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How did you all get into powerlifting?



VIP Member
Aug 10, 2015
I got my first "bench" from Sears when I was 13 from Santa parents didn't know they were creating a monster.
Went through various stages of legit female crazy gym addiction but weights were ALWAYS #1 . When I finally decided to ditch my ED at 26 decided to compete in natty physique; pending a torn L infraspinatus 2 weeks prior to show (which I would have freaking CRUSHED) took a while off and went back to basics. Oly lifted for a while after I ditched my shitty, food restricting ex bf; through an amazing guy at Pittsburgh Barbell Club I was introduced to Iron Sport Gym (and my current IronLifeMate SteveyP) and it was kinda status quo for some time-just lifting heavy, eating food, hating myself, cardio, etc.

Met my husband who encouraged me to FINALLY take the strength that God gave me and put it to use against other women in and above my weight yeah. That was it. The only organization in my area that is active is WABDL, and as you all know, the husband is NOT keen on travel for competitions so currently limited to this area (unless Vegas, of course). Have some state and "world" records....ONLY in push pull, as here in W PA, powerlifting is NOTHING like it is elsewhere. (DL 336 Bench 171 raw at 123---which are NOT that good, really). No worries, I am on a full meet in Dec and aiming for 315/195/350 (at least) at 123. Will be natty, cranky, and hopeful.

Added strongman in April this year due to the mostly similar programming minus a few lifts/day here and there, I love learning. #sololiftersforlife has made it VERY difficult to progress in PL and this has added to the strongman lean, but VERY happy with the carry over.

I will always be a powerlifter first, strongwoman second, self hating crazy insomniac third.

336 DL and 176 bench at 123 not that good? Crazy! thats pretty damn good. That is really impressive! Its always great to have a significant other that is supportive when it comes to lifting. Does your husband compete as well?

I know exactly what its like lifting solo, SAD another buddy of ours, and I started a team here locally (powerlifting isn't very big here in our area, oly lifting is though) after SAD moved the other guy kind of took over the team and had some of his friends start training with us or join the team if you will. These kids were not motivated to train at all, non of them had ever lifted a weight in their life, don't get me wrong I thought it was great having new people and showing them the ropes of powerlifting and being around a team environment. But I realized quickly that noone besides myself was taking training seriously, people always joking around, waiting around for people to finish their conversations before going up for their sets, etc. so I left and started training with another buddy who has this bad ass gym in big garage next to his house with all brand new equipment (texas powerbars, texas dl bar, eleiko calibrated kilo plates, ivanko calibrated plates, and a bunch of other stuff) anyways I started with him which was awesome because he's big into powerlifting and was super motivating, then I started a new job which through my training schedule off so now I'm stuck training alone again, finding my own motivation.

kind of went on a little story telling/rant there haha

It's definitely tough training alone, but as long as you find something to motivate you and set good goals, there's no reason why you can't make good progress.

Good luck with your training TenaciousA your log looks great, can't wait to see you smash those goals you set for your meet!


VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
How'd I get into PLing.... Well, do you want the long or the short version? I'll spare everyone the details and make it short and sweet. I was an Oly lifter for a number of years before and that is where I accumulate my shoulder injuries. I had to rehab my shoulder for over 6 months of course with the help of a sports PT (who worked with baseball players) and finally could put a pink db over my head. I was told by docs I should have my shoulder cut but that wasn't going to happen. There were some very well known and famous PLers where I was Oly lifting and they were gracious enough to let me train with them and the rest is history.

For those wondering... which do I like better Oly lifting or PLing? It's a not even a contest. I have never felt a more satisfied feeling performing a lift then when I was C&J and Snatching. Don't get me wrong like love the raw, uncut, brutal savagery of PLing and I'll keep doing it till they throw dirt on top of me.


VIP Member
Aug 10, 2015
How'd I get into PLing.... Well, do you want the long or the short version? I'll spare everyone the details and make it short and sweet. I was an Oly lifter for a number of years before and that is where I accumulate my shoulder injuries. I had to rehab my shoulder for over 6 months of course with the help of a sports PT (who worked with baseball players) and finally could put a pink db over my head. I was told by docs I should have my shoulder cut but that wasn't going to happen. There were some very well known and famous PLers where I was Oly lifting and they were gracious enough to let me train with them and the rest is history.

For those wondering... which do I like better Oly lifting or PLing? It's a not even a contest. I have never felt a more satisfied feeling performing a lift then when I was C&J and Snatching. Don't get me wrong like love the raw, uncut, brutal savagery of PLing and I'll keep doing it till they throw dirt on top of me.
BrotherIron I heard that olympic weightlifting meets are the complete opposite of powerlifting, that everyone just sticks to themselves no one really cheers each other on, etc. Not sure how true that is, but I have a buddy that competes and thats what he said.

Oly lifting was alot of fun, I did it while I was in high school and did fairly well. I couldn't see myself doing it now though, not that I don't think I'd be good at it or that it wouldn't be fun; just not my thing i guess.


VIP Member
Mar 6, 2011
@BrotherIron I heard that olympic weightlifting meets are the complete opposite of powerlifting, that everyone just sticks to themselves no one really cheers each other on, etc. Not sure how true that is, but I have a buddy that competes and thats what he said.

Oly lifting was alot of fun, I did it while I was in high school and did fairly well. I couldn't see myself doing it now though, not that I don't think I'd be good at it or that it wouldn't be fun; just not my thing i guess.

Oly lifting meets are the complete opposite. There is no music. It's quiet like a library during the meet. It's extremely long, drawn out, and incredibly boring. I've judged a couple and let me tell you I don't miss that. Calling press outs and seeing if they wait for the call to drop the bar. The teams stick to themselves b/c everyone is fighting for the chance to get a total high enough to make it to the American Open or Nats.

Then there is the flip side... a PLing meet. People cheering, music blaring, food everywhere, and even competitors helping each other.

If someone was interested now... I'd suggest the Oly assisting lifts ie. snatch pulls, snatch high pulls, clean pulls, and clean high pulls. Perform the assisting lifts from the hang, blocks, and from the floor. If you want to get fast then perform them from the blocks and the hang. The hang adds an isometric contraction to the lift and it really taxes the shit out of your lower back. And in case anyone is wondering... it's JUST as effective as the full lift. You're only removing the 3rd portion of the pull where you receive the bar (where you pull yourself under the bar... bar goes up, you go down).


TID Lady Member
Mar 31, 2013
BI you and I were separated at birth. If weightlifting didn't trash my delts and traps I would have stayed I think. IMHO only crazy huge DL can catch the same high as a well executed snatch.

And ditto re meets.....Oly meets are so different. Standoffish. Almost solo. I've done many and witnessed many watching my homies lift (best time ever Sarah Robles and Mike Nackoul). PL meets are oreos and sunshine and I'm a fan of the comraderie that goes down.
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