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Muscular Guys and Women



Oct 3, 2016
I simply am iffy on wether it is important to them, that's all. I've seen plenty of gross guys with terrible personalities do pretty well as well.

No biggie, laocoon...I guess what I was trying to point out is, initially appearance catches the eye, male or female...If females didn't like superficial beauty there wouldn't be male stippers or gigglos...However, when it comes to security, females don't care so much on looks...Being that as it may, in my experience, the ones that soley go for the security (money,personality,etc.), wind up straying later on down the road...And with whom?...That's right, the one with superficial looks....So, from what I've observed, even having money, personality, prestege, title, ect., women will get board with such and seek what?...That's right,again, the superficial looking guy...

With that being said, in IMHO, both scenarios are wrong...I feel that ALL of us, male, female should do our best to take care of our temple, inside and out, then superficialism would be put on the back burnner and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE WOULD be first and foremost in the relationship...However, that would be a perfect world and we are not living in such...Alot of women nowadays are after material things and from what I've seen and been through, will marry/shack up with a bro soely for that reason...No LOVE whatsoever for the moneytree (bro)...I guess you can figure out what happens in such circumstances....The divorce rate in the U.S. of A. is around 60 - 70%, not good...And lot of those were comprised of marrying for money, personality, etc....

Anyway, with peoples attitudes being influenced by matrialism, superficialism, power, greed, etc. and not to mention, being imperfect, humanity doesn't stand a chance!...Just my meager 2 cents on it...


VIP Member
Apr 7, 2012
This is a great topic. Here's my two cents:
Most women, provided they are not the desperate type are attracted to a true alpha male. You know, the guy who is physically strong, confident without being arrogant (arrogance is a sure sign of insecurity), a leader, compassionate, strong in convictions and ethical. As for me, I'm 59 know...young, married for 34 years, two beautiful daughters, a man of faith and have had a great career working with people. I have two awesome sons-in-laws who love to lift (damn, how lucky is that)?! I've had folks make both positive and negative comments about that fact that I am obviously a lifter, inked, etc... Honestly, at my age I could give a damn about what people think any of that.

Muscular, dad bod, true to yourself, be the alpha no matter what. I guarantee you will never have a problem attracting the opposite sex.


TID Board Of Directors
Oct 6, 2010
Women, most of them are just as shallow as men. Look at what they do or go for, not what they say. They love attractive men. This meaning body and FACE. But they are also attracted to status and money equally as much. Usually a good looking guy or having any of the above combination (the scrawny guy with either status and/or wealth) is going to be confident. This is what women really mean when they say they like confident men. You have to read between the lines. The other horse shit about personality is secondary to all the above traits just mentioned.

So a fit hard body is an advantage but if you don't have the face to match or the wallet or social status or the promise of having these in the near future, it really don't shit when it comes to nailing down the hottest women.

You peal back all the layers society has conditioned us to believe what women want amd you will see all its fallacies. It's basic biology and the drive to reproduce the best offspring. The male being the provider (money) and protector ( status) and healthy genes for survival (good looks, fitness level, health status).


TID Board Of Directors
Oct 6, 2010
Women, most of them are just as shallow as men. Look at what they do or go for, not what they say. They love attractive men. This meaning both body and face. But they are also attracted to status and money equally as much. Its multifaceted. Usually a good looking fit guy or having any of the above combination (the scrawny guy with either status and/or wealth) is going to be confident. This is what women really mean when they say they like confident men. You have to read between the lines. The other horse shit about personality is secondary to all the above traits just mentioned.

So a fit hard body is an advantage but if you don't have the face to match or the wallet or social status or the promise of having these in the near future, it really dosent mean shit when it comes to nailing down the hottest women.

You peal back all the layers society has conditioned us to believe what women want amd you will see the fallacies. It's basic biology and the drive to reproduce the best offspring. The male being the provider (money) and protector ( status, fitness level) and healthy genes for survival (good looks, health status).


Jun 17, 2018
Women, most of them are just as shallow as men. Look at what they do or go for, not what they say. They love attractive men. This meaning both body and face. But they are also attracted to status and money equally as much. Its multifaceted. Usually a good looking fit guy or having any of the above combination (the scrawny guy with either status and/or wealth) is going to be confident. This is what women really mean when they say they like confident men. You have to read between the lines. The other horse shit about personality is secondary to all the above traits just mentioned.

So a fit hard body is an advantage but if you don't have the face to match or the wallet or social status or the promise of having these in the near future, it really dosent mean shit when it comes to nailing down the hottest women.

You peal back all the layers society has conditioned us to believe what women want amd you will see the fallacies. It's basic biology and the drive to reproduce the best offspring. The male being the provider (money) and protector ( status, fitness level) and healthy genes for survival (good looks, health status).

This is true, you hit the nail on the head!
genetic freak

genetic freak

VIP Member
Dec 28, 2015
Truth. They "say" that don't like a jacked dude but can't stop looking. Gotta wonder what they're really thinking...
Yep. I do not notice it, but my wife and son say it happens all the time when I am out and about. My wife likes to joke, because she says more guys stare than women though.
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