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I have a dream



Senior Member
May 9, 2011

I have been thinking on this and how a lot of people feel that peptides are out of their reach due to the learning curve and why this is.

I honestly believe that a lot of it has to do with the fact that a lot of knowledgeable peptide guys end up arguing with each other over what studies thye have read
and this or that nuance of administration. Hell i am guilty of this myself.

So, i would like to make a request to any guys that are into peptides here, lets form a community rather than just a bunch of knowledgeable people. I truly believe that
peptides are an awesome tool to increase people's quality of life and even reach bodydbuilding goals. I think if we puill together and can help people to understand
these and have meaningful discussions instead of trying to ONE UP each other, the iron den peptide community can grow andd help out so many people.

Maybe its sleep deprivation or being slightly hyper from gh, but i really would love to see a peptide community that comes together for the betterment and advancement
of knowledge about peptides instead of jsut jockeying for position as the penultimate peptide guru.

My 2 cents


Strength Pimp
Feb 27, 2011
Good deal, I'll be paying attention to this...


Friends Remembered
Oct 11, 2010
Good thinking, Talk over peoples heads and they never understand, talk down to them and they get mad and still don't understand! lol


Friends Remembered
Sep 8, 2010
Quite honestly the info changes all the time but if you know where to look you can find most of what you need by simply reading...I like peptides my problem isnt so much protocol but money.


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
Lets start here

Because i am employed by a peptide company, i need to put out this disclaimer. Peptides are not for human use, they are for research only.

That being said, lets talk about CJC 1295(no dac) and the ghrp's(take your pick) we can cover specifics on each one later. I would really love everyone else to jump in here and offer information, personal experience and ideas.

The ghrp's cause your body to release the gh stored in your pituitary. As we age our bodies dont stop producing gh, it stops releasing it, so these peptides get your body to release its natural gh. They create a nice pulse by themselves but when taken in conjunction with the cjc they are synergistic so 1+1 does not equal two but rather 5. The cjc increases the size of the gh pulse your body is releasing.

Dosing -
The saturation doseage on each ofn these is 100mcg. Saturation does not mean that this is the point at which your body gets no more effect but rather that your body does not do a 1 for 1 increase witht he doseage. SO if you get X gh release at 100mcg of each, at 200mcg you might only see 1.5X and not 2X.
So the most cost effective dosing scheme is to take 100mcg of cjc and the ghrp of your choice. You can take these every three hours as that is that amount of time it takes your body to rebuild its store of gh, in a healthy individual.

Recon -
I dont recommend reconning these and storing them in the same vial or anything crazy. I am not going to go into the scientific reasons behind why here, you can research it on your own.
I draw 100mcg of each up in one syringe for each dose i will be taking throughout the day. Now you dont have to refrigerate these if you are using them the same day. Peptides are not near as fragile as people think. Honestly i dont refrigerate peptides or gh and they both work great,.

I am getting sleepy but everyone else, please jump in with information or steer this shipo and let us know what you want to know. We ahve whole other classes of peptides still to cover in depth BUT we have barely scratched the surface on these=-) We still have growth factors and myostatin inhibitors to talk about.


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
Quite honestly the info changes all the time but if you know where to look you can find most of what you need by simply reading...I like peptides my problem isnt so much protocol but money.

Aj, i know, there are always new studies and all but having been in this for as long as you have, you ahve me beat, i know you have seen it a million times. A new study comes out, it is found that this new uber elite timing increases efficacy of the peptides by .......3%. The core stuff doesnt really change in my opinion but there is a ton of new dosing on a lot of these peptides.

As far as the money issue, pm me and i am sure i can help you out with something.



TID Official Lab Rat
Jul 22, 2011
learn me sumthin... if class is in session, consider me in my seat.


Dec 27, 2010
Looking forward to this. Ive been wanting try the cjc 1295 no dac along with some ghrp 2.


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011
I agree but there has to be room for difference of opinion. I'm usually pretty civil. Sometimes I am a grumpy old man.


I have been thinking on this and how a lot of people feel that peptides are out of their reach due to the learning curve and why this is.

I honestly believe that a lot of it has to do with the fact that a lot of knowledgeable peptide guys end up arguing with each other over what studies thye have read
and this or that nuance of administration. Hell i am guilty of this myself.

So, i would like to make a request to any guys that are into peptides here, lets form a community rather than just a bunch of knowledgeable people. I truly believe that
peptides are an awesome tool to increase people's quality of life and even reach bodydbuilding goals. I think if we puill together and can help people to understand
these and have meaningful discussions instead of trying to ONE UP each other, the iron den peptide community can grow andd help out so many people.

Maybe its sleep deprivation or being slightly hyper from gh, but i really would love to see a peptide community that comes together for the betterment and advancement
of knowledge about peptides instead of jsut jockeying for position as the penultimate peptide guru.

My 2 cents


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
I agree but there has to be room for difference of opinion. I'm usually pretty civil. Sometimes I am a grumpy old man.


I am a cantankerous old bear myself at times:) the point is not that we can't disagree, just not the stuff that we see on other boards. you have a Shit ton to offer in this thread and I really want you to chime in.

I really want to bring peptides in reach of the common board member. know what I mean buddy?


VIP Member
Jan 19, 2011

I am a cantankerous old bear myself at times:) the point is not that we can't disagree, just not the stuff that we see on other boards. you have a Shit ton to offer in this thread and I really want you to chime in.

I really want to bring peptides in reach of the common board member. know what I mean buddy?

Sorry I was such a cranky bastard the other day.
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