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TID Lady Member
Nov 14, 2021
Good afternoon everyone!

So a good friend and female bodybuilder recommended NPP as a stand alone cycle due to shoulder pain from a previous injury. The dose she gave me is way to high in my opinion but I was thinking of trying a 30mg per week cycle…. Injecting 10mg 3 x per week. I was also debating supplementing this cycle with 5-10mg of a anavar.

A little about me… I am 39 year old female, experienced lifter , looking to do a recomp. I am about 19-20% bf at the moment. My only experience with AAS has been anavar at a dose no higher than 10mg.

I am really interested in the healing abilities NPP has. Sides such as a deep voice and a lot of water retention are a no go for me. I do think that at 30mg per week (not the 150mg per week I was told to do ) should show some benefits without to many sides. But ‍♀️.

any help would be greatly appreciated. !!! I am open to suggestions. I know there are other options out there, but I did like this for the healing properties and seemed like it could supplement the anavar as well. I will upload some pics soon, as well as during cycle if I plan to do it.

Thank you!!!!


Trump's Chief Volcano Surveyor
Nov 29, 2013
Welcome back, Dj.

Boards like TID include a high % of males, BUT there are some females here who really know what they're doing in bb, some males whose female partners compete, and some males who coach female competitors.

It looked like you were beginning to tap those resources here in your earlier posts ... stick around, sometimes a new thread attracts quality replies more slowly than it should.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
I do not have any experience with my female clients taking it, so I cannot offer any advice other than to check out Kurt Havens channel Atomic Life on YouTube. He was discussing in one of his recent podcasts, I cannot remember which one, on how deca or NPP are probably the best anabolics a female can run. I don't think they covered dosing protocols though.


Drama Queen senior Vip
Sep 1, 2010
My wife used NPP. We first did 50mg 2x week and it was too high for her. We dropped it down to 25mg/2x per week, and that was a perfect dose. She was also using 10mg anavar everyday. My wife responds very well to low doses, so it sounds like you're likely in the same boat. She experience no side effects, but she was hornier than normal. So that was a good thing. :) No acne, oily skin, etc..

These are the only things I think a female is ok to use.. Primo, NPP, Anavar, Clen, HGH, and Test Prop(very low doses, helps with menopause/hot flashes)...


TID Lady Member
Nov 14, 2021
Thank you all for the responses. I’m going to give it a go. I like the idea of pinning twice a week as opposed to three. Unfortunately, I just noticed …. The expiration date on my gear shows it expired last month. That should still be ok to use correct ? It’s sealed and in the box etc. got from a reliable source.


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
15 mg 2x wk shouldn't be an issue, but everyone is different. That dose is within what has been used in clinical studies and well tolerated in women. You don't know until you try it. Shallow IM or sc only. NPP half life is short so if you notice virilizing sides, stop it. Combining NPP and OX is a solid option but will drop HDL. NPP alone at those doses should have minimal if any effect on LFTs and HDL. I've know plenty at the gym that have used oils from good sources 2+ yr past expiration with no problems. If the solution darkens or esp shows even a tinge of cloudiness, throw it out. My non medical two cents.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
I have used a lot of expired gear without issue. About NPP, I am not sure what the physiology is for the joint pain relief. so I don't know if the dose that is effective for muscle building in women is also effective for joint pain relief. I guess try and see. Also look into other things like yoga, which was very useful for my old busted up joints after decades and decades of training in the gym and dojos.
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Just expired... I have ran gear that was a decade expired. Like Wilson said, if the oil has not changed colors or visibly crashed, I will run it.


VIP Member
Oct 10, 2010
Thank you all for the responses. I’m going to give it a go. I like the idea of pinning twice a week as opposed to three. Unfortunately, I just noticed …. The expiration date on my gear shows it expired last month. That should still be ok to use correct ? It’s sealed and in the box etc. got from a reliable source.
A month old is zero concern. As others noted, solid (well brewed quality) oils can be safe (many factors depending) for years beyond exp date.
General (for the majority of females) NPP experimental dosing should not exceed 50mg weekly.


TID Board Of Directors
Jul 23, 2011
I used some masteron last summer I got from Penn Hoff in 2007...


Drama Queen senior Vip
Sep 1, 2010
Thank you all for the responses. I’m going to give it a go. I like the idea of pinning twice a week as opposed to three. Unfortunately, I just noticed …. The expiration date on my gear shows it expired last month. That should still be ok to use correct ? It’s sealed and in the box etc. got from a reliable source.

NPP is fast acting, so doing a shot on Monday/Thursday should suffice. Expiration dates on gear doesn't matter, you'll be fine. Years ago, I watched a program on TV, might have been Dateline or one of those kind of shows. Anyways, they were actually testing expired drugs, and they didn't lose their potency after their 3-4 year expiration.
As long as it was stored at room temp, and not sitting in your car or in your garage, I wouldn't worry..
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