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Obamas newest angle at division - "Income Inequality"



VIP Member
Nov 20, 2014
Robert Reich is a professor at U.C. Berkeley; probably the most liberal college campus in the country. He also was Secretary of Labor under Clinton. He claims he's a Libertarian, but virtually everything that comes out of his mouth is far left bordering on socialism...It's ok for people to believe was he says, but I don't personally believe a word that comes out of his mouth...


Dec 31, 2011
Well I guess this is the Republican forum side of the house...
So try to listen to this and not label everything Liberal or conservative. The problem is not partisan. The problem is economic and the lack of knowledge of how this country used to be.
For those of you who cant or wont sit through a video of more than a few minutes then you can label yourself just lazy...

Dude are you being serious or pulling our dicks? Bill Moyers AND Robert Reich??!!! These are too of thee most leftwing, socialist kooks out there. He shows his complete ignorance by not knowing we are NOT a Democracy!! leftwingers would liek us too be but we ain't . We are a Republic. Don't drink the kool aide bro

This douchebag Reich was and is a complete socialist and Moyer is worst.

Repube or Demoncrat? I'll take the ones that back The 2nd Amendment.
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Dec 31, 2011
Robert Reich is a professor at U.C. Berkeley; probably the most liberal college campus in the country. He also was Secretary of Labor under Clinton. He claims he's a Libertarian, but virtually everything that comes out of his mouth is far left bordering on socialism...It's ok for people to believe was he says, but I don't personally believe a word that comes out of his mouth...

Yep, total shitbag. The leftwing media covered billie and reich's ass on leaving office with a recession for lil bush to deal with...kinda like carter did with Reagan.
JR Ewing

JR Ewing

Nov 9, 2012
Well this guy isn't running for any public whats that have to do with the price of tea in China?
Take the Conservative/Liberal brain filter off for a minute and think for yourself...FOX news doesn't know everything.
And I would bet you have not watched this or anything Robert Reich has said.
As you force yourself to watch this just remember your head will not physically implode...
You should always closely study the enemy my friend...LOL

Reich is a loon.

Neither of my grandfathers graduated high school. Both were union blue collar guys.

Neither of my parents went to college. My Dad was a blue collar union guy, my Mom a low-level office worker.

I had nothing between the ages of 18-25 - college, hourly jobs paying not much more than minimum, and several years of military service.

I had my share of ups and downs between the ages of 25-35 as I was figuring things out in the business world - sometimes I was making lots of money, sometimes I was barely scraping by.

I'm now 45 and worth $XXXXXXXX. :D
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JR Ewing

JR Ewing

Nov 9, 2012
And believe me no one gets more pissed then me when between a full time job, my wife's full time job, grad school for me and my wife, my part time job, and the small business I run with my brother I see someone buying 250$ worth of groceries in front of me with an EBT card and I'm struggling to save anything. But you have to realize the steal big vs steal little part of the equation. I am a 32 year old teacher who pays a higher effective tax rate than Mitt Romney.

Romney is retired and lives off dividends and bond interest that is now taxed higher than it was in 2011, when he had to disclose such things in 2012 to run for president. His ~ $250 million retirement nestegg that generates that interest and dividend income consists largely of IRA money that was once tax-deferred and is now taxed (he made too much to qualify for the Roth), and additional money saved and invested that was previously taxed when he was working. I believe he also inherited some money, but he donated that money to charity if I'm not mistaken.

Full List of Obama Tax Hikes | Americans for Tax Reform


Jun 7, 2012
What about using his pen & phone for exec orders & memos, and getting his administrative agencies to do his bidding - EPA, FCC, ATF, etc? Did you notice that the ATF head (a black guy) just resigned?

Democrat to Meet With New ATF Director to Revive AR-15 Ammo Ban
And that's not over by a long shot. Most people do not know that years ago the Supreme Court ruled it's not the responsibility of the police to protect the general population. You call 911, it will be awhile.


VIP Member
Jun 26, 2012

This is interesting. I will be curious to see how much support he gets from the rest of Congress. Either way he has balls.

It doesnt matter if you agree with the impeachment proceedings or not. Its nice to see an elected official actually doing what his constituents sent him there to do. This could play out like the Ted Cruz incident when he was told by his fellow Repubs to shut up and sit down and that Obama care is the law. FF 2 years later and its possible the Supreme Court could overturn that (obama care).

Cruz politely told the spineless reps and press that he didnt care, that the people of TX elected him to repeal Obama Care and thats what he was sent there to do. There have been a lot of new faces in Congress and Senate in the last several years ousting many career politicians. The people are making themselves heard and holding them accountable. Always a good thing.
JR Ewing

JR Ewing

Nov 9, 2012
Yeah, Cantor was sent home. As was Landrieu. :D

I wouldn't mind seeing the same for Bohner, Graham, McConnell, McCain, and a few others who are either too openly friendly with the other side or do little more than put up a little political theater. I think it would have been a good idea for McConnell to keep the nuclear filibuster option in that Dirty Harry put in place. But he has no balls.

This is interesting. I will be curious to see how much support he gets from the rest of Congress. Either way he has balls.

It doesnt matter if you agree with the impeachment proceedings or not. Its nice to see an elected official actually doing what his constituents sent him there to do. This could play out like the Ted Cruz incident when he was told by his fellow Repubs to shut up and sit down and that Obama care is the law. FF 2 years later and its possible the Supreme Court could overturn that (obama care).

Cruz politely told the spineless reps and press that he didnt care, that the people of TX elected him to repeal Obama Care and thats what he was sent there to do. There have been a lot of new faces in Congress and Senate in the last several years ousting many career politicians. The people are making themselves heard and holding them accountable. Always a good thing.
JR Ewing

JR Ewing

Nov 9, 2012
Regarding guys like Romney, the retired rich also tend to have a fair amount of money in tax-free municipal bonds, and may also keep a fair amount in certain tax-free life insurance products - "tax-free" interest / dividends / appreciation paid on these things usually bought with AFTER-TAX money that has already been taxed at least once.

The insurance purchased also allows money to be taken out of the taxable estate at death and transferred to heirs outside of probate.
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