I like this... stay moderate on your comp lifts. But do push the assistance work. So for close grip go heavy. 5 reps 7 reps etc...Did some quick benching in a pinch last night.
No wraps, no spotter and with shorts and sandals on down in my new basement gym.
135 x 5 x 3
165 x 5
185 x 3
205 x 2
225 x 3 x 3 @8 (for the 3rd time back, this isn't bad for me)
135 x 15 x 4
Band triceps...ten bagillion
Some BW dips.
30 mins total workout after putting the kids to sleep and still enough time to catch up on GOT.
My foot hates me.
135 x 8 x 2
225 x 5 x 2 shooting pain from my heel up to the outside of my knee on second set...so I stopped.
I am guessing someone has suggested this or you probably already tried this, but the occlusion bands that PoB had me buy helped when I had a very similar pain. I rolled my ankle bad one night(drinking was involved) and it made squatting a bitch for two weeks. I wrapped the occlusion band around the bottom of my leg from just above the ankle to about midway up the shin and it seemed to help a lot.
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