Bobby: 95x5x2, 105x3, 105x4, 95x7
Vin: 135x8, 185x8, 225x3, 265x1, 290x1, 330 (lockout only), 320x1 (PR!!!)
Grandpa: 45x20, 95x10, 135x5, 165x5, 195x5, 210x5 (RPE 9), 190x10
Pull Apart: Red mini x 50 x 2
Chin: 15,15,15
Dip: 20,20,25
Concentration Curl: 25x15x2
Cat vomit to bird dog x 5 to front & side plank (30 seconds each) to curlup x 40 to SI joint loosener to IYTWL
Walk: 5 miles
Bodyweight: 164.8
* My son set a lifetime PR this morning with a 320 touch & go.
* Bobby continues to improve weekly.
* All my lifts were with a close grip, and most of the reps were paused.
* This week, I started incorporating some of the methodology from Brian Carroll's excellent book, 10/20/Life. While his off season and peaking routines are not for me, as written (programming is too conservative), I do love his "do no harm" philosophy, and think I can keep my longevity in the sport going as well as improve my performance by following some of his recommendations.