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Evolution do you believe in it?



Jan 29, 2011
I don't believe we evolved from monkeys. It seems that any time evidence of evolution from monkeys comes out, eventually its dis-proven. I think religion has a lot of flaws. i think I would call myself a Deist. I think life was started by a higher power.
This video killed Christianity for me. It made me a very an angry person for a while.

Zeitgeist (2007) - Part 1 - Religion - YouTube


Apr 20, 2011
Try believing in yourself!

I do like that video and it makes sense but Light and Dark is more then the Sun and Night it's also people and I don't mean skin color.

I always say I can't prove there is a God or Satan but I do believe in Man and Beast.

That video is something I wish I saw as a child as I do believe it explains a lot but a lot is left out and most likely because there is no answer to be found just daily life as proof.

One other thing I have stuck with my entire life and that is I can give a rats ass about 1000 years ago (Biblical) as I have to focus and worry about today and what is in front of me and in store for me in my life not the life of a 1000 year old.

I have said my entire life even if there is a God it's not perfect and boy does that piss people off but IMO a perfect God would = a perfect World and my World is more Hell then anything LOL but it helps me feel better about my mistakes thinking nothing and nobody is perfect not even a God.

I have always wondered about the myth of the Alien captured in Area 51 that is supposed to be the one that gave us all the modern technical knowledge and is why the USA became the most evolved in the technical World at one point.

All I know is I took acid when I was a kid and looked at the stars and blurted out to my friends, we ain't shit just a speak in the sky among many other specs and it has stuck with me. Now that video draws me back to the feeling I had that night.


I Look Good...
Sep 13, 2010
I made a thread about this called Aliens and Archangels. No I dont believe in evolution, the human body is so complex it had to be created by a superior being. We think we know alot about the human body, our best medical personnel only know like 5-10% of the human body, no machine on this planet runs like the body. Nor will it ever.


VIP Member
Feb 22, 2012
"We are spirits in the material world"


Senior Moderators
Staff Member
Dec 25, 2010
Tommy can I ask you a simple yet probably a pretty complex question that is more then likely unanswerable through religion? If 2 different extraterrestrial life forms came from 2 separate planets in the universe and came to earth at the same time both being friendly would Jesus have died for there sins? This is the biggest part of Christianity that makes really no sense to me.

Not sure how to answer this, but I'll try. According to classical Christian teaching, Jesus came into the world for one reason, to redeem the relationship that previously existed between God and man. Through sin of Adam and Eve, since God was perfect, God and man became separated. By Jesus' death, a blood sacrifice was paid to atone for man's sin, if in fact man wish to be re-united with God. We still have a choice, after all, love does not compel another man's actions.

So if aliens had sinned and needed redemption, I suppose then Jesus would have died for their sins as well... at least it makes sense to me.

If you use Einstiens Theory and that of todays physics the speed of light is 188,000 miles per hour. The nearest liveable star is 30 million light years away so traveling at the speed of light for 30 million years not possible I know. However if you throw what we now know altogether, now to travel at the speed of light for 2 weeks in a vessel (1 week into space and 1 week back) 30 years will have passed on earth. So using the same simple mathematics with no actual proof of E.T.'s it is just as feasible to say we were created by aliens and the reasoning behind it is in 1 year our time here on earth, traveling at the speed of light, 780 years will have passed on earth. So aliens can technically be 10 years old and 7800 years will have passed on earth. So there are 3 things we can look at here. there is a mysterious being called God who created an emmaculate conception and she gave birth to a boy that disappeared for 17 years and came back to society 1995 years ago and was crucified to "SAVE" mankind, or we are an experiment for aliens, Which they created a less intelligent life form to study or we just evolved. All are possibilities but which really sounds like a made up story the most. The story of God and Jesus sounds like a totally unbelievable story to me I guess because I try to see things for what they are and not what I am told they are. I really would like to hear your opinion on the question if Aliens came here would Jesus still be the bibles sin for Idolatry or would a lot of minds change do you think? Respectfully,Wake

Einstein's theory of special relativity doesn't work exactly like that, but I understand what you're saying. The best way to characterize special relativity in simple terms is that all of physics works exactly the same for all uniformly moving frames of reference. That's why you can stand in your yard and toss a ball up in the air, and the ball will follow Newton's laws of motion for that frame of reference (i.e., the earth rotating around the earth at a relatively uniform velocity). Then you can get in an airplane that is moving at 350mph, and stand in the aisle and toss the same ball in the air, and it'll also obey Newton's law of motion within that frame of reference (note that it must be a uniform frame of reference, so if the plane experiences turbulence things change a bit).

Now somebody on the earth watching the ball moving inside the plane does not see the ball obeying Newton's law of motion from HIS frame of reference on the earth... so what's changed? The answer to that is the basis of special relativity. It's not too noticeable at slow speeds (everything that we do), but it starts to make a bigger deal at high speeds, such as the flow of electrons within semiconductors such as computer chips.

The story of Jesus is not unbelievable, IMO, rather His actual claim to be the son of God is what is remarkable. Based on the standards historians use, Jesus certainly existed 2000 years ago, was born in Bethlehem to a carpenter and a young teenage girl named Mary. He traveled as an itinerant teacher throughout Palestine during the occupation of Palestine by the Romans, and He was crucified by the Romans to pacify the Jewish religious leaders in Jerusalem. That things are agreed on by historians, regardless of whether you are religious or not.

But what is controversial is what Jesus said. He claimed to be God. According to C.S. Lewis, that made Jesus one of three things: (1) a liar, (2) a lunatic, or (3) exactly what he claimed to be... incarnate God in human form. So we have a choice to make. Who is Jesus to you? We all get to make that decision with our own free will.


TID Board Of Directors
May 3, 2011
The story of Jesus is not unbelievable, IMO, rather His actual claim to be the son of God is what is remarkable. Based on the standards historians use, Jesus certainly existed 2000 years ago, was born in Bethlehem to a carpenter and a young teenage girl named Mary. He traveled as an itinerant teacher throughout Palestine during the occupation of Palestine by the Romans, and He was crucified by the Romans to pacify the Jewish religious leaders in Jerusalem. That things are agreed on by historians, regardless of whether you are religious or not.

But what is controversial is what Jesus said. He claimed to be God. According to C.S. Lewis, that made Jesus one of three things: (1) a liar, (2) a lunatic, or (3) exactly what he claimed to be... incarnate God in human form. So we have a choice to make. Who is Jesus to you? We all get to make that decision with our own free will.

Well said here TG2. There is more historical evidence that Jesus lived on this earth than any person who ever lived in time past. To dispute that is just plain ignorance. Like the quote from CSL, everyone has a choice on what they do with it.


Senior Member
May 12, 2012
The only thing that holds me back from being religious, aside from not believing in deities, is sometimes making choices rationally that are quite likely immoral by some book of law. It has the potential of creating inner conflict, regrets, and a sense of hypocrisy. There's something to be said about compromising one's faith, but at the other end, we all see the dangers of blind faith without understanding.

My word of the day is scrupulosity.

In scrupulosity, a person's obsessions focus on moral or religious fears, such as the fear of being an evil person or the fear of divine retribution for sin. Although it can affect nonreligious people, it is usually related to religious beliefs.

I'm not suggesting that this a common condition, perhaps only as an underlying or subconscious fear; however it could likely rear its' head in times of hardship, when internal questions come up about why bad things are happening and what it means about one's choices, beliefs, and spiritual consequences.


Apr 20, 2011
GOD = G.O.D. = Good Orderly Direction ?



Apr 20, 2011
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Apr 20, 2011

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Senior Member
Mar 1, 2011
Not sure how to answer this, but I'll try. According to classical Christian teaching, Jesus came into the world for one reason, to redeem the relationship that previously existed between God and man. Through sin of Adam and Eve, since God was perfect, God and man became separated. By Jesus' death, a blood sacrifice was paid to atone for man's sin, if in fact man wish to be re-united with God. We still have a choice, after all, love does not compel another man's actions.

So if aliens had sinned and needed redemption, I suppose then Jesus would have died for their sins as well... at least it makes sense to me.

Einstein's theory of special relativity doesn't work exactly like that, but I understand what you're saying. The best way to characterize special relativity in simple terms is that all of physics works exactly the same for all uniformly moving frames of reference. That's why you can stand in your yard and toss a ball up in the air, and the ball will follow Newton's laws of motion for that frame of reference (i.e., the earth rotating around the earth at a relatively uniform velocity). Then you can get in an airplane that is moving at 350mph, and stand in the aisle and toss the same ball in the air, and it'll also obey Newton's law of motion within that frame of reference (note that it must be a uniform frame of reference, so if the plane experiences turbulence things change a bit).

Now somebody on the earth watching the ball moving inside the plane does not see the ball obeying Newton's law of motion from HIS frame of reference on the earth... so what's changed? The answer to that is the basis of special relativity. It's not too noticeable at slow speeds (everything that we do), but it starts to make a bigger deal at high speeds, such as the flow of electrons within semiconductors such as computer chips.

The story of Jesus is not unbelievable, IMO, rather His actual claim to be the son of God is what is remarkable. Based on the standards historians use, Jesus certainly existed 2000 years ago, was born in Bethlehem to a carpenter and a young teenage girl named Mary. He traveled as an itinerant teacher throughout Palestine during the occupation of Palestine by the Romans, and He was crucified by the Romans to pacify the Jewish religious leaders in Jerusalem. That things are agreed on by historians, regardless of whether you are religious or not.

But what is controversial is what Jesus said. He claimed to be God. According to C.S. Lewis, that made Jesus one of three things: (1) a liar, (2) a lunatic, or (3) exactly what he claimed to be... incarnate God in human form. So we have a choice to make. Who is Jesus to you? We all get to make that decision with our own free will.

Yes in comes anti-inertia and anti-matter reactors. An object by newtons laws traveling at lets for example say 5000 mph and coming to a dead stop and making a perfect 90 degree turn would shred it and everything to pieces. Now with anit-inertia/anti-gravity an object in motion would not change shape with the same force pushing back. As for anti-matter it is physics at it best to figure out how to capture anit-matter. Since the 50's they have manage to obtain and store .000001 of a gram of anti-matter. It being so powerful that a 1/4 of a gram can power everything on earth for the next 50 million years. Would this ever come to be probably not because oil companies that pay for campaigns would be non-existent then.

Now as for Jesus, I believe he existed without a doubt but I can't aside to popular belief believe in him being God or the son of or anything else but a man. They say illusionists use 31%-35% of there brain where as the normal person uses 7%-9%. the reason I say this is because if Chris Angel came out and said he is the Messiah and God sent him here and he used a bunch of illusions which the average mind can not wrap itself around to gain followers, Followers he would get but he would also get every tried and true Christian saying he is the devil playing a trick. That is were religion is not believable to me. I think if ET existence was 100% true and confirmed and they have watched us evolve over 1000's of years and told us this is how we came to exist as a people and it would be so simple that we would look stupid for never questioning it and overlooking such a simple explanation regardless of how complex we are. Respectfully,Wake
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