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What is important?



May 16, 2011
I could never just have one thing that is important to me in life. Having a house and being able to assist my family (finances wise) are probably at the top of my list. I keep seeing myself with a house entertaining family/friends, bbq'ing, maintaining the landscape and strangely enough having a garden (thanks my Italian mom for brain washing me). the day this happens especially if its in a state i would love to move to, i will have no words that will explain how happy i will be.

In lifting- Im obviously not as focused or into the lifestyle of it as most of you, but i do always look to feel stronger and healthier. I want my body to feel as strong or just as strong as my mind. Mentally i feel young with most of the time but ask me to go out on a Friday night and the body just doesnt want to


Oct 23, 2010
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women.


Oct 23, 2010
That or eating ice-cream and playing hop-scotch with my grandkids, lol.


Friends Remembered
Oct 11, 2010
I want to attain and maintain a level of fitness that keeps me healthy throughout my life. In my field (Occupational Therapy) I see people who are sick and injured all the time. I also see the HUGE difference in two people with the same exact injury or illness that starts purely with thier level of fitness before they got sick. Being healthy gives you an advantage that really can't be measured. I want to grow old running in races and working out. So I guess that's what's most important to me, and what's motivating to me.

Good line of work and rewarding to help people, Probably challenging at times to I bet depending on the attitude of the person your working with!
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TID Lady Member
Dec 21, 2011
Just to a good wife and new mommy...than everything else just works out


Friends Remembered
Jan 9, 2012
I have been pondering over this topic for a few days. what is important in my life right now? in my lifting?

when i was a teenager importance was about being accepted, which i never was. i was always awkward and never part of the "in" crowd but i tried by doing the party thing and following along with what the cool people did. about a year into college i realized i had better shift priorities or i was never going to get into vet school. at that point, my career became the most important thing to me. everything for the next decade was geared towards getting me what i needed to get me the job doing what i always dreamed of.

after i became established in my career, i am ashamed to say that acquiring stuff became the most important thing to me. a house, cool vehicles, designer clothes. even after the monchers were born there was this drive to have bigger and better. i would lay awake at night and try and figure how to work more so i could buy the next best thing. thankfully, yes thankfully, i came on some hard times and i had to downsize greatly.

now my life revolves around my children and i think that is a great thing. there is nothing i wouldnt do for them. that being said, i dont let them get away with whatever they want but i take my role as their parent very seriously. i make mistakes everyday but i try to learn from them and be a better mom because of them. they are my future, they are what will be looked at as my greatest success!

in the gym, most improtant for me now is probably form. there was a time when it would have been amount of weight moved. i used to thrive on lifting more and being the strongest. now, i am old and things hurt so i figure being smart about it is way more important than being strong :) i told some guy in the gym the other day "i dont have to be the strongest, just the best!" :) so maybe the best is having the best form that results in the best display of the muscle that i have!

what is most important to you in life? and in lifting?

I am so with you on the bold, my last cycle confirmed this lol :)
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