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Leave the World Behind



VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
The movie produced and highly influenced by Barrack and Michelle Obama, this could be another predictive programming item, at least it looks like it. this movie is the take down of America scenario. lots of racial tension, white man is a cuck, othr hite man is a loony prepper, white woman is a rascist angry bitch, son abuses the daughter etc etc. The world is at it's end in USA. This all in the backdrop of the real world where Klaus Schwab warns us of a massive cyberattack (part of the movie), Mark Zuckerberg has built a 100 million bunker in Hawaii, etc etc. remember all the movies before 9/11 where the twin towers were target of error? Here we are with massive invasion across our borders, many of which are Chinese men of military age not accompanies by family. Making me nervous. Time to up my food stash I guess and get some more ammo and maybe another fire arm. Thought?


TID Board Of Directors
Oct 17, 2010
"No one is in control." The biggest lie of the movie. It is not scary that someone is in control. The scary part is they actually believe they are in control. We control nothing. We can fall over dead any second. But, we must prepare to live.

It was an ok movie...but like all Netflix movies, it is highly politicized. My .02.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
I enjoyed the movie even though the racist undertones were a bit harsh. They did make white people look like racist and whack jobs.

What I like about movies like that is it gets you thinking what if something like that happens what do you do. I live in an urban area there's no way to get out of where I'm at. At least not safely unless you have early advance warning which obvious for us peons that's never going to happen.

I do some prepping I have water stored, of course it'll never be enough, I have a nine stage filter that can pretty much filter out anything but radiation, I have about 6 months of freeze dried food, I have tons of Sterno fuel, portable generator that'll produce 9.5 KW runs on propane or gasoline. I have silver, a little bit of gold, a lot of cash but most of all I have almost 10,000 rounds of ammunition between 9 mm, 357, 38, and shotguns shells. I don't own an AR-15 but I'm seriously considering buying a couple and getting some 556 to have on hand if things get really ugly.

The issue with all this prepping is if you can't hunker down and defend where you're at it's all useless and it's way too much stuff to drag around with you.

You want to see the world go mad shut the internet down the internet goes down the whole world will collapse on itself


TID Board Of Directors
Oct 17, 2010
That is why the push for electric everything. Susceptible to EMP and just turning you off.

Have some basic solar panels and chargers...water filters...some storable food.
Sat phone is good.
Weapons are only good for the initial bugout....maybe you make it. Unless you have like-minded and prepared people with you that also have a plan, your likelihood of success beyond 3 days diminishes greatly.

The fact that 50-60% of America believes it will never happen here all but insures it will.

Have a great day.
Much respect to all.

Massive G

VIP Member
Apr 10, 2020
man I just kept waiting for the good part.
So much build up just for a weird ending and no good parts.
Two thumbs down on this one.
I thought the movie sucked had no substance - now I know why cause the obamas were behind it.


VIP Member
May 23, 2011
One of our members at the gym sent me this link. Interesting read. He's a criminal defense attorney, won't let his kids on social media.
Follows what happened in the movie.
Very interesting article and if you look at how society is change on what we feel is relevant and important has changed. We all of a sudden hail and bow down to transgender ideology. If we don't open arm except everybody where the bad guy. All the normal stuff that we grew up thinking now is all completely wrong. If you don't agree with someone you're a racist. What he describes is exactly where America is right now. They talk about the insurrection on January 6th and they put all these people in jail because they were standing up for what was right so if you get rid of all those people everybody else is going to be scared and get in line and not question anything. Now don't get me wrong going into the capital and breaking things and going into private offices and putting your feet up on the desk I believe that's all wrong there's no reason for that but protesting just like happened in Portland and Seattle is valid. They didn't do anything about the people burning buildings burning cars looting hurting people the only people they went after was the ones that were trying to keep America... America! Those people stood up and spoke out and now they're pretty much criminals. Not putting on my tin foil hat and saying this has been a big conspiracy and Russia has caused this but if you follow the dots it sure seems possible.

America is fucked. Not that I like Trump as a person I think he's an ass but he sure try to point America in the right direction. Now, look what the supreme Court in Colorado did... Made it where he couldn't even be on the ballot even though he didn't win Colorado last time doesn't mean he wouldn't win this time. Now other states are going to follow suit and supreme courts and other states are going to just go with it because they are not going to look at the law or the facts they just don't want Trump in office. There needs to be a radical change in America but the problem is that radical change has already happened and good people, with clear thinking, and sensibility are left behind.
The other Snake

The other Snake

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2016
I watch movies and sports for entertainment and don't look for any political or social undertones. That said, it was there and if I noticed, it's there.

It was also a bad movie. 2 hours of my life I'm never getting back.
jipped genes

jipped genes

VIP Member
Oct 22, 2022
Yeah, if you have been putting it off. Prep up, even if not a prepper, it is better to have a few months of food, ammo, ect than to need it and not have it. Rice and beans are cheap in bulk and last years. Just call it insurance


VIP Member
Dec 17, 2019
Very interesting article and if you look at how society is change on what we feel is relevant and important has changed. We all of a sudden hail and bow down to transgender ideology. If we don't open arm except everybody where the bad guy. All the normal stuff that we grew up thinking now is all completely wrong. If you don't agree with someone you're a racist. What he describes is exactly where America is right now. They talk about the insurrection on January 6th and they put all these people in jail because they were standing up for what was right so if you get rid of all those people everybody else is going to be scared and get in line and not question anything. Now don't get me wrong going into the capital and breaking things and going into private offices and putting your feet up on the desk I believe that's all wrong there's no reason for that but protesting just like happened in Portland and Seattle is valid. They didn't do anything about the people burning buildings burning cars looting hurting people the only people they went after was the ones that were trying to keep America... America! Those people stood up and spoke out and now they're pretty much criminals. Not putting on my tin foil hat and saying this has been a big conspiracy and Russia has caused this but if you follow the dots it sure seems possible.

America is fucked. Not that I like Trump as a person I think he's an ass but he sure try to point America in the right direction. Now, look what the supreme Court in Colorado did... Made it where he couldn't even be on the ballot even though he didn't win Colorado last time doesn't mean he wouldn't win this time. Now other states are going to follow suit and supreme courts and other states are going to just go with it because they are not going to look at the law or the facts they just don't want Trump in office. There needs to be a radical change in America but the problem is that radical change has already happened and good people, with clear thinking, and sensibility are left behind.
I'm fairly open minded at this point to what people want to do behind closed doors, but when they start pushing it out there and tell us our more traditional views are wrong, that's over the line. The same-sex nativity scene in Italy, is that really necessary? Italy is a largely Catholic country, its not going to change. Even the Pope is bending on these issues. IMO, its called respect, respect what I stand for and believe in, but don't try to change me from what have been long standing traditional beliefs. From my perch, I won't try and sway anyone from their beliefs. If we continue down this road, it will end worse than it is already headed and that won't benefit anyone, right or left. Like nuclear war, no one wins.
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