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The Old Mans Training Log



VIP Member
Apr 8, 2015
So I'm still going strong, still eating and lifting, the anadrol is working really nice mg strength is up and I'm putting on some nice size all over. Things like short are to tight in the thighs, and shirts I could wear are to tight in my arms and across my chest.

I had a little hick up last Friday doing incline bench, I had a small pop and a little pain in my arm pit, on the inside of your arm between the bicept and tricepf muscle there is a little head right there, I think its where your peck ties into your arm. I had a sharp burning pain for a day after, then it went away. Monday I did back and bicepts and felt some twinging. I think I just strained that tie in.
Today was shoulders and it was fine, but it freeked me out after my shoulder injury.

I'm going to be moving to a different town over the next few weeks, so my week end training will me messed up a bit but I can get it all in, durning the week. Moving is always stressful.

So I want to know is subway still good for you if you get it double meat, avocado, bacon, and extra mayo, with oil and vinigar....on wheat ft long bread, I think its the perfect post work out meal....

It also seems like my weight has stoppednat about 280 lbs does that mean I have stopped putting muscle on, or am I now replacing fat with muscel, so my weight is not going higher.
My meals are still going good, so what's up with that. Anyone got some input....
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VIP Member
Apr 8, 2015
Started my AI two weeks ago because of sore nips, its taken the pai. Away and reduced the mass to at least half as big as it use to be. I have letero on the way to see if I can get rid of the rest of the lump.

I have 40 days left in this cycle, and 10 days of anadrol left, the I'll finish out with just the tren and what shots every other day. I noticed with the Adex, I'm shearing a ton of water, and it making me look shredded. I'm still 275, but the fat content is going down quite nicely.

I switched things up to where I hit all my parts once a week, and rotate out every week one part that get hit twice a week. It's working nicely. Trying to hit every part twice a week was just not working. I was too fatigued by Wednesday to do a decent job on the work outs...this was with eating enough calories...or what I thought was enough.

My chest seems to be falling behind a bit, I think that's cause of my shoulder surgery. I'm still a little heasatant to go ful weight on them.

Over this last week end I have been moving and packing up my house and was so busy that I did not take my Adex, providing, or anadrol. And all my itch nips went a way. I also for got to take my shot Friday, and by Monday the dick was not like I have been getting any..... Got back on the pills, took my shot last night and this morning the flag pole was back in

As I come to the end of this cycle I'm going to cut my carbs back to maybe 100 g a day and boost protine to 300 g a day. I'm hoping to shed some of the fat that came with this bulk cycle.end up leaner, and bigger.
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Jun 11, 2014
Thanks for your posts brother! I enjoy reading them and following your progress.

I'm no expert on anything so can't advise much. Just I eat huge to get huge.

I did a show and everything was regimented and very strict. But now I'm just lifting and eating and loving life.

Read these logs. Some of the answers to your questions are contained in the regular posters on here. Check them out.

Glad you are here!


VIP Member
Apr 8, 2015
ok I have been off for 3 weeks, moving across the state and buying a home has really hit me hard, and taken everything out of me. Now that I'm settled in mostly, and the house is functional I'm back to training and eating again. My diet is not as strict as it was, and I'm going to try and enjoy life at the same time, as train. I need some balance in my life for sure.

I have 4 weeks left of my cycle and I'm going to try and make the best of it... Im hoping my 3 week layoff would have affected my out come as much as I think it has. Im always so critical of my self and the way I look.

Im going to do cardio in the mornings and work out about mid afternoon.

Oh on a personal note, life with the wife is still shit, and i got layer off the week we moved into my new home.... nice... so on top of all the regular shit we worry about, I need to find some work. too. :(

But that just means I have the time to put a good last 4 weeks into my cycle.


Jun 11, 2014
Glad you are back!!!

Get to it brother and pound the iron!


VIP Member
Apr 8, 2015
Well I'm still at it.. back on the diet thing, except this time Im just eating clean. If I can make it in my kitchen Im eating it. but all my food is made from whole foods. nothing with chemicals, or preservatives. My carbs are on the lower end, except for fruit that I eat in the mornings. and around lunch time. Im staying away from bread and pasta and rice. It seems to be working because Im down 16 lbs, and I'm still full and big looking. Before on the no carb thing I was very flat and felt like i was loosing muscle.

I have about 2 weeks left on this cycle. Frankly Im glad. Im getting tired of shooting eod. In just done with the sore ass all the time. Thats right I'm using the last 4 weeks of this cycle to trim down all the fat gain by the bulk cycle.

Training is the same every day except for sunday. I have upped my cardio to 30 min a day after weight training. This way if I run out of steam, my lifting does not suffer.

Personal things, Im going to get my training certificate. Why cause I have been laid off for two months now, and I want to do something I love for a change. So here we go. Im going to be launching a web page on face book and use instagram to creat business. Part of that is there is no supplement stores in the town I live in. So Im thinking about becoming a distributor, and doing the health food store.

If you guys would follow me on instagram that would be great and Ill post up my page on FB when I have it ready.


VIP Member
Apr 8, 2015
I have not been able to log in for about 2 weeks, but it is all still going good. Im still cutting back and have gone from 278lbs, since 1st when I moved to weigh in this last friday I am 256. Lost 20 lbs. What have I don't, just eating clean, nothing processes and I have cut back on carbs. I running right about 100 grams a day. The rest is protein, fat, and veggies. Oh god veggies, I kind of feel like a goat at this time.

Some how two weeks ago I think I iservierly sprained my ring finger on my left hand or broke the finger near my knuckle in my hand. So lifting seems to have gone from overdrive to doing what I can again till it heals. lol.

On a different not I have ordered books to become a certified personal trainer II. I figured with 20 years training experience, and then having the little paper, I should be able to help at least a few people and do what I really love. Ill see how it goes.


Jun 11, 2014
Glad you are back. Sorry to hear about the finger. Fight through it and come out on top like always.

Been hoping you are ok.


VIP Member
Apr 8, 2015
So the last few weeks have been slow for me. Slow in work and attitude. As shitty as I feel most of the time I hit a new personal best in bench on Monday, and It seems really easy, it was 320 for 6 reps. I stopped at 6 because i felt a twinge in my shoulder and I just don't want to push it harder and hurt it again. I was not fatigued and thought I could have done 2 more reps, but we will save that for later. Wednesday I did back and biceps, again everything seemed easy to me and I put at least 10 to 20 higher than my all time best lifts for each. Thursday I woke up feeling like a train had run over me and I went 10 rounds with Mike Tyson in his best days. Today my stomach is so jacked I can't hardly eat because, I feel like I'm going to puke. I love life, just when things seems to start getting better it knocks you back into the gutter where you came from.

Tomorrow is my sons 5th birthday party. So it will be junk food all week end long. I really don't mind, since Im down 27 lbs. and I have started eating again just to maintain my weight at 250lbs. What is the secret, eating clean all the time. Yes I have carbs, and sure they are here and there but it seems to be working. Im at about 100 g of carbs a day, 70g of fat and 200 grams of protein. I have totally forgot about how many calories I take in a day. I just eat when Im hungry, and it seems to be about 5 times a day. If Im particularly hungry before bed, there is the protein shake to hold me over till morning.

Since my books are here I have been studying, its a lot more complicated, than I thought. They want you to know all this medical stuff. It all seems helpful, and I have learned a few things I never thought about.


Jun 11, 2014
Very interesting! Sounds good overall brother!!


VIP Member
Apr 8, 2015
Here how the last 6 weeks have gone.
2 weeks of stomack flew... that was on a off with puking and diarrhea
4 weeks of sore throat followed by sinus and lung infections, followed by fevers, and a cough I just can't shake. Its the deal burning cough.
Then some how I injured my left elbow some how. to the point where I have had no grip strength in my left hand.

8 weeks total out of the gym, because the kids can't wash their ****ing hands when they come home from school. I have stopped all my suplements, bach when I first got sick. No point in wasting them.

I still have not found any work, and the money is running out, so Im all a bunch of pent up anger, frustration, depression, over the whole thing, and have gotten lazy, and am trying to make my way back to working out. ....

Ok Ok Ill stop whining about it and just get after it... Im going to make up a new work out schedule to get me back in the there 6 days a week. To re establish my good habits... Ill post it up here shortly
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