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ROM and the bench press



TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011
for the non powerlifter, what is the acceptable ROM for the bench? i know that in powerlifting and such that going down and touching the chest with a pause is the way it has to be done. my question is, what does the non powerlifter gain by going all the way to the chest?

i have read and watched much on the bench and like all exercises one can find "experts" that say the exact opposite of each other. i see many bodybuilders who pretty much stick to half reps for all their benching needs. i see videos of them with boards or phonebooks or such things on their chest that stops them when the arms are parallel to the floor and then they go up to where the triceps take over. is this a bad thing?

i have been experimenting with my ROM on bench and have found that at my age, not going down and touching the bar to the boobs is much eaiser on my shoulders. i try to go to where my arms are parallel to the ground and then extend all the way up. am i missing a lot by not going all the way to the girls? what do i gain by stretching the muscle that much more and is it worth the stress on the shoulders?

(i am not competiting in anything, i just do this because i enjoy it)


Dec 12, 2010
I go 90 degrees, I find anything past that can cause serious problems and 90 degrees for me inst touching the chest.


Strength Pimp
Feb 27, 2011
With an adequate warm up I can use a full ROM with no shoulder issues. I use a fairly wide grip too which puts a little more strain on the shoulder but there is way less rotation involved. IMO and Dave Tate's as well that will cause less wear over time.

Anabolic Beast

VIP Member
Nov 16, 2010
The flat barbell bench press is responsible for more pec tears and pec tendon ruptures than any other chest movement. (Look it up if you don't belive me.) Now opinions are like assholes in that everyone has one and as you said you are going to get a lot of different answers on this. Full ROM flat bench presses are not necessary for building full pecs and in fact are not even the best exercise for developing the pec muscles. Full ROM Decline benches in the 10 to 15 degree decline range takes the majority of the stress off of the pec tendons and activate more muscle fibers in the pecs than flat benches do. Unfortunately most decline benches in commercial gyms are too steep in angle. Anyway to specifically answer your question, I think that stopping 2 to 3 inches above and not going all the way to the chest on flat benches is better than doing full ROM from a risk to benefit point of view.
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TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011
The flat barbell bench press is responsible for more pec tears and pec tendon ruptures than any other chest movement. (Look it up if you don't belive me.) Now opinions are like assholes in that everyone has one and as you said you are going to get a lot of different answers on this. Full ROM flat bench presses are not necessary for building full pecs and in fact are not even the best exercise for developing the pec muscles. Full ROM Decline benches in the 10 to 15 degree decline range takes the majority of the stress off of the pec tendons and activate more muscle fibers in the pecs than flat benches do. Unfortunately most decline benches in commercial gyms are too steep in angle. Anyway to specifically answer your question, I think that stopping 2 to 3 inches above and not going all the way to the chest on flat benches is better than doing full ROM from a risk to benefit point of view.

i completely agree with the injury statement. my dad tore his pec off the attachment when i was a kid. i think that is why he always rolled up a towel afterwards and just touched the bar to the towel. he is/was a big barrel chested guy and so it essential put him stopping a few inches above his chest as well.


Bad Mother
Sep 27, 2010
ATW, IMO u gotta find where the pecs are engaged...I find that stopping at 90 or parallel to the floor leaves the tri's handling most of the load. I get the biggest strain on my pecs after I pass 90 on the way down. From here, there are 2 differences to consider between u and I. I am a shorter guy and have a pretty thick chest. The bar touches my chest at the very final bit of engagement in my pecs. I'm going to venture and guess that ur rib cage and pecs are a bit smaller than mine...but our limb length is probably comparable. So in essence, the bar has to travel farther to touch your chest. So touching the bar to your chest is going to involve passing the angle where pecs are engaged and transferring the weight solely to your shoulders. I would get an empty bar an just experiment with lowering it to different depths and noting where you feel the load shift from pecs to shoulders. Ultimately, its your body and what works for you is the right way....period.


Dec 15, 2010
ROM depends on your form as well. I think the most important thing you should focus on, ATW, is keeping those shoulder blades squeezed together and your shoulders back. When you use this form you'll see that your ROM is actually a lot less than laying flat-backed on the bench (because you're not rolling your shoulders forward).


TID Lady Member
Mar 17, 2011
ATW, IMO u gotta find where the pecs are engaged...I find that stopping at 90 or parallel to the floor leaves the tri's handling most of the load. I get the biggest strain on my pecs after I pass 90 on the way down. From here, there are 2 differences to consider between u and I. I am a shorter guy and have a pretty thick chest. The bar touches my chest at the very final bit of engagement in my pecs. I'm going to venture and guess that ur rib cage and pecs are a bit smaller than mine...but our limb length is probably comparable. So in essence, the bar has to travel farther to touch your chest. So touching the bar to your chest is going to involve passing the angle where pecs are engaged and transferring the weight solely to your shoulders. I would get an empty bar an just experiment with lowering it to different depths and noting where you feel the load shift from pecs to shoulders. Ultimately, its your body and what works for you is the right way....period.

yeah, my rib cage and pec muscles are probably not anywhere comparable to yours. :D

wrist to shoulder lenght is 23". i try to go to where i feel it stretch but without losing tension on the muscle, if that makes sense.
ROM depends on your form as well. I think the most important thing you should focus on, ATW, is keeping those shoulder blades squeezed together and your shoulders back. When you use this form you'll see that your ROM is actually a lot less than laying flat-backed on the bench (because you're not rolling your shoulders forward).

i will have to think about this next week. i think i do this some, i know i adjust once under the bar but not sure exactly how much and i can probably definately pull them in more. thanks.


Dec 15, 2010
ATW, IMO u gotta find where the pecs are engaged...I find that stopping at 90 or parallel to the floor leaves the tri's handling most of the load. I get the biggest strain on my pecs after I pass 90 on the way down. From here, there are 2 differences to consider between u and I. I am a shorter guy and have a pretty thick chest. The bar touches my chest at the very final bit of engagement in my pecs. I'm going to venture and guess that ur rib cage and pecs are a bit smaller than mine...but our limb length is probably comparable. So in essence, the bar has to travel farther to touch your chest. So touching the bar to your chest is going to involve passing the angle where pecs are engaged and transferring the weight solely to your shoulders. I would get an empty bar an just experiment with lowering it to different depths and noting where you feel the load shift from pecs to shoulders. Ultimately, its your body and what works for you is the right way....period.

Aren't pecs solely responsible for handling weight at the bottom of the lift, how do you pass the point of chest activation into only shoulder-activation? I would think if you go too low you then place all the tension on your pec tendons until you are in a designated degree where your muscles can actually do work.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
90 degree's only. Too much pressure on the shoulder capsule beyond this. Now if the load is light enough and you can keep your scapula together than you are okay but if you are benching and the weight goes beyond 90 degree's and your shoulder blades can't retracts all the pressure is on the anterior part of the shoulder.

Now with this said I call on Paul Chek (IMO the expert). Here is what he says.

Paul Chek

Why all the fuss over a big bench-press? What does the sheer amount of weight that someone can push whilst lying flat on their back have to do with anything? If you’re sitting with a bunch of guys and someone strong walks in, it’s common to hear "I wonder what he can bench?" Or when discussing sport, the same question comes up, "How much can so-and-so bench?" When I go to a party and meet people, you can be as sure as the presence of beer that someone will ask, "What can you bench?" It is always great fun to see their reaction when I tell them "Not much, but I can run 30 meters flat out with Malu Mainu’u on my back!"

The bench press exercise was never intended to be a benchmark of man (or woman!) hood. It is an exercise for improving the size and/or strength of the chest, anterior deltoids and triceps, nothing else. In fact, the star player on any team is rarely the one with the biggest bench press! Unfortunately, over-emphasis on the bench press often coupled with poor technique has led to a high incidence of shoulder injuries in both athletes and non-athletes. Additionally many people are not anatomically designed to perform the exercise as it is generally taught in most strength training texts, Personal Trainer certification courses and by many strength coaches.


The bar is lowered until it touches the chest and then pressed back up to the start position. Everyone is expected to lower the bar to the chest; anything less is considered poor form, sub-standard, and even wimpy by fellow lifters. However, to perform the exercise under such guidelines requires a greater range of motion (ROM) than is found in the shoulder joint of most people - particularly male athletes. Why is it so important to work within the ROM of your shoulder joint? Some simple anatomy will help to explain this.

The movement-restricting factor during a bench press is not the muscles of the shoulder; it is the special connective tissue casing around the shoulder joint called the "joint capsule." This highly specialized structure is anatomically designed to not only allow just the right amount of motion to prevent joint damage, but also contains thousands of specialized nerve endings called "proprioceptors." Proprioceptors are special nerve endings that communicate with the brain to inform it of joint position and speed of movement, as well as pressure, tension and pain in and around the joint. Loading the shoulder and forcing it beyond the functional ROM limit will stretch the shoulder joint capsule. In most people this will occur by letting the bench-press bar travel until it touches the chest.

Additionally, because the bench press is performed on a flat weight lifting bench, normal movement of the shoulder blades (scapulae) is disrupted. This demands that more movement must occur in the shoulder joint itself. As the bar is loaded with heavier and heavier weights, the shoulder blades are pressed into the bench harder and harder, further disrupting the normal mechanics of the shoulder girdle joints and overloading the shoulder.


To protect the shoulder joint capsule from being stretched out or injured the exerciser must determine how far to safely lower the bar. It is essential that each person determine optimal bench press range of motion for his or her own shoulders, as each person is different.

The Bench Press Range of Motion Test

Step 1 - Passive Range of Motion:
Place your arm in the bench press position and allow your arm to lower to its passive end range of motion. This is the position where the arm naturally stops without being forced. At this point you have determined the exact point at which the shoulder joint capsule becomes the primary restraint to shoulder ROM.

Step 2 - Optimal Bottom Position:
Once you have identified the end position of passive shoulder range of motion with the Bench Press Range of Motion Test, lift the arm 2-3cm to find your optimal bottom position for the bench press exercise. This creates a small buffer zone (10º - 15º) which will protect the joint capsule from overload when the weights get heavy or when you get tired.

Although many will argue that you must train through the "full range of motion" to be strong for sport, this concept is unfounded. It is well known among Physiotherapists and exercise scientists that there is approximately a 15º +/- carry-over of strength developed at any specific joint angle with strength training. i.e. if you train the shoulder from 15º to 75º, the strength gained will carryover from 0º to 90º. This is how sports medicine doctors improve strength in an injured shoulder or knee without actually ever moving the joint through the painful ROM.

What’s so important about training within your given ROM?

What most trainers, athletes and coaches don’t seem to respect is the fact that training beyond the shoulder’s passive barrier with heavy loads will stretch the shoulder joint capsule. Once stretched, the joint capsule can no longer stabilize the shoulder joint with common arm movements such as swimming, hitting a volley ball or netball, holding power tools over head or even swinging a hammer. If these arm movements are repeated without the stability provided by a functional shoulder joint capsule, an impingement syndrome develops, resulting in inflammation and pain in the shoulder joint. Bursitis and rotator cuff tendonitis commonly develop secondarily. Because the shoulder joint capsule provides critical information about arm position, those with a loose joint capsule often lose their ability to accurately sense joint position. This will result in a loss of accuracy in sports requiring precision placement of the arm.

In any sport, your arm rarely ever reaches a loaded end point in the same position twice in the same game or event. Because the loads in sport are both brief in duration and seldom as high as those encountered during a bench press session, the shoulder joint capsule can recover from intermittent exposure to end range loading. For those with insufficient range of motion to perform the traditional Bench Press, going to the gym and lowering heavy loads to your chest with slow speeds of movement, 30-100 repetitions or more per week is like repeatedly crashing your car into a brick wall at slow speeds just to prepare for the one day you may actually have an accident!


If you have painful shoulders when bench pressing you may not need to stop. To safely return to bench pressing, follow these guidelines:

Spend 4-8 weeks performing a rotator cuff conditioning program. For more information on rotator cuff training I recommend the book Seven Minute Rotator Cuff Solution by Horrigan and Robinson.

Begin your return to the bench press from the floor, not a bench. The floor creates a range of motion barrier, protecting your shoulder joint capsules and tendons from excessive stretch.
Always start with dumbbells. Dumbbells allow your body the needed freedom of motion to find a new bench press pathway that does not stress the injured tissues.
Once you have performed 3-4 weeks of floor bench press, progress from the floor to a slightly deflated 55-65cm Swiss Ball (Figure 5). The Swiss Ball will allow a slightly greater range of motion than the floor and will increase stabilizer activation. A C.H.E.K certified intern can teach you how to perform many Swiss Ball bench press variations.

After 3-4 weeks on a deflated Swiss Ball, progressively inflate your Swiss Ball. The firm ball will allow slightly more shoulder joint motion as well as increased shoulder blade motion.
Having performed the above steps, use the test described in Figure 2 to assure that you don’t exceed your shoulders safe bench press range of motion. Progress both volume and intensity slowly. If your shoulder(s) begin to show signs of discomfort with the traditional bench press, revert back to the previous steps in the progression and avoid the traditional bench press all together!


Chek, P. Strong 'N' Stable: Swiss Ball Weight Training, videocassette series. San Diego, CA: Lenny Magill Productions/Paul Chek Seminars, 1997.
Chek, P. Gym Instructor Series: Vol. 2 Pushing & Pressing Exercises, videocassette. San Diego, CA: Paul Chek Seminars, 1997.
Hartmann, J. & Tunnemann, H. Fitness & Strength Training for All Sports. Toronto, ON: Sports Books Publisher, 1995.
Horrigan, J. & Robinson, J. The 7-Minute Rotator Cuff Solution. Los Angeles, CA: Health for Life, 1991.


Bad Mother
Sep 27, 2010
Aren't pecs solely responsible for handling weight at the bottom of the lift, how do you pass the point of chest activation into only shoulder-activation? I would think if you go too low you then place all the tension on your pec tendons until you are in a designated degree where your muscles can actually do work.

When my chest was smaller I would feel a distinct switch of strain from pecs to my shoulders as the bar neared my chest...This could be pressure on the shoulder capsule as TOM states, but regardless at that point the excercise was no longer functional, IMO, for pec development. If I stop at or near 90, my tri's hurt the next day...if I touch my chest, my tits hurt the next experience.


Dec 15, 2010
^Good stuff, so you are in agreement with the article that each person should find their own comfort level. For you, it happens to be the chest because of your physiology.
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