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Trying to cut

genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
What I think the guys were saying is, most people underestimate their bodyfat levels. Even people who have been training for a long time. They think they are 15% BF at 250 lbs then when they diet down for a bodybuilding show they end up at 195 lbs. If they truly were 15% they would have came in around 215-220 lbs for the show.

Here are my suggestions:
-If you have been using 400 mg a week of testosterone and you say you have been using test for 10 years, get bloodwork done immediately. Hopefully you have not been using 400 mg a week that whole time. You did not give us much information.
-You should lose weight at 2700 calories being 300 lbs, but if not you should drop it to 2400-2500.
-I would reduce the carbohydrates and increase the fats and protein, while maintaining the total calories. Need to get the glucose under control. Your insulin sensitivity probably sucks ass right now.
-You didn't say anything about cardio. Cardio every single day. It can be slow steady state or high intensity intervals. Just get it in.
-Training in the gym, make it count. Intensity equals muscle growth.
-Even if you don't do the first suggestion, cut the test to TRT.


New Member
Jan 13, 2023
50 = 80, just sayin
If you mean when people say they are 50 pounds overweight they are probably actually 80 well then I may be in this boat as well:) I'll just post a pic of me at 300 pounds, I got nothing to lose.
What I think the guys were saying is, most people underestimate their bodyfat levels. Even people who have been training for a long time. They think they are 15% BF at 250 lbs then when they diet down for a bodybuilding show they end up at 195 lbs. If they truly were 15% they would have came in around 215-220 lbs for the show.

Here are my suggestions:
-If you have been using 400 mg a week of testosterone and you say you have been using test for 10 years, get bloodwork done immediately. Hopefully you have not been using 400 mg a week that whole time. You did not give us much information.
-You should lose weight at 2700 calories being 300 lbs, but if not you should drop it to 2400-2500.
-I would reduce the carbohydrates and increase the fats and protein, while maintaining the total calories. Need to get the glucose under control. Your insulin sensitivity probably sucks ass right now.
-You didn't say anything about cardio. Cardio every single day. It can be slow steady state or high intensity intervals. Just get it in.
-Training in the gym, make it count. Intensity equals muscle growth.
-Even if you don't do the first suggestion, cut the test to

What I think the guys were saying is, most people underestimate their bodyfat levels. Even people who have been training for a long time. They think they are 15% BF at 250 lbs then when they diet down for a bodybuilding show they end up at 195 lbs. If they truly were 15% they would have came in around 215-220 lbs for the show.

Here are my suggestions:
-If you have been using 400 mg a week of testosterone and you say you have been using test for 10 years, get bloodwork done immediately. Hopefully you have not been using 400 mg a week that whole time. You did not give us much information.
-You should lose weight at 2700 calories being 300 lbs, but if not you should drop it to 2400-2500.
-I would reduce the carbohydrates and increase the fats and protein, while maintaining the total calories. Need to get the glucose under control. Your insulin sensitivity probably sucks ass right now.
-You didn't say anything about cardio. Cardio every single day. It can be slow steady state or high intensity intervals. Just get it in.
-Training in the gym, make it count. Intensity equals muscle growth.
-Even if you don't do the first suggestion, cut the test to TRT.
Hey thanks for all the advice bro. No I've only been on 400 for about 8 weeks. I was hoping the increase from my trt dose of 200 to 400 would help with the fat loss but rather i think its just bulking me up.


New Member
Jan 13, 2023
What I think the guys were saying is, most people underestimate their bodyfat levels. Even people who have been training for a long time. They think they are 15% BF at 250 lbs then when they diet down for a bodybuilding show they end up at 195 lbs. If they truly were 15% they would have came in around 215-220 lbs for the show.

Here are my suggestions:
-If you have been using 400 mg a week of testosterone and you say you have been using test for 10 years, get bloodwork done immediately. Hopefully you have not been using 400 mg a week that whole time. You did not give us much information.
-You should lose weight at 2700 calories being 300 lbs, but if not you should drop it to 2400-2500.
-I would reduce the carbohydrates and increase the fats and protein, while maintaining the total calories. Need to get the glucose under control. Your insulin sensitivity probably sucks ass right now.
-You didn't say anything about cardio. Cardio every single day. It can be slow steady state or high intensity intervals. Just get it in.
-Training in the gym, make it count. Intensity equals muscle growth.
-Even if you don't do the first suggestion, cut the test to TRT.
Hey just to clarify I'm well versed on Testosterone, TRT, blast and cruise and all of that, my issue has always been with my bodyfat, I started under the care of a doctor, i have a medical need for lifelon TRT and im ok with that, i like trt:)


VIP Member
May 24, 2017
If your goal is to cut, there is no need to run a test cycle. If you are already on trt, stay there. If not, do a PCT, get your test levels back to a normal range and go from there. Honestly, I feel like TRT during a cut is beneficial because it keeps your test level more stable instead of having it dip and dive from several factors but this is just my opinion from studies that I have read about it.

Cutting is much easier than bulking. It takes years to build 40 pounds of muscle. I have seen people lose over 100 pounds of fat in a single year.

With that said, EVERYONE says that they have a handle on their diet but if they are fat, they are only lying to themselves. For the record, I am not calling you fat but it brings me to my point.

The only way to lose fat is to consume less calories or physically burn more calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight. Also, it is significantly easier to eat less calories than it is to burn it from activity. It is also easier to burn calories faster if you utilize both food and exercise to get there. Walking 30 minutes on a treadmill for 5-6 days per week is easy and effective. If you already know this than take this as a reminder. If not, this is the single best piece of information to add to your arsenal while on your journey.

First things first:
Get a food scale, download a calorie tracking app and buy whole foods(nothing processed) and get started.

One of my favorite apps to track calories is MyFitnessPal. It is set up to have you enter your age, height, weight and activity level then asks what your weight loss goals are per week. From there, it takes that information, calculates your Total Daily Energy Expenditure(TDEE) and gives you a calorie total to reach your goal. You can also set up your macro percentages to help you keep track of how much protein, fat and carbs you are consuming. There is even a place to add workout calories(if you know how much you are burning) and it will add them back to your daily allowed calories to help you further track how much or less you can eat.

Anyway, sorry for the long post but I love this shit.

Good Luck!


TID Board Of Directors
Sep 30, 2011
Ok how come, im all ears
Clen can really raise your heart rate dramatically and if you are presently carrying a lot of extra bodyfat the the old ticker is already working its ass off.
Perfect setup for overloading the heart muscle.
Clen has its' place but needs to be used in a judicious manner.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Hey just to clarify I'm well versed on Testosterone, TRT, blast and cruise and all of that, my issue has always been with my bodyfat, I started under the care of a doctor, i have a medical need for lifelon TRT and im ok with that, i like trt:)
In that case, stick with TRT. No need to blast testosterone for cutting.


VIP Member
Oct 30, 2022
If you’re looking for an edge maybe add some hgh. Run as much as u can afford or handle without bad sides.


TID Official Lab Rat
Jul 22, 2011
If you mean when people say they are 50 pounds overweight they are probably actually 80 well then I may be in this boat as well:) I'll just post a pic of me at 300 pounds, I got nothing to lose.
Where's the pic? These guys can seriously help tailor a plan if they can see what you're working with.. not so much me though, I have the same problem. Always been successful gaining size and never had strict enough discipline to cut up
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