taking care of the woman I love and being a role model to her children.
3. Making sure my daughter is cared for.
4. Reinventing my career after serving a long time in one company.
5. Developing my physique, not for vanity purposes, but just because I enjoy the process.

Applause!! Now that's an exceptional man of exellence.
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TID Lady Member
Oct 6, 2011
AllTW, of all my accomplishments and success, nothing in life compares to raising happy, successful, spiritually wise children; all else pales in comparison.

In my relationships, my new grandbaby needs me. I can' wait to teach her to read.
In my lifting, I need to shake things up and try new routines. Need to get out of my comfort zone and stretch myself. It's too easy to get in a rut doing the same familiar moves that I don't have to think about.
In my environment I'd like to simplify.
In my spirit, I'd like to arrive at such a level of love whereby I'm 'not offended' by those who deliberately abuse me.

Had a God dream a couple of weeks ago...His message was very simple, "Love others and use your gifts and talents". As I launch into a new phase of life, I had been pondering His will for my future and concerned that I might miss what's most important for me to do in the next decade. While I would have liked to have received a personally detailed directive, I still enjoyed His giving me that general 'This is My will.' message.
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Friends Remembered
Oct 11, 2010
Edit: I realize that #1 may offend some people but whatever you have to cover up or water down couldn't be that important. And #2 may offend the woman haters like HA but that's just how it is :)

Don't care who it affends, and don't care what there opinion is realy.

Good post bro,



VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
i find it very important right now to differentiate NeuAc2,3 from NeuAc2,6 without derivitization.


VIP Member
Sep 15, 2011
1. Wife
2. Continue to work hard so we can have kids in 5 years or so
3. Family
4. Physique goals
5. Continue to work hard to ensure my wife gets a yearly vacation

Just wanted to state my wife works, but #5 is more for her than me because I want to spoil her-that woman cooks, cleans, takes care of me, and even pours me bourbon and then hands it to me on nights I want it.


TID Board Of Directors
Oct 6, 2010
Whats is important to me is being the best man I can for my girl possible my future wife, continue my path towards my dream job, trying to better my self everyday such as getting my faith back with god and going to church regularly again, and to one day settle down and have family. I want to die with no regrets and have those close to me remember me as an honorable man, a great father and husband. I want to be missed.

And as far as lifting/bbing, I would like to add another solid 15-20lbs of muscle to my frame by the time I'm 35 without compromising too much of my health, while maintaining my athleticism. My long term goal is to be in such good shape at 70 y.o that I can still rock a t-top in the gym and still look good :D and to be able to keep up with my grand children.
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